Best show of 2017 so far?

Best show of 2017 so far?

Who did the editing and cinematography and why are they wasting their time on a Netflix series

even though the lesbo black woman episode was a little much for me, he did do a mellow job at it and it didnt seem preachy at all. i like the show. it was a good season

is chef jeff, dare i say it, *our guy*?

I liked this season a lot more than the first one. Rachel was shit.

holy shit stop being such a pleb. There like 20 other shows like this and half of them do it better. Even fucking Fleabag is better

why was it a little much for you if you agree he did a mellow job of it? are you incapable of giving a proper compliment?

aziz anzari is an unfunny hack

I haven't watched this shit, but I watched a few scenes because people talked about how bad of an actor his cousin is.

I get that he cast real-life people, but jesus christ, that guy is literally the worst actor I've ever seen. I'd hate to see what the takes they didn't use were like.

Every character is too nice

No, that's just what life is like for attractive people.

I enjoyed the shout out to Problem Child 2. Also yeah probably the best show so far in 2017.

'New York, I Love You' was pure kino

Cinematography is better this season. The writing is worse. Almost every single episode has some hamfisted nod about how white people suck. It's pretty unoriginal and tiresome.

fuck you

kek, yeah. His mom is fucking awful too. I like this show but a lot of the acting is really weird at times, like they're kids reading lines in a school play, stunted and whatnot.
what life is like for people who don't spend time on Sup Forums
that was a good episode. I couldnt fucking stand the 3 new york stories episode tho, turned that off halfway through

Summary: If you're Sup Forums you probably won't like this show. But if you're just the normal Sup Forums goer who doesn't like idirs elba being stuffed into things itll be fine for you

it's a liberal take on race in america, but a rational one. It also very openly makes fun of other non-American cultures

Race isn't even the focus but I know that's what Sup Forums will fixate on in a show with so many minorities

>fuck you

That would be The Leftovers.

How you know a complaint on Sup Forums about writing is almost certainly not worth paying attention to: it complains that the series is anti-white.



>tfw no qt italian gf

>this is an actual response that you spent time coming up with

not funny at all

>Only meant to watch one episode when it came out
>Watched them all that night
>Did not realize Episode 9 was double length.

I don't know something about the show stuck with me this year. I liked S1 but this season was just incredible for me. I don't usually get invested in character romantic relationships but him and Francesca's hooked me completely. It was only a few days later I remembered he lost that British girl's number in the first episode and thought what could have happened then.

I really did not think Aziz was that talented a writer or actor, even though he's playing himself. To then read an interview and find out that Aziz broke up with his gf in real life, and then say he may never make a S3 because he cannot tell any more stories about being a single guy in NYC is pretty shitty. My only real gripe with the show is his desire to cast non-actors at times, particularly in the ILYNY episode and the one with his brother playing his cousin. It's become a top tier show for me.

Best show of the year is still The Leftovers though, followed very closely by The Americans

I thought Aziz's character would be more of a loser but no he pulls 9/10's on the reg outside of his ethnicity.

I enjoy watching this show with my wife's son.

this. ruined all believability of the show when some pajeet is getting hot white girls lol.

He's shown me how effective humor and constant positivity are. Also talking a lot even about nothing. Women are very interested in nothing talk and Aziz is fluid in it.

It really helps when you are writing your own show too.

aziz is popular right now thats only reason. His is an ugly shrill sounding manlet


direct rip-off from Louie and not even trying to hide the fact

thta's a fucking 4/10 5/5 if i'm generous

If Aziz wasn't the protagonist, the show would've been much better
But season 2 is really good with touches of kino

hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha a. haaaaaaahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahaa. aaah. ha.

Little brown man does not poo in the loo

Everyone takes inspiration from something else. There is no such thing as a completely unique piece of art and there never will be. Like Aziz probably incorporated themes from Louis, Louis did the same with his predecessors.

I enjoyed it a lot as well, shame the reaction is mostly in the minority here because most 4chins posters don't get out or have relationships. Some of the acting by his family was shit but I enjoyed just about every love interest and thought those parts were well written and executed.

he's right you know

>Best show of 2017 so far?
No, that was The Expanse for me.

Yes, it's straight up kino