Europe Sexual performance


this is probably true

I have never had a girlfriend

> 7% master race


honestly this is sad

Finns being dumb whores again.


cheating is retarded tb.h


It's just fucked up there's a whole world of infinite, constant sex and orgies out there while we sit here not being able to touch a girl in years.

Everyone's fucking and lot too, the world is a big sex crazed house and we're the only ones who are out of it.


What the fuck is happening in Finland?

I don't want to fall in love with a slattern. If a woman wants me, anyone with more flirting experience than me, i.e. anyone, can get her. Which makes her a slut by definition. If she doesn't want me, it's pointless to pursue her. It's hypocritical to criticise sluts for sleeping with everyone, yet once they sleep with you, you start to appreciate them.

Before i didnt care about getting i gf. Now im beginning to care, but i have no interest in a normie girl. Who should i go after?

Is it weird to be khhv at age 19?

Honesty. Do you really think the number would be any different in any other EU-country? Statistic studies about moral behaviour done with questionaries aren't really that reliable.

Cmon dude.... I'm 21 and khhv

Let's be honest : you are the only one keeping you out of it.

how so?

I like hiding my eyes by smirking because I fear everything I say will be misunderstood by others, that I will accidentally insult them, like in Manchester and the co-worker last month. I can't speak because I don't trust anything what comes out.