Chile has just set a 11 dollars per day tax on Argentine tourists

Chile has just set a 11 dollars per day tax on Argentine tourists

Does the pope count as an Argentine tourist?

That seems really random. What's the story?

Argentinians are faggots, so if you can you should take all their money

On weekends 50% of argentina goes to chile to buy electronics


What's the problem with that? It's good for the chilean economy.

We have the same, the tax on electronics is low here so the parking lots in front of big electronic stores in eastern Austria are full of czech, hungarian, croatian etc cars.

There's no problem, even with this they still will come here

We do that too but with paraguay

kek your government is just greedy

very rude

why don't we do the same here?
.... ah yeah because of MERDASUR. damn

and they are laughing at us in various news outlets' comment sections

Just travel with your Italian passport dumbass, this will only affect working class troublemakers

It's a car insurance and those 11 dollars cover you for 10 days

You going to let him talk about you that way?

Gib back my 11 dollars please. I need them to buy cheap electronics.

What the hell, she has no pupils

but if you did who would all buy all those sweet smuggled goods you guys sell across the border?

so rude

We do the same with gas in Belgium


We're running out of ways to pay for our education guys, you have to understand.

