What went right?

What went right?

Every decision they made after season 2

>no cutaways
>cia setting allowed for crazy hijinx
>dad isn't as retarded as your usual animated sitcom
>libcuck daughter made fun of, not voice of reason
>roger is fairly original character

>Almost a month between 2 episodes

What's this Crap?

Show's in its death throes.



Seth Macfarlane didn't farm it out to a bunch of sub-par discount writers who rely on endless cutaways and pop culture references.

Agreed. All of her B-plot episodes where she's paired off with Roger are gold.

Somehow it got on the hive mind on here that its good even though its "le wacky alien in costumes, dude republicans, talking fish, and the same kinda songs they do in the musical episodes of family guy but are suddenly ok because they are sung by steve who most people on here identify with (weak, want to fuck their moms).

It has its moments though, Pic is how I feel most time I watch it

>tfw no Francine wife


Didn't this have a bunch of ex-futurama writers?

Being in the shadow of Family Guy allowed them to get away with a lot. Plus a consistent voice separate from McFarland.

Based Mike Barker was in charge of the show. It's no coincidence the show dipped in quality after he left

I'm ashamed to admit it but I masturbated multiple times to Francine and Haley

until season 9

Even then 7 and 8 weren't as high quality as 3-6

It did. But after it moved the writers were switched and I may get this wrong but the new writers were really inexperienced

Season 8 is great though, the hurricane episode is one of my favorites

Fug off fag, American Dad stayed consistently good all throughout fox. It wasn't until tbs that it started to dip

I stopped watching after it moved to TBS, but season 12 and 13 are pretty okay. I don't think it'll ever be as good as it was but it's not awful now

I said dipped. There was still some good eps. It overall is not as good
So you think season 1 and 2 are just as good as season 3 and 4? Afterall you said it was consistent?

What is with the recent influx of redditors who can't handle a well informed opinion because they base their identity on liking a show? get a grip man children.

Seth MacFarlane just does the voices.

overrating by manchildren

the sad part is I like it, but the fanbase embarrasses me to much to admit it.

Also I always forget it exists because the last good episode came out like 6 years ago.

The first tbs season was definitely a drop but I think it's getting better.

Season 1 is meh, season 2 is better; I agree that it gets good at season 3 I just disagree on where the dip is.
>What is with the recent influx of redditors who can't handle a well informed opinion because they base their identity on liking a show? get a grip man children.
>Well informed
Cmon user, you're calling people reddit, but posting on /super reddit/ like a pretentious faggot. Check yourself

kek. b2r

Genuinely had a golden age comparable to The Simpsons.

Low expectations coupled with high quality and a good use of the medium.

He's a producer - he has a say in all of the content.

Oh yeah then how come Hayley is not flawless and always right.

Because they changed direction?

Overrated show

The mom character isn't a nagging bitch and episodes centered around her usually end up good.

Also the show's politics are usually not one sided. With Hailey and Smith being opposites, it lets the writers show the pros and cons and also poke fun at both sides.

Thank God there are brave free-thinkers like you who can see beyond the hivemind.

>A producer actually caring enough to intercede
MacFarlane's more concerned trying to get his own vanity projects like The Orville off the ground.


GOAT episode