So why did it look like Ant-Man was moving in slow motion when he's giant sized?

So why did it look like Ant-Man was moving in slow motion when he's giant sized?



Because everything else looks like it's moving in slow motion when he's tiny sized.
Or don't you remember the "bullets exploding the building for ants" scene?

Big things move slower because it takes longer for the electrical impulses from the brain to reach the muscle.

Also, large things appear to move slower, because that's how our perception works, basically. Something huge moving at great speed will still appear slow.

His mind is still moving normally. His body is still traveling at the same speed as normal, and there's a lot more of it to move and co-ordinate, especially when you aren't trying to crush the little bug sized people around you, and you're trying not to have a heart attack and keel over dead from speedballing Pym Particles. Also if he was quick when he grew big the fight would be over in seconds.

More air resistance.

The further something is away from you, the slower it appears to move. This is why planes don't look as though they are going particularly fast when you see them from the ground even though they clearly are.

Also, that's how insects perceive us moving. which is why, along with their near 360 degree vision, flies are able to dodge being hit when you swat at them.

Plus it would look fucking weird if he moved at normal speed

I've always hated this trope.
Just because he's bigger doesn't mean he'd move any slower than he does at normal size. By that logic he should be super fast at Ant-Size.

True. This is why people get hit by trains even when they can see them coming. It seems like it's moving much slower than it really is.

But science literally disagrees with you friend. Physics

He IS faster when he's ant sized. He perceives things slower, he moves quicker.

speed force

It looks better that way.

Everyone pretty much covered it, but I will say the slow movement is a good handicap for the giant man form. Keeps him from being OP

He's moving at regular speed

You just see him move slower

Small animals see humans in slow motion and insects see you in matrix vision. Small children also think adults move slowly.

He's actually moving regular speed.

Your brain just has to register more pixels for s larger image. So it looks like its running at a lower frame per second than a normal image.

Post more images of Giant-Man that cater to my giant man fetish.

he IS super fast at ant size, also in giant mode impulses have a lot farther to travel from his brain to his muscles and back, so his reaction time would be slower, and his actual body would be massive as fuck so it would actually take a lot more energy and effort to move. Basically he should be slower in every way while giant and faster while tiny. Pus, on top of that,

Pym particles

And he wasn't even moving that slow considering he was able to tag Rhodey, Black Panther and Spider-Man; all people who were very clearly moving at great speed.

well yeah, consider that it would take him a lot longer to complete one punch than a normal sized man, but that one punch is covering a fuckton more distance, so in absolute speed his fist might not even be moving slower.