Other urls found in this thread:

>reject peaceful and hardworking people fleeing from war and persecution just because you are racist and "huuur muh islam"
>be surprised when they are forced to fight for the life

>being upside down poland

>Defending rapepoogees

also checkem

Lmao german bois sure are pussies. No wonder their women love bbc.

lmao fucking niggers





>fight for his life
They're not sent back into a warzone, they go to a refugee camp where they came from asshole..
>leftists unironically believe that rejected economic migrants and asylum seekers are dropped over raqqa or at the front in syria.
And to make your claim even more ridiculous..most of them aren't even from warzone areas.. simply economic migrants without papers masquerading as "refugees".

They're not fighting for their life they are displaying aggression of them being unable to get free stuff and call for sharia law here. Aggression that would otherwise have been rendered towards civilians at one point or another.

>not willing to fight until you're hundreds of miles away from war

yeah you are better

Polandball, the flag.

What, how did they get him down?
He just suddenly skinks down.

>they didnt just shoot him


The footage is grainy as fuck but looks like tazer/club to the back/neck or some kind of disabling punch/kick. But more than likely a tazer/club to the back of him.

wow those cops are defintiley ethnic germans

>these wimps are supposed to keep germany safe

Emptied a cup of water on his face probably. He just drowning on the floor.

women really are the most annoying shits

That's the one good thing about american cops, this dude would've been shot immediately.

No wonder Germany is so fucked.

The Nazi police would be bullying these faggot escuses for cops.

possibly but it looks more like his wife calmed him down, and he just gave up. The pussy officers were strewn all over the place and not really in a position to give him any rambo type treatment with a tazer.

How none of the cops just deck him good or smack the baton over his head is beyond me.

that shitskin put up a good fight tho.


Just shoot the rapefugee. Save the cost for the plane ticket.

Could be, i didn't know that was his wife, the video is shot on a fucking potatoe eventhough you see migrants running around with fucking smartphones, who the fuck uploads this in 240p anyways? So tired of the low quality videos where you're struggling to even see what's happening.

we are so powerful we destroy your entire genetic line within a decade without firing a single bullet.

Years ago when i still trained Wing Tsun ( switched over to MMA ) we often gave official training sessions to police officers. The Leader of the SED Dortmund trained normaled with us.

I can tell you that the common german police officer is in no way capable to handle a single attacker.

Oh shit meant SEK not the former eastern germany communist party

Now they can legitimize any remains thought to belong to Adolf Hitler.

They will be spinning continuously.


>acting as if it's difficult to take a gun and blow his head off..
It's illegal to use lethal force under such circumstances by german police.. Calm down asshole..

If the rules were different they could've just blown his fucking head off in the middle of the airport and they'd be cool in your book.

But those police officers needs to hit the gym though, that display was pathetic, they're too small to be law enforcement.

any guy wearing a white polo and one of those faggoty little handbags with straps is immediately disqualified from being a poor political asylum seeker in my book. you don't have to be rich to own those items, I just think fleeing a war would put a bit of a damper on your effort to become a jersey shore stud

Is it possible to make Germany great again?

Jesus Christ .
Is this real?
Are 2 police officers really so patheticly weak against one fat shitskin slob?
I hope they xommited suicide after emberassing hitler.
Btw I am slav


"fat shitskin slob"
that dude is literaly rambo. he looks rather fit, doesnt make the cops look less sad but that shitskin fought well.

Fuck off Bizarro Polan.

>beats 2 german police officers alone

lol, I always told you guys germans are weak pussies.

Says achmed in a post featuring a migrant being DEPORTED..

They tried to contain him so noone can go 'oogabooga he dindu nuffin'

wow! I just love seeing such diverse and ethical policing tactics. Thank god that poor refugee child wasn't injured!

What's up with the retarded logo at the bottom.
Is this supposed to be 'imakes you think' or some shit?

Yes, but it involves youth groups, paramilitary marches and broken glass

nothing is impossible i guess.

yes sadly true. i didn't watched the video til now.

>blabla achmed blabla migrant
i'm polish btw

Fuck off Cuck. Go back to Cuckshed.
I train and actively go on MMA fights.
Even if he was good fighter and even if these officers had regular training he shouldnt be supposed to throw them around like pathetic cucks .
One could come into clinch with him ehile other beats shot out of him. Not so hard but when your cuck government trains you to be like obidient dog and makes you fear using force ofcourse you get such pathetic undecisive faggots as officers.
Thats why I admire american pigs they are not affraid to use force and show lesson to someone being huge faggot

lol, he fights exactly like gypsies, jumping like a fucking monkey and throwing semi-flying martial art movie attacks...

a trained cop should know how to deal with these kind of incorrect and imbalanced stances, what the fuck....

Why don't you take some if you love them so much.

yeah. Thought so

Letting them do this at an airport and not get shredded to ribbons by machine gun fire?

What the fuck are you guys paying your government for?

im inclined to agree here to an extend. the officers in the video have no fighting posture as if they didnt know how to handle such a situation. which is rather pathetic.


They should have stomped on his head to crack his skull afterward to make sure it doesn't happen again.

>hardworking people
fuck off kike

>I can tell you that the common german police officer is in no way capable to handle a single attacker.

Nor are the average french cop. There really be some fitness requirements and better training. They should be made to take regular martial arts classes too.

Our cops only train at the shooting range 3 times a year using 18 bullets per session, that's just not enough.

At least we have this guy even though he didn't do shit really.

Wtf don't they have tasers or anything?

Europe is literally third world.



For future reference, gentlemen, a pitchfork will go through a bullet-proof vest, and molotov cocktails are very simple to make.

You probably figured it out, but that wasn't Poland. Red down is Poland... Red up is Indonesia ;-)

I don't know if that city's part of the world anymore, as such.

At least we keep our minorities in containment. :>)

>one brown guy beats 3 white guys
And Sup Forums still wonders why white women love the,.

I'm so happy a giant nigger stepped out of that car.

Monaco actualy !

Flag says monaco but yeah we hear you, if a polish user said stupid shit like that he would not have many friends.

What happens when every city becomes Detroit?

Tasers are for pussies, they only have guns. But they don't use them on anything that's not white, obviously. Orders from above.

I'm sure he will get a lot of women in the dessert he came from.



desu in europe they contain the minorities to the suburbs so they're not shitting up the inner cities like they do here in the US. Smarter really, keeping them out of sight and out of mind. I guess that's why most europeans have been able to ignore the problems for so long. There's no reason to go out into the immigrant areas as a white person so you can pretend like the problems don't exist.

They beat him up, what are you saying?
He's lying on the ground at the end

I don't know if it's just average airport security or standard police or what it is. So it's hard to see the details.. but these do not look the size of standard police. And if you think all german police are a generally a bunch of small wimpy pussies like the guy in the video that definately need to hit the gym.. i don't think you've met or seen that many of them.

>Not all muslims are terrorists. They're a peaceful people, and we should help when we can. We don't want to have to deny them asylum and have them turn violent.

No, thats a good thing.

The state has to fall. The West is beyond peaceful redemption. A violent uprising is now the final solution.

It will come within 10 years. Get ready.

He doesn't understand how sensitive this whole shit is.

more like all white police

>we must accept literally every "refugee" so this doesn't happen again


We don't have that problem in USA. Our cops would just shoot the guy.

Lol, that's fucking insane. Even Swedish LGBTQ cops in dresses would have beaten those punks senseless.


The low·lifes just remind you how based are burger cops.
>not even dead

fuck that is ten times more embarrassing then accidentally shooting some kid, your cops fucking suck

Watch this one to calm down..

They dont hurt him that much but his screams are great. Especially towards the end when the cop is just grabbing him and he spergs the fuck out because "muh masculinity" but he ends up almost crying.

The clip shows the man kicking and punching two officers who are incapable of subduing him at a Lufthansa check-in desk.
Other travelers in the background boo and heckle but fail to intervene.
The confrontation ends when the man suddenly drops to the floor. It is unclear whether he was tasered or whether he was just play-acting in order to portray himself as the victim.
The rest of the man’s family, including two Muslim women wearing hijabs then crowd around the police.
Some people claimed that the man was upset because security tried to check his wife’s veil, although there is no confirmation of this.
Frankfurt Police quickly responded to the video after it went viral in a Facebook post, urging people not to spread “anxiety” and “terror”.
The man, described as “English” by Frankfurt Police, became verbally aggressive and threatened airport staff, forcing federal police to intervene.
The Muslim man and the police officers involved in the fight were “slightly injured,” according to police.
The police post on Facebook urges people not to share the video and insists that the Muslim man has no terrorist background.

This is one of the main reasons why governments relentlessly pander to shitskins. They act out violently without a second thought. White people dont, white people are the bitches of government.

All it takes is a cartoon for shitskins to burn down cities and murder people meanwhile over a thousand white girls get raped and groomed by shitskins in Britain and good ol friendly white fellas hold a peaceful protest march, sign petitions and carry on paying there taxes.

Am I the only one that wants to see the rebirth of the rampaging white man?

Nah America and Aus definitely have strong cops. I've seen plenty of videos where officers the size of fridges were hurling people around.

Germany's problem is that the bar must be pretty damn low, police stationed at an airport are supposed to be some of the most skilled officers, especially if you're policing immigration during such times.

fucking shitskins

He fought them for like a Minute and totally owned them in a sensitive area at the air port full of people.
And only aftter he more or less beat the didgnity out of these two disgraces he gets down because soemone tazered him.

Hey guys do you see this?

This is what happens when your police don't have guns.

This is what happens when your police don't shoot niggers the moment they start attacking them.

This is what happens when you don't Mike Brown those fucking savages.

>seek asylum
>get rejected
>beat up cops
>Surely, this will increase my chances at being given a second chance

10/10 would use nigger logic.

Someone should have yelled worldstar in German

Didn't know white people (except Argentinians) were so weak. btw, i can assure your women are making this country blackier.

>most of them aren't even from warzone areas.. simply economic migrants without papers masquerading as "refugees".
[citation needed]

"Should i kick your ass" he says to police officer..
Down to the ground he goes..

muslim faggot..

Then he threatens the police officer two more times.. "when you get that vest off" and "i'll remember your face".. and then he gets hurt even more and pretends like he's a victim.. hahaha

These fucking shitskins.. unbelievable.

English you say?


Why are German security forces such fucking pussies?

Just proves you've never looked outside your leftist echochamber, the information is very easy to find..

it's been covered maany times.. the vast majority of these faggots are just economic migrants from all over the world most of them not from the actual conflict area either, that come without papers and then pretend to be refugees and hope to get their foot in the door before the authorities figure out that they're not from the actual conflict areas whatsoever but just want to go on welfare in western europe.

yeah, cops that compensate for their lack of physical capability with itchy trigger fingers is so based.

It's monaco you pieces of shit