Funny how this is more accurate now than when it was made
Funny how this is more accurate now than when it was made
Other urls found in this thread:
baneposting is one of the things that brought countless newfags here though. Sup Forums went to shit around 13 and 14 which is when banepostig officially took off
>do I fit in yet, did I do good?
>Redditor false-flagging
Nice try, you have to go back.
Her was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Just a bad indie fluff piece, it even has the rubbish piano music that you would expect. The idea of sentient OS is stupid, I certain that some perverts would get off on being watched as they binge-watch sitcoms while eating ice-cream & masturbate to disturbing pornography or aimlessly browse the internet but I doubt most people would be interested. Clippy was already a terrible idea, imagine him everywhere & perpetually in your face. Most of it is just clichéd rubbish meant to tug your heartstrings, ending is pointless and stupid. The script ignores embodied cognition, I doubt the possibility of any real AI developing if it is perpetually stuck inside a tiny box with a fixed camera. The ending is stupid & adds nothing. Close to ½ stars.
>avatar was good
>one guy with a pedo spambot is Sup Forums culture
The amount of redditors on Sup Forums today is insane. I don't think this board is salvageable
Takes one to know one
Join us in the Twin Peaks™ General for the revival that was 100% natural
Or you could just use the handy chart in the OP
most of the racists on this board came from r/TheDonald
>defending avatar
>defending Sup Forums
>having a negative opinion of Sup Forums
>makes you reddit
Why don't you fuck off r/the_donald? You aren't fooling anyone.
This pic is ironic nowadays considering the insane amount of redditors Sup Forums brought to this place
Do you realize that Sup Forumssters are anti-pedo? This contradicts itself.
Sup Forums loved TDK, chart dismissed
Except Sup Forums hates BriBri now
Avatar is Sup Forumscore, Sup Forumsedditor
No surprise again that Sup Forums crossies here for capeshit and game of thrones are against old Sup Forums
its a terrible film unless you watch it ironically
>negative opinion of qts
Newvfag outs himself
>Sup Forums flooding Sup Forums with race bait and unrelated topics is a good thing
>edgy 2008-Sup Forums racism is Sup Forums culture
I hate neo-Sup Forums, fucking reddit spillover thinks the whole site is Sup Forums
Doesn't Sup Forums love bvs(capeshit) and consider it to be one of the best films of 21st century though?
Abatard is gay and faggot. This is fact
I came from are a Donal in 2006 and haven't left yet. Us are Donals are based!!!
reported. Kys pedo scum, no one wants you here.
>posting on both Sup Forums and /vp/
the battle cry of the newfag
Sup Forums is literally filled with the brim with Reddit cross posters. "Gb 2 pleddit" said on pol just means "oh you're telling me to go back to r_thedon which I already have 10 tabs of open"
Why is calling out redditors (pol) considered Reddit?
>pedo scum
>classic redditfag thinking he speaks for everyone
>copying a Reddit tier mantra
>Sup Forumssters are anti-pedo
:breathes in:
This, open up a thread about loli being degenerate and you'll have a bunch of mad pol users shitting up your thread
It's a pretty good chart in general. Plus redditors are easily spotted by not understanding Sup Forums culture and then crying when called out for it.
Pre-election and pre-moot cuckolding phase Sup Forums was alright
Why are reddits so scared of old Sup Forums
I came from Reddit last month. AMA.
What's a Chad?
opinion on cunny?
What is cunny?
The guys who voted for Bush in Florida in 2000.
guardians of the galaxy or deadpool? which one is more epic for the win?
Guardians for now since there are two movies. Deadpool in the long run since it will change superhero movies forever.
hi redddit
Why do you guys come here when you hate us and our gurl Sup Forums so much?
Sup Forumsddit is literall.y reddit
good lordy she is smug
Kill all gingers
But that's objectively true. Only nu-males and minorities hate Sup Forums. Coincidentally these people are generally found on Reddit.
Cunny is slang for vagina, how is it related to pedophilai?
>say nigger
>100 redditors crawl out of the woodwork to keep the thread on the front page circlejerking about racism being bad and reposting the same anti-pol images they've reposted hundreds of times in the archives
Niggers actually should be exterminated though.
banning phoneposting would be a step in the right direction
back to /pol
Everything is correct except the part where Avatar isn't shit.
What's the problem then since redders made it possible for you to make this exact post on Sup Forums today?
>calling pedos pedos is reddit
t. pedo
T. Nigger
How does it feel to know the only white womenz u get need to be paid large sums of money?
because cunny, waifu & actual film discussions
reddit is literally the_donald. The rest of the site is okay. Problem is that Sup Forums has been infiltrated by the trump supporters, not the other redditors.
Keep crying white boi
you have to go back
The biggest problem is the niggers and kikes still breathing. Kill the kikes and the niggers will follow without the shepherding by their masters.
>The rest of the site is okay
Your race is being outbred by us. You can keep crying about it on Sup Forums but there's no changing this fact. The white race's power in the world is ending. Personally, I welcome it. You've done nothing but steal from Africa and other countries. Fuck off pol
You forgot
>Talks about capeshit
Sam please
Importing the good redditors is the only way we can stop the racist trumptards
Deport ALL redditors
You really don't belong here
Does this nigger know where he is??
like clockwork, the_donald is back to defend daddy. why don't you go to pol instead
>Sup Forums r/thedonald 2.0 newfag cancer magnet calling anyone reddit
>reddit is totally fine its just 1 subreddit that everyone on Sup Forums hates!
Sup Forums as a whole is.
AND these whitebois think they stand a chance against the black man when they're outsized, outclassed, outFUCKED by the BBC
Unlike you, I don't frequent reddit
>not wanting reddit here means you love their subreddit and pol
But doesn't Sup Forums's favorite critic admins white love bvs though
it's still capeshit
dont care where you go. Just leave this board you cringey nigger child.
This desu
I can see through you the_donald posters, and so can the rest of my Sup Forumsros. You are reddit. There's a board for you. It's called Sup Forumsddit
Capeshit is reddit
nigger I say nigger on /tv every goddamn day and never once hear shit about it
persecution complex faggot you should be chemically castrated for the benefit of the white race.
I realize from Sup Forumsros u r a troll. I shouldve known because that was an excellent post to get some (you)s
>reddit is bad even though they're the reason why I'm here
What exactly did the anti Sup Forums posters who started using Sup Forums after 2013 mean by this?
The Sup Forums then side just speaks to how shitty this board has become though
>its a 'reddit doesn't know that Sup Forums has said nigger long before they arrived here' episode