What does Half In the Bag even mean?

What does Half In the Bag even mean?
Like what does the title refer to?

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I literally was watching something where they explained it, a film or something.

You are half in the bag, or half drunk basically, I think it's an irish term, you are such an alcoholic that you finished half of your beverage in the bag you received when you purchased it.

REDdit Letter Media

Irish here. Its not an Irish term. Not one that is used nowadays and if it was it was probably made up by an "Irish" yank.

It means three sheets to the wind.

What does red letter media mean?

Isn't cause they are tipsy/drunk when they film?

Are you a small child or something?

>Buy a 5th of vodka
>Drink it all
>Puke up half of it in the bag I bought it in

yeah I am daddy you wanna FUCK my little kid ass cherryy :3

>half in the bag

>intoxicated. Jerry was half in the bag when we found him. They were all half in the bag by midnight.

where's the covenant review

google: "half in the bag meaning" and you will get your fucking answer, cunt.



You must be new to RLM. It's very rare that they have a review out until after opening weekend.

I'm europoor, didn't realize it came out later in burgerland

The opening clip should be a clue

Wow RLMfags really are stupid.


What does three sheets to the wind mean?

Seriously, did OP accidentally typed in his Google search on Sup Forums instead?

look maybe I just didn't want to google it alright this is more fun
chill senpai

Its an old recording term used to describe the middle point of a shoot, the old cameras excess film would fill up the 'bag' (basically a giant bin used to collect the used tape) when ejected from the camera. This would normally show a lengthy amount of time has passed. People would say this is 'Half in the bag' after a large amount of tape has been collected.

Google Red Letter Day

Ah, thank you.


How do I trick Mike into letting me suck his dick?

Dress up as Rich Evans.

I thought "Half in the Bag" was referring to popcorn. Like you're halfway through the popcorn bag. Then I realized it was an expression for being drunk

get out of here jay

I thought it was a play on "its in the bag"

Jesus Christ, it's embarrassing how fucking stupid you fags are.

that's right Jay, we truly are Half in the Bag


>not knowing an obscure idiom makes you stupid and a "fag"
big boy on campus over here

>he actually fell for it

>thinking the term "half in the bag" is obscure

>w-we were only pretending to be retarded!



Speak of the devil.