

Is this how the average Trumpfag looks like?

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Reminder that this is an actual Trumpfag.

Saved. Beaners confirmed for manlets.

naw, he does have some autistic sideburns though.

My first thought I thought of was "damn, do lower pimps ride the subways?". He might be trying to larp hard as an Italian.

that womens arm gave me a boner

Looks like the average redditor pretending to be a trumpfag.

That's a Bernie supporter you fucking useless spic.

Mira abuelita I made the thread again!


It's clearly a false flag by the globalists trying to make a viral video. If your IQ is above 90 you would realise that immediately

No. But this is a part of them. Disenfranchised victims of democrat's hate. People they despise instead of reaching out to them, people who's concerns are not addressed, but who are ridiculed and attacked for even having them, driving them further away, and some end up so isolated and bitter that they publicly start to lash out this way. The democratic party is not a party for everyone, they are not helping everyone, they are dividing people up in good and bad groups just like a hardcore racist does.
Trump gives them a safe haven, a promise of a future for all Americans alike, where they won't be isolated anymore. That's true equality, not some liberal focus on exclusive groups that are getting unfairly privileged by democrats.

You're telling me that you made it through that video and you still believe it's a Trump supporter?

The white americans are right about you dumb mexican shits.

Doesn't this describe your average Mexican "man"?

>that flag

Ok, tell me why he's not a Trump supporter, you stupid shitposter?

>that bio

top kek, typical paranoid furry fag

Because he's obviously a faggot liberal pretending to be a conservative. This isn't even convincing on any level at all.

Because see, you're not seeing that he's a plant made to make Trump supporters seem offensive.

Or, maybe you're correct and you replied to someone ("pretending to be") stupid


This guy's name is Boss Hoss

King of the Manlets.

Show a little respect faggots.


>hurr durr muh false flags

Why are all Trumpfags so paranoid and delusional? No wonder the furry fuck is also a nutcase.


I'm legitimately not surprised

This is why I have no respect for conservitard trumpfags, never have and never will. That's how sad, dumb and pathetic they are

>He says he's a Trump supporter, why would he lie!

>Why are all Trumpfags so paranoid and delusional?

I don't know about all of them, but acting like a know-it-all like the Australian guy is just standard conduct in Sup Forums threads.

Why are all liberals so trusting and gullible?

That stomp at 0:27 was too cute for me.

The guy is a literal actor.

If I was there I would have said to the fucking manlet "SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN, REDDIT."

This is why Mexico is a failed state. It feels so good to watch spics panic and shriek in terror as their narrative collapses around them.

You really thought Hillary was going to win. You really thought it wasn't going to happen, and you spent MONTHS shilling here to try and convince yourself, and others, of the inevitable victory of the anti-white machine.

And now the tables are clearly turned. Hillary is trailing, experiencing negative bounce from the convention, and Trump is skyrocketing. Just as we said he would--just as you said he would not.

Game's over Spic. We won. We knocked all of your faggot teeth out, we have humiliated your inferior country ad we have humiliated the Left. This is only the beginning. Our victory will not be isolated, it will be one of many, each more gruesome and painful for you and other liars than the last.

>Correct the Record is so desperate that they attack random people who "support" Trump instead of actually attacking his political views


> be mexishit
> gets beheaded by cartel

Such is life in Mexico.


requesting the pic of the brony berniefag that got a bernie MLP plush toy

Prove that he's an actor, retards.


Which is pathetic as fuck.

Good job!

Kick those beaners out!

Sup Forums is pathetic.

You shall discover this.

Nope, this is what faked bullshit looks like.

Prove that OP isn't a faggot, retard.

>ITT a bunch of 5'6 Mexican sub-manlets whine about the wall and going back to their shit hole country.

I was actually starting to miss the Mexicano bait threads

Texas has known Mexico is stupid for two centuries so far.

He has no hair on his neck, he has side burns but not a neckbeard.

Shut up, you dirty smelly spic

The wall will go up and all the illegals will be kicked out

Yeah, that's TOTALLY a Trump supporter. Didn't you hear him? He said so himself.

Mad because your crazy rapist uncle and his dirty beaner family called you up asking if they can stay with you in your little dirt shack when they get deported?

> Tips fedora

1 out of 5 ain't bad.