Why is he so perfect?

why is he so perfect?

He didn't fall for the women meme

>tfw GRRM killed off all cool characters without realizing there would be no reason to read / watch it if all the characters who are still alive are garbage

He fucked over everyone because he saw himself as the rightful king because people praise him as he sucks their dick

>"Born amid salt and smoke...is he a ham?"

Because of that line.

he had no respect for anything
and made fun of the scared and handicapped people

Are you kidding?

he's mentally ill genetical trash, a fucking homo subhuman...

but he was the rightful king

>Robert was the true steel. Stannis is pure iron, black and hard and strong, yes, but brittle, the way iron gets. He'll break before he bends. And Renly, that one, he's copper, bright and shiny, pretty to look at but not worth all that much at the end of the day.

>He knew how to dress and he knew how to smile and he knew how to bathe, and somehow he got the notion that this made him fit to be king

Did he? I thought he was nice on the show.

>power and influence don't make a person fit to be king
worked for aegon

well..its more so in the book.

He makes fun of his own niece greyscale. Even beofre he was enemies with Stannis

Difference being Aegon the Conqueror conquered a continent, Renly the Fag got killed by a shadow baby

Also I know Renly fags like saying Stannis cheated by using magic, well, then Aegon cheated by using dragons by that logic, or Renly cheated through sucking Tyrell dick

renly the fag > stannis

What does he say?

Stop being so gay Loras

TV Renly never made fun of Shireen. And he comforted and danced with Brienne when other boys made fun of her at a party. TV Renly was the perfect gentleman.

I think the books still has interesting characters left, and at least he tries to make Jon Snow and Daenerys a bit more complicated as people even if the two seem to be the story protagonists and both equally the least interesting character's in the series

Problem is that in the show the jew bros managed to either kill off or ruin the character of anyone you could possibly hold any interest in

>tfw D&D cut the only character left worth rooting for

>Problem is that in the show the jew bros managed to either kill off or ruin the character of anyone you could possibly hold any interest in
We still have Theon, Melisandre, Davos, and alt-Jamie.

all of them except Meli and maybe Jaime has been ruined and has no arc anymore


Theon doesn't have a character arc anymore, his story was betraying the Starks and redeeming himself by rescuing Sansa, it makes no sense for his sister to be dragging the maimed guy around the world to act as her second

Melisandre in the show as well I don't see what they will bring her back for, Jon could have kept her around, I mean she brought someone back from the dead, and she could have been handy against the white walkers, but no, she's been exiled, and is likely going to get killed in the first episode of next season

Davos is still good, but he's surrounded by bland characters and idiots, also without Melisandre around he loses a lot of his purpose as a character

Alt-Jamie is dumber than a pile of bricks and apparently needed an extra two seasons to realize that Cersei might be a bit of a nut, and I would not be shock if D&D will have him try to get back with Cersei again next season

>Theon doesn't have a character arc anymore, his story was betraying the Starks and redeeming himself by rescuing Sansa, it makes no sense for his sister to be dragging the maimed guy around the world to act as her second
They could still more with him recovering, it's not like he is better after his trauma. It just seems like he may not get the screen time he deserves if he's around Dany.
Will she not be responsible for bringing Arya's friend (who was taken from the Brotherhood) back onto the show?
>Davos without Melisandre around he loses a lot of his purpose as a character
>I would not be shock if D&D will have him try to get back with Cersei again next season
I doubt it - I mean he didn't look pleased during the finale. Didn't Cersei do what he stopped the mad king from doing, or something?

Robert ended rule by succession when he stole the throne from the Targaryens. Renly's claim to the throne was just as legitimate as Stannis'.

>I mean he didn't look pleased during the finale

He's been unpleased about her before, then he's right back to kissing her next season, Also no, she hasn't gone full mad king yet, she blew up the Sept, but that only killed a few thousand or so nobles and faith militant with some civilian casualties on the side, Jaime probably caused more deaths by starting a war with the north

But it's really no doubt anymore that Jaime will most likely be the "little brother" in the prophecy that will choke her to death, most likely as she tries to blow up the whole city

>Will she not be responsible for bringing Arya's friend (who was taken from the Brotherhood) back onto the show?

Nah, according to the leaks, Gendry steals Roberts old war hammer, and then follows Davos and (I think)Tyrion from King's Landing, after they unsuccessfully attempt to convince Jaime to surrender to Dany.

Obviously never played Crusader Kings II before

One dynasty can rebel against their liege, there was nothing unprecedented with the Baratheons usurping the throne from the Targaryans, but after the death of Robert, Stannis is the head of the Baratheon dynasty, and Renly's attempt usurping his older brother is a heinous act

but renly was favored by the people

Renly was favored by the Tyrell family, the people didn't give a shit once he ate dirt

>got a qt blonde twink to fuck
>and married the twink's (also qt) sister

Living the dream.

Literally the worst casting of the show and most ruined character of the early seasons.

>even Dany has more claim to the throne than Renly
How does it feel to be on a tier lower than danycucks


Not his fault that the show cut good new characters like Connington and Victarion and ruined the rest of them.