>Media insists there is real evidence that Trump colludes with Russia
>Gets called out for having no credit and no named sources
>CNN just posted about the so-called bombshell.
>"Russia said they could use General Flynn to influence Trump AND HIS PEOPLE"

In other words, all this evidence again leads down a false corridor, just like when they said "Intel officials provided evidence of Russia hacking" which turned out to be... HYPOTHETICAL GUESSING!


oh it's this thread again.

back to /r/the_donald pls.

Everything about this post is patently wrong. You are an idiot.


don't mind the Sup Forumsedditors above

Thanks to all the shills, there are now more Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums than actual Sup Forums


>shit on the media when they're ganging up on him
>pick on thing on CNN AKA THE /fakenews/
>use it as evidence

You fuck's can't get your story straight. Don't worry. There's a special prosecutor on it. Time will tell all the the goodies he's done.

thank you for your work comrade, 20 worthless rubles have been deposited into your state owned bank account.

Remember when republicans and democrats use to work together despite their differences? What happened?

The left lost and created the alt left to do damage control

I don't. Republicans had a heyday with Clinton. Did the same thing. Literally HItler because he got a blowjob and lied about it.

This is more serious though. Having literal fucking Russians in the Oval Office and giving out top tier info. At least NIxon colluded against just Democrats. Not against our National Security.

This fuck is going to get spitroasted. Republicans don't fuck around with national security. It's their bread and butter. There's no way to sweeten this to the Republican base even if he doesn't get a full impeachment.

>we got him this time!
Where have I heard this before?

You forget what keeps a cult of personality going.

Denial is a helluva drug.

Why are liberals so petty?

What will happened when Mulder is done with the investigation and find Trump did nothing wrong with only few of his team talked to Russian but none of them have deal in any serious national matters?

That was candidate Trump where you could just vote for him and say "hell they're just lying on him."

We're post candidate. We're President Trump. Somebody who had delivered on almost nothing.

A president that can't even get on board with his hard base on him not being a Globalist puppet. That alone can be used against him. Bam, there goes a portion. He's a useless puppet that gave up 3 seconds into it all. To call him a hypocrite is to practically compliment him at this point.

then it will be time for another presidential election

Libs will find something else to complain about him. Imagine waking up everyday, just looking for something to get upset about. Life as a liberal must be suffering.

Still better than Hillary.

how could drumpf share TOP TIER INFO on ISIS with russia!? fucking TRAITOR REEEEEE LAUNCH THE NUKES NOOOOOOOW

>a train wreck is worse than car crash

Far more damage is being done.

Says you

Would give nearly anything to see Sup Forums erased from this earth.

Name some actual examples of damage being done


is that way.
Carefully curated opinions that you never have to see. Paradise, right?

>lib resorting to ad hominem
What a surprise!

BREAKING: this belongs in Sup Forums
PS Trump sucks.

the only shills on here are CTR and shariablue spamming the same shit over and over like you

I think you having it backwards since pol is /r/ the donald now.

Y'all niggas are stupid as hell if you actually believe anything is going to come out of this investigation.

The only reason for the "special investigation" in the first place is to placate the masses, not because anyone credible genuinely believes anything happened.

It's been fucking months now. How have you not realized yet that you're being strung along?

you don't get to post this here just because it happens on TV
news goes on politics goes on and faggots go on

Who fucking cares. They deserve to be flooded with redditfugees. You should be right at home with them. Fuck off.

Is CNN kino?

I'd say the damage of giving out vital intelligence and tweeting stupid shit alone should constitute damage to our reputation abroad to the point of being reprehensible. Obama and Bush were never so cavalier albeit such a tool was new to Obama and really not available to Bush.

Having Russians, one a major head of spies there, in the White House, and then getting buttblasted that the Russian there to record it all actually posted it all and Russians were fine with it just show how controlled Trump really is. Honestly the press doesn't cover that little fact enough.

It's the news station equivalent of an Adam Sandler flick.

So no actual damage then?

>sources told CNN

Damn, so Russia is behind everything?

Even your posts?

Fuck, man. Game over.

There's literally a Reddit sub forum for anything.

russia is behind shareblue and the_donald
their intent get Sup Forums to shit post in Sup Forums!

>I'd say the damage of giving out vital intelligence
Not nearly as big of a deal as it is played up to be. CNN is doing everything in its power to treat it as though it were a serious grievance even though it was a fairly common interaction between two diplomats.

If anything, the tweeting is more damaging than anything from that meeting.