Why do all American roads look like this?

Why do all American roads look like this?

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Jesus Christ.

Here's a friendly bump for your fantastic thread.

Truly yours,

how do they repair asphalt in Australia?

They repave and reseal the entire road.

Are you complaining? I pray everyday for have roads like that.

That's bullshit and you know it

That's incredibly expensive and wasteful to do if there's just a few cracks in the road.

Asphalt is used so that you don't have to repave the entire thing. If cracks or holes form you just plug them up.

heres what we do in sweden

Dunno about Straya, but in western Europe they usually repave the whole road as well. You won't see a street with patches in Holland or Sweden. Only Eastern Europeans do so because we're poor and that's why our roads are a laughing stock. I'm surprised that the same happens in the US.

Good shit.

lmao we really do.

Even we that are bottom 2nd world do it lol

If you're going to lie at least make it believable

So? It's almost the entire lane, not just a bunch of small patches like in the US

a pothole will get filled in maybe once or twice before they redo the entire road, if a road has more than 1 or 2 potholes it also gets redone
this is out in the boonies as well where we don't even have road gutters yet

It's amazing how the USA sometimes looks like a first world country and sometimes like a third world country.

Same, i live on a farm in a rural area and my road gets repaved at least 1-2 times a year.

because if we repave the entire road it'll look exactly the same in 5 years

>only repaves a road once in 5 years

>wasting money on shit you don't need to
County governments are broke enough as it is

At least taxes in the US are low.

>wasting money on shit you don't need to
this is why your infrastructure is starting to get a reputation

don't really give a shit about what you think of our infrastructure desu

the federal government still sucks up everything they can

Cuz we need mo money fo dem programs
Fuck crackas an dey roades

desu it's common here too, at least on very low importance roads
if you repave you will have to close the traffic and create lot of problems, so while they wait for the right moment they just put a patch on it

>don't really give a shit about what you think of our infrastructure desu
the amerimutt raises his ugly head once again

Income tax in Germany: 19-45%
Income tax in Nevada: 0%

Sales tax (VAT) in Germany: 19%
Sales tax in Oregon: 0%

Church tax in Germany: 8%
Church tax in California: what the fuck are you talking about, man?

>hurr American roads are so shitty

It's the same here, can't afford to repave it when the same cracks appear after every winter

>Roll back net neutrality, fuck infrastructure, elect trump
USA #1

they have church taxes in Europe? Why?

you don't know anything about the situation here so why should anyone care about your judgement

What Americans can do best is consume and destory, not maintain and repair

>they have church taxes in Europe? Why?

Medieval towns, medieval mentality.

Australia doesn't have real winter

ours are treated like non-profits afaik


In Germany you have to pay an obligatory tax if you belong to the church.

It's not.

Also, in Germany all shopping centres and pretty much everything except for churches and pubs is closed on Sunday.

In Finland it pays the "free" burial service.
Everyone gets it for free, even if you don't belong to the church and therefore don't pay the taxes.

You just compared filling a pothole with redoing hundreds of meters of an entire lane. Why are Americans so fucking intellectually dishonest?

And yet Germany is more successful than Poland

>steal Jewish golden teeth
>lol we're richer than you now

>don't really give a shit about what you think of our infrastructure desu
No, but your engineers do.
Honestly, you have no fucking reason to be this arrogant. Either your fat fucking fucking head in or go back to Sup Forums.

muh nukes, muh carrier groups

>you don't know anything about the situation here

this looks so much better than our roads. We have some bombardment shit going on

you have to notify the government if you go to a church?

I guess that makes some sense but why is the tax so high

Germany wasn't under communist rule for over half a century

>notify the government if you go to a church?

I guess the church does it.

>be a certain country
>get thrown around like a hot potato between different european superpowers since the dark ages
>''why haven't they developed''

let me tell you what your country's engineer care about

>but your engineers do
I'm sure our engineers are really concerned about what some Aussie shitposter on a Mongolian yurt construction site is saying about American infrastructure

And it says nothing about why the third world areas of our country can't afford to repave every road in the state twice a year. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about

Actually priests get salaries and pensions from these taxes.

> He's still mad about ww2
Grow up

It's bad because the government is involved. They should privatize and let the free market take care of it.

I'm not sure if the government does anything for them other than tax credits but I think our pastors and priests are paid by the larger organization of churches they belong to.

me on the left

I'm not mad, it wasn't my teeth after all. Just without WW2 and communism as it's direct aftermath, Poland would be rich.

You need to think about how long European roads are compared to our own. How spread out are their roads? Nothing like ours.

>Why do all American roads look like this?
Like what? Good?

Yes, it's amazing that an underpopulated country with a widely-distributed population would skimp on roads outside of major cities.

Countries with rough winters crack much faster, water seeps in and turns to ice which causes cracks.

This is the ideal living standard. You might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

Holy shit. You guys carry around more than one spare?

the rural roads in Ontario were pretty bad when I visited, I'd imagine that the prairie provinces are that much worse
