When did it peak?

When did it peak?

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Mac and Charlie Die

It hasn't even begun to peak

the musical episode

>show has like 1 more season left
>didnt peak yet

Peak? Let me tell you something, it hasn't even begun to peak. And when it does peak, you'll know. Because It's gonna peak so hard that everybody in Philadelphia's gonna feel it.

unarguably this
the only late-season episode that even came close was Charlie Work

It's going out with a bang


i agree user, once it does peak this whole board is going to feel it

Its been peaked since season 2

I dont watch a lot but junk alley cat can never be topped. Second royal mcpoyal(sp). I almost cried.

The show has just become mean for no reason.

With Glenn leaving, they really should've made this past season the final one. With just a few tweaks, the season finale could've served as a solid series finale. Hell, even without any changes it kind of works.

you really want this show to end and go back to dogshit like big bang theory this is the only show that doesnt do the bullshit copy paste tropes

peaked in s4

>charlie work

why do people think this was a good episode? because of the "continuous take"? it was just as bad as late era sunny with shitty cartoon characters

honestly the waterpark episode was fucking fantastic. but yeah obviously by overall season the quality has gone down significantly in the past 5-6 years

without glenn the show is dead

It probably peaked in season 4 or 5. But my favorite episode is "the gang desperately tries to win an award"

Its meta as fuck, has every character in it, and has charlie's best song

>there is a spider
*mac hangs his head in shame*



when can we buy charlie's album?

That was kino.

the black dude just nodding his head his head gets me everytime

Z is easily the best minor character. Does so much with minimal screentime
>you pregnant
>chat them up like a mug
>his long lost denim shorts

Dubs confirm
Everytime I see Z I know I'm gonna have a good laugh.

>The song's light! The song will lighten it up!
>Play the song!
THERE IS A SPIDER. Spider. spider...


Yeah, he doesn't even like, get us.

Is the latest season good the whole way through? First 3-4 episodes I've seen are a return to form. Last season was decent, though. Just 7/8 whatever it was the show got bad.

Is Glenn really leaving? Why?