Batman: Harley & Ivy Storytime

Let's just read this.










Doin' Gods work, user. Bump





They really forgot to color Harley's pants in the 2nd panel there










I really like the art in this one.


Okay..Okay. Harley was trying to cheat Ivy with something sweeter








Winick really nailed Harley/Ivy in this story




Oh Dini you glorious perv

















well that escalated quickly


Harley's got a point there, Dick






>That Batsface







I have to ask

Does anybody in here own the Harley & Ivy Deluxe TPB? How is it? Worth it?


Good stuff.

I have it.

It's pretty good.


Does it contain extra material like the Mad Love Deluxe or is a collection of stories?




Just stories.











Oh.. Darn, I would like to see some insight to this mini. At least some sketchs and whatnot



Is Ivy taking a full gang bang? How much of a slut she can be?




Hey, it was fo a dollar...Also tryin to get into Harley's nerves

