I used to be a big Trump supporter I even bought the hat (3rd party since we cant order here)

But since his ridiculous talks about extorting the Baltic NATO countries for money im definitely against him. Not all countries are rich like America we can't afford to give more than the % we already give, which is one of the highest % in all of NATO (recommended is 2%)

Trump is showing he has no idea how geopolitics work and is a very dangerous idiot. He is giving the Russians insentive to invade us. Fuck Trump Fuck NATO and Fuck America

wtf we're literally getting extorted, fuck the traitors back stabbers that betray their closest allies

Estonia is rightfully Russian clay. Trump knows this.

Sry, no more free rides. We've paid for the rest of the world with our tax dollars for too long.

Eesti my son it is time for you to leave Nato and join the fatherland


well if it's cheaper to defend yourself; go and fucking do it

If you're country is so weak that it can't defend its sovereignty, maybe you should pay up.

>drinking the American koolaid
Oh my God the big bad ebil rooshka is going to invade! Kill yourself faggot

The weak should fear the strong.


>Literally the dindu welfare kangz of Europe
Either learn karate, pay up or become a part of Russia. Your choice.

Since the Baltic states already pay their 2% they're safe. It's Germany and France that should be worried

Baltics will be no matter of what a totally devastated war-zone in case of war (West vs East). Nato-Presence or not.

What are you bitching about? Estonia is one of the countries that pays as per the NATO requirement, He wasn't speaking about you

russians should be gassed

Fuck off. I hope Russia invades you, stupid Baltnigger. You faggots are a drain on the EU.

Trump said 4 or 5 countries in NATO are paying their fair share.

if you are paying your fair share then hes not talking about you

citation needed

>their closest allies
lel. you mean biggest ass kissers?

I told you Trump was a conniving, two faced, lying son of a bitch ...



I hope Russia does invade you, you pieces of shit.

Your being silly. Post pics of pretty Estoniaians.


NATO is not going to dissolve because trump says he doesn't like NATO he just said that he wants the rest of you guys to actually pay your dues in staid of the US always picking up the tab

>America spends billions on defense for NATO, subsidizing costs for European countries

Europeans: Haha stupid Americans and their out of control military budget why can't they be progressive like us?

>America suggests reducing military spending and shrinking the NATO contribution


We just can't win, can we?

Good thing you don't get to vote in American Presidential elections then, faggot.

all the le usa and nato will defend us so we can give the army budget to sand coons -cucks BTFO finally. estonia just exit from eu and putin will be happy probably. why the fuck did you join it anyway? to get back at russia? i hate it how finland joined it in 1995 only to show russia how we be western n shit nigga

>Gibs me free stuff

We pay more than


look, I need to break this to you: your NATO membership is an elaborate bluff. should russia move into your country, no german mother would send her son to save you. german soldiers would only get mobilized if russia crosses the polish border as that would threaten a wider invasion of europe.

you're beyond salvage and NATO membership is kinda a cruel joke on you. I am sorry but our leaders are incompetent retards, you should have realized that by now.

paying more than you too Ann Frank

He only has a problem with those entitled douche bag countries that dont pay there fair share.

You have a beautiful country by the way, I hope to visit there at least once in my life.

Finland please go only NATO counties allowed

Estonia belongs to Russia, my snownegro friend.

Your impotent tears fuel me.

exactly. still applies though.

>NATO is not going to dissolve because trump says he doesn't like NATO

he literally talked about dissolving Nato

get your shit together America

>under the greatest threat from Russia
>expects to pay the same percentage for defense as Portugal

You know what America did when we were under threat from the USSR during the Cold War?

We fucking increased defense spending. It was expensive. Deal with it. NATO doesn't mean the US will be your military for you and you can just lay back and relax. If you don't like it, learn Russian and embrace authoritarianism.

1. We don't care about your country

2. Can't put a price on freedom :^)

I wish I could say fuck the west cucks and form our own NATO but I can't. We're #Putinmissile now

He is trying to scare countries like Germany so they pay up.

about time too.

I see it very unlikely that Russia would invade baltic countries or Finland.

KYS Maorishit

>form our own NATO

With blackjack and hookers?

That's right Turkey also contributes to NATO

its the freeloading nigger countries like



that drain NATO

and ? You think that gives you power over us ? I hope Putin invades this baltnigger shithole

>he talks about countries that don't spend at least 2% of GDP
>Estonia spends 2% of GDP on military

he's not even talking about Estonia

Because you leech of our money (that goes to the EU)


stupid greedy Jew, fuck JEWRMANY pay your fair share so Trump doesn't fuck over the hard working NATO countries that actually pay their FAIR SHARE

(((JEWrmany))) the niggers of Europe

it seems like alot when your countries gdp is literally nothing rofl

>I don't like Trump because if he's elected Estonia can't mooch off U.S. defense anymore.

pay your fair share you piece of shit

You guys got the short end of the stick but you've survived this long. Russia should treat you ok.

I can't believe Germany of all countries was underpaying this whole time. You fucking krautniggers

Eurape wouldn't have been able to build its comfortable welfare-states, currently attracting foreign barbarians like flies to shit, without the US paying almost the entirety of the cost of defending Europe from Russia.

The good times are over if Trump wins. Imagine what happens when a continent full of grasping subhuman foreign barbarians can't afford to pay these creatures to keep quiet.

Fuck NATO, we will get EU army anyway

Bong here. It should be fucking higher than 2%, and we should throw out the useless deadweight that wont pay while we're at it. I don't want to get conscripted for WW3 over fucking Estonia.

i won't deny it. which is why i welcome trump forcing us to pay up. still nobody will die to save you. sorry.

Not to defend some piece of trash country. Hope russia anex you guys

Better yet, tell your fellow NATO members to start carrying their own load to bolster the alliance. Again, NATO =/= "America saves our ass for us and we do jack shit". Want more money for defense? Talk to Israel who takes all of it. Want more troops? Talk to your fellow members in the Nordic Battlegroup.

But its you and your NATO globalist shills that made our country the way it is now . You wanted and want this

This. Estonia is known to pay its fair share, so most likely Trump has not a problem with Estonia.

chill the fuck out noone is gonna invade you ffs. Estonia, Lithuania, Lotva and Poland ARE FUCKING SAFE FROM RUSSIAN INVASION.
Because Putin is not an idiot. Invading any of these countries would be Russia's last war. Sanctions would kill them alone.

Take one for the team you useless cunts, nobody gives a shit about those three countries. Maybe pol thinks you're based but in reality, Eastern Europe can burn and no euros would bat an eye. No Hillary and a Russian invasion?

Would else could I ask for?

you know that our neighboring countries were quite HAPPY that we were under-militarized all those recent decades, right? if the sentiment among our neighbors changes, we can arm up, sure, no problem.

>but don't come complaining if you get more than you wished for. your words will be on record.

>Invading any of these countries would be Russia's last war. Sanctions would kill them alone.

ah, the almighty sanctions. kek.

Just because Estonia is "paying its fair share" does not make it a net asset to the alliance.

We should just drop EU/NATO and go back to an alliance between the 6 original EU countries (West-EU) with our own army etc.

You do realize that if the Russians truly wanted to invade you in the near future, the US and NATO will not lift a single finger to offer you help? Your country will be overrun with green soldiers by the time the NATO reaction force will be ready and up to intervene (they have to get consensus from all the countries involved in NATO and im betting my ass that there will be at least one nation or two that will veto the intervention because muh gas or muh peace).

You just have to see the reality as it is. Start allocating at least 2% of your PIB to the military, reinstate compulsory drafting, form militias or paramilitary groups and hope for the best a war doesnt start in the near future.

And im not talking only about the baltics here. There was a study two years ago in Romania that showed us that the Russians can take our country in 24 hours or so, if a mass scale invasion would happen. And im not bragging or anything, hell our military is top shit filled with generals that never served a single day on the front, but if a regional force such as ourselves will fall that easily, then think about the rest of europe.

>muh russian invasion
hey grandpa, this isn't the 1980s anymore

You know what this is? It's NATO telling you to get fucked when Russia comes knocking. I hope they do soon enough, baltic states are nothing but a drain on EU anyway.

Are we supposed to be afraid of Germany? you get your asses kicked every time you start shit in Europe. Not to mention the fact that all the fighting aged men in your country are limp wristed homosexuals

> extorting the Baltic NATO countries for money

>Closest allies

That's not how you spell freebie grabbing gibmedat begger.

Most NATO countries blatantly leech off from US with minimal real contributions. Only a fool would think that it could last forever.


>betting on military alliances, EVER

Not too many examples of working military alliances in history.


>what happened in ukraine

wew led

do you really think the nato can safe estonia, then russia invades you? the truth is, they can't. the only thing you can do is pray that never a war will break out.

Europe can't freeload on America forever. the European countries who don't respect the terms of the nato treaty should fuck off really

>amari air base
>not an asset

they're bitter because that means they wont have all that money for their socialism


You either start allocating the minimum of 2% of your pib yearly or you get the fuck out and then you can complain.

Funny thing is, I'd rather die defending this "baltnigger shithole" than the German Sultunate

It wasn't an invasion, it was a civil war.

You little guys are so annoying with your constant whining I wish we would actually invade you just to make you finally shut your stupid traps. How can countries this tiny be so fucking irritating? Just keep quiet and nobody will even remember that you exist.

Original EU = Belgium - France - Italy - Germany - Netherlands - Luxembourg.. (Kick out the rest) and we have enough money left to make world strongest military.

>Check net payers for EU

If you don't wanna pay for NATO then get the fuck out.

Really tired of Germany's freeloading satelite states enjoying our protection while stabbing us in the back every time Schauble gets his period.


But Estonia we pay our 2%?

We are 20 trillion in debt do you really think Americans should care less about our children and grandchildren than some people over in a little country that we can't even find on a map? Do you really think the US would launch nukes at Russia if their tanks rolled in tomorrow?

Trump is right; the US cannot afford to be the world's police force and if we try to continue to be, we will just end up in WW3 against a Russia/China alliance. Time to try something different what are you bringing to the table Estonia?

>Trump, who wants to build a wall to Mexico, will give up the wall around Russia.

>tfw yurope willingly becomes vassals and then cries when they have to act as such


wtf i love hillary now

Fuck you paid shill.
NATO already said they CAN'T defend Baltics.

wtf im now #nutsforNATO

I'm surprised that we can actually keep up with NATO regulations desu.

Estonia is rightful Russian clay.

Better baltnigger than sandnigger

if you want a service, you have to pay.
Trump actually should charge the market price, the actual costs, the time of free rides is over.

It's old news, Lithuania will be spending 2% as of 2017.
