I've been watching old episodes and Brian Redban is so fucking autistic...

I've been watching old episodes and Brian Redban is so fucking autistic. He keeps making retarded noises and just looking weird. Is this why Joe Rogan replaced him with that Young Jamie guy? It's weird because they have the exact same voice.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yep. There are some episodes where Rogan started to have serious guests who talk about serious shit and redban would intervene with thoughtful questions regarding assholes or smells.

I prefer the current setup desu
It should be Joe and the guest(s), not "that other fucking guy who- wait why is he even here again"

Naah he was the best part.


the worst part about the Redban podcasts is that he never adjusts volume until midway thru, so the first thing you hear is a stupid loud shreiking chimp laugh that destroys your headphones

Redban is autistic but jaime is kind of a faggot so it's a wash really

Yea he's a bit retarded but I never minded him. He's funny in his own way



this guy is underrated

>that moment where redban is looking at bill burr's twitter on air and realizes bill blocked him

I laughed so hard.

Redban fried his brain by doing hard drugs when he was 12, Joe brought it up on the show many times

but yes Joe was looking for a nice way to get him off the show for years by giving him his own shitty podcasts, there were some interviews where he really embarrassed himself

"yeah I had this joke about Bob Hope dying, and it was sad cuz he died and then then everyone was making 'aww' sounds, and then I said, yeah I heard they flew out his body to entertain all the dead troops. And everyone started hissing."


lol really? what did redban say when he found out?

Holy shit what a savage

I'm trying to find the clip. Burr and Rogan are having a conversation about something unrelated, and Redban is just randomly looking at Burr's twitter. He's completely silent after he realizes it and just moves his mouse in a circular motion over the "You have been blocked by this user" notification. Must've been humiliating knowing that thousands of people saw that live.

Then sent this out many months (or maybe even a year later)


holy shit that's hilarious. but bill is a faggot. all the middle aged comics that did O&A are such sensitive nancies with twitter and constantly bitch about blocking "haters". who knew they were all such thin skinned homos

>he still listens to joe rogan

What do you mean still? We are currently experience peak JRE. Just skip the mma and comedy episodes

He knew he was blocked beforehand and put it on the screen to show everyone and start shit because he's an even bigger bitch than Burr is.

>Steve Jobs didn't die from a virus Joe

Holy shit why is that so funny.

Bill didn't block Redban because Redban was a "hater".

Bill blocked him because Redban annoyed the shit out of Burr which is a pretty common thing as evidenced by this thread.

>Implying peak isn't during JRE's stint with the fleshlight ads.

>Implying hearing Joe talk about the same topics again and again is peak. I sure love hearing about Joe's back problems

I kinda miss Brian being on the show. He was a good sidekick for when they had comedic guests on.

>hating on Redban

Hello reeddit.


Anyone who doesn't understand the Redban hate should watch this. Bill and Joe are trying to have an adult conversation and he just starts pouting like a little bitch when he won't admit he's wrong

The guy must have an IQ in the 80s

He speaks and laughs like a slow teenager

Only a pretentious douchefuck like Joe would take issue with that.

lmao he is so unprofessional

Fleshlight days had low quality guests. Mostly Joe's friends.
The reason it's better than ever is because the guests are top tier and cover a wide range of topics. Joe isn't even that good at interviewing people, it's the guests who make the show.

If you're hearing the same stories over and over again then you're listening to the wrong episodes

Kinda feel bad for Redban. He basically started the LA podcast scene and only has Kill Tony now. Most of them either went solo or went to all things comedy (which isn't doing much better desu).

Aside from the Nerdist crew, Carolla, and Bill Burrs podcast

He didn't start it. He just happened to be there when it started.

fucking joey diaz is a legend

Jamie hardly ever talks unless Joe asks him to.

Jamie is /r9k/ personified. Its so painful when guests start subtly ripping on him for no reason, just let the kid do his job

Did you say Zyklon B?

joe is too slow and bluepilled to keep up with redban

joe sould have redban, its obvious he did all the tech work to get joe going, joe should get him on once in a while

>how do you say nigger in italian, jamie pull that up
joey diaz episodes are the best


Redban is such a sperg faggot.