Why does America get shit for losing to Vietnamese peasant farmers but France doesn't?

Why does America get shit for losing to Vietnamese peasant farmers but France doesn't?

they are basically the most stronk people in Asia military and historical wise.

um sweetie we didn't lose it was a tactical retreat xx

Because the french where a bunch of peasant farmers themselves.

they are a more effective killing machine than amerisharts, france killed a lot more vietnamese

Everyone already had low expectations for the French after WWII

Nobody care about that war, and nobody here would pretend we didn't lose

Mutts lost not france

Then by those rules "me too"

Because the Vietnam war had a huge politio-cultural impact on the US and not France?

Doesn't even make sense

Technically so did the US


France isn't a global superpower with obnoxious citizens constantly worshipping their military


the virgin tactical retreat vs the chad suppression

>obnoxious citizens
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

Go back to Sup Forums nobody cares about your shitty wars

150k Frenchs managed to re-conquer the 3/4 of Indochina while 1 million Americans couldn't handle southern vietnam
really makes me think

we already take a lot of shit for WW2

almost all foreign legion soldiers serving in the indochina war were battle hardened ex-waffen ss and wermacht,they fought like lions in incompetent rule,unlike american conscripts

Vietnamese people hard as fuck