Liberal """"comedy""""

What the FUCK is this mans problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump's derangement syndrome, it will pass

Is anyone else embarrassed to say they used to watch this asshole?

>Fat shaming
>audience is laughing
Sound alt-right to me

Name calling? Seriously?

he used to be pretty funny

>crying about the liberal
>crying the liberals aren't liberal enough
crying about name calling

Maybe he's right when he calls you people crybabies?

Hilary lost get the fuck over it.

trump is a moron, mockery is deserved

>>crying the liberals aren't liberal enough
Rule #4

>muh hillary
get a new shtick

most us liberals haven't heard of him and certainly aren't marxists
he's a conservative movement boogie man, and you're embarrassing yourself by bringing him up

those aren't his rules tho. you can call a fat person fat because they are fat. just as you can mock the blue haired college freaks for being blue haired college freaks, which he also does.

What these liberals are doing isn't comedy. It's just pure venom and character assassination. You're being fed concentrated negativity without a punchline. Go watch this shit on mushrooms, if you're not convinced.

Look at how awkward the audience is halfway through when they realize this isn't actually funny and he's just yelling.

school tier insults

ur fat and I don't liek u and if it doesn't phase you I will obnoxiously repeat the insult as nasty as I can so you will be as upset as me

>Fake news!
>Liberal media character assassination!
>Intelligence communities are biased!
>Michael Flynn, a known security risk who was fired from being DIA chief for leaking classified intel on multiple occasions, is perfectly justified in being a paid shill and lobbyist for Turkey and Russia!
>FBI was staging a coup! Comey deserved to be fired! Yates too, anyone who challenges the God Emperor doesn't deserve the job!
>Sharing classified intel with the Russians, putting a Mossad agent inside ISIS at risk? It's no big deal!

>Daddy wuz a good boi he dindu nuffin!

The delusion of drumpfkins is reaching absurd heights. They're literally denying reality at this point.

He needs his fucking teeth knocked out.

do you believe cultures are equal.

>morbidly obese Killer Mike sitting right there

wow rude

don't know about you but I am from the uk and just watched a 2min clip of a guy saying he doesn't like another guy and the only criticism for 2min and 25 seconds was that he is fat and he doesn't like that

you can twist and turn and accuse people of being trump- supporters all you want on euro time Sup Forums

>trump personally attacks people on twitter
>kek BASED what a badass MAGA

>trump gets personally attacked by comedians
>name calling, wow a new low for liberals
>this isn't comedy, it's character assassination!!11!
>school tier insults lol dum libtards

Justify your retardation. I'll wait.

>making liberals watch political satire on magic mushrooms
I think you're onto something.

t. Putin-bot

Comedians are being paid to do this somewhat professionally. Trump is just spewing insults on his twitter.

Don't the same people whine when other people are fat shamed? Jesus christ, trump is literally a retard but liberal americans are the worst hypocrites ever

How the fuck are people supposed to trust americans even if their self-proclaimed good guys don't act the way they preach it?


>you're fat!!!!
>no joke at all to the whole piece

Further proof that americans will watch anything

What's your point? The comedians are still bad people.

Amazing justification. Comedians are made to make an audience laugh. Sounded like the audience was laughing to me. Colbert's ratings have never been higher. He's obviously satisfying his audience by going after Trump.

Explain to me how jokes about Trump are bad just because you don't like them again.

The hbo show was alright

so comedians should be held to a higher standard than the president, got it



But liberals started the fake news maymay.

kek, this

Why do people care about comedy that is unappealing to them, and get buttblasted by it? Dont you realise that you are playing into their hand?

Reminder that this is a Sup Forums thread disguised as a Sup Forums thread. Please report, hide, and go about your business.

>trump is stupid and does x

So you are actually saying that comedians who follow suit are in the right? If they fall to the same level as the person they are criticising, they are just outright pathetic

Also, video in OP is definitely not comedy at all, just a plain and simple attack

>He's literally done nothing bad and America is doing fine.

Let's be honest if he ran as a Democrat the left wing media would give him nothing but praise. They're just mad that their sports team lost.

>Having such a low criteria for "crying" and meeting it yourself

You mean comedians have an excuse for their weird behavior and bringing up strange topics. Trump doesn't.

Louie CK can crack jokes about pedophilia. A politician can't.

>comedy shows are at a lower standard than trumps 2am shitposts
what a world we live in

>d..d.dont insult our based god emperor

>trump, the president, acts like a retard and gets laughed at
>comedians, professional people who entertain for laughs, entertain people for laughs

Also, again, comedians are people who entertain people for laughs. His audience is laughing. So it seems you just don't find it funny. Please asspain elsewhere.

>moving the goalposts
Also, comedians are not professional political pundits. They're paid to make people laugh. Do you really think comedians on television need to be held to the same fucking standard as the President of the United States? You faggots are the most thin-skinned people on earth.



a world where some people believe the POTUS being a 24/7 asspained manbaby is somehow less outrageous than comedians criticizing said manbaby


It's more about liberals going after a person and doing character assassination at the same time while talking about how a fair democracy should work

Just because you don't like a person winning the elections doesn't mean you have to be a crybaby about it. The funny thing is liberals actually tear americans more apart than trump actually winning

Trump should be kicked out of the white house but he is right when he claims that the whole thing is a witch hunt

>facebook image name
Sucks that they took down /r/the_donald, huh? Lurk more, faggot.

One is paid to make people laugh, the other is paid to be the president. Are you retarded? Not an insult, genuinely curious.

>don't criticizes Colbert or Bill on Sup Forums for juvenile observations or insults or complete untreated TDS you are an alt-right trump supporter

Never been on Reddit in my life m8 and I've probably been on Sup Forums longer than you

>Fucking universities and their PC culture. You must be able to say things even if they trigger people. Fat acceptance what a load of bullshit
>Hurr liberuls calling Trump fat this won't stand!

I didn't say it's not funny in general

I am claiming that the jokes are bad and that the whole thing is built on being hypocritical. You can say what you will but that doesn't change the fact

Comedians should be able to say anything but that guy is not a fucking comedian and you should kill yourself if you actually think he is

>It's more about liberals going after a person and doing character assassination at the same time while talking about how a fair democracy should work

Because the guy they're going after deserves to have people go after him and call out his ridiculous bullshit

>Just because you don't like a person winning the elections doesn't mean you have to be a crybaby about it.

Dude Trump's new budget removes 800 BILLION dollars from medicare. People are GOING TO FUCKING DIE. And you call them crybabies? Grow a spine, faggot, maybe your sheltered existence lets you believe that people aren't hurting but the adults know better.

Yeah this is what I hate, Im not even a fan of Trump because the man is as neocon as it gets, but I hate how comedians were quiet during the Obama years when the man has done nearly the same shit Trump is being despised for.

>I am claiming that the jokes are bad
>This is a fact

Oh so you ARE retarded. Carry on.

Any other president or political figure is fair game. Trump just happens to be unlikable, incredibly thin skinned, and a walking clusterfuck of low hanging fruit.

>Comedians should be able to say anything but that guy is not a fucking comedian and you should kill yourself if you actually think he is
Excellent post. You're wrong, though. See how I did that? I just said that your opinion is wrong and that you're a faggot without citing any reasons like you did.

That wasn't funny

>Deliberating missing the point of making these people live to their own standards

to be fair, is there much comedy in subtle things like policies. Don't like Obama but the thing is he was a generally ok speaker so there wasn't much material.

>dude drumpf is fat amiright
truly thought provoking comedy worthy of praise

Hillary BTFO years ago

I watched him for years, during the Bush era. Once he donated a million to Obama, his entire persona changed. He became a cheerleader for the left. He's just intellectually dishonest now, and I haven't even watched his show in about 2 years.

>most is liberals haven't heard of him
Yea, that's the point. Your leaders have certainly all read his work, and they employ his tactics. This is an indisputable fact.

>He became a cheerleader for the left
Except for the fact that he was always arguing with his liberal panelists because he would criticize Obama and the left for being pussies that never accomplished anything.

I can tell you watched him a lot.

The hypocrisy and double standards of liberals will never stop to amaze me.
So we, the normal people are to be controlled by our every word, but a liberal celebrity can fat shame, insult, make homophobic jokes and do what he wants?
Fuck this.

He was responding to one of her hit pieces.

Oh, that makes sense.
It doesn't.

>s-s-she started it!

>b-but Trum-
Who gives a shit? I'm not an American, but liberal 'comedy' is infinitely worse than anything conservatives produce.
>y-y-yeah w-wel-
I'm not saying conservative comedy is good, but at least conservative audiences don't watch objective shit (the reason there aren't really that many con comedians) and pat themselves on the back for it.

American liberals just seem nasty an mean spirited, Judging by that audience they are the type of people who find it funny when someone trips over

Its a complete lack of class no being PC

>criticize the left for being pussies
Yea, cuz Obama's problem was that he didn't do far enough to the left. Jesus Christ, you guys realize that Obama said fuck the constitution and just started writing executive orders to usurp it, right? He wrote a fucking EO forcing gay marriage on a country that voted it down even in California.

What the fuck more did Bill want, gulags for climate change deniers?

>I'm not saying conservative comedy is good, but at least conservative audiences don't watch objective shit

Do you even know who she is? Or what that tweet was in reply to? I'll bet a lot money that you don't.

The editor of the Huffington Post. Yes, it was about a hit piece written about him.

It's still an example of Trump personally attacking someone (as if that's fucking difficult to find given his twitter history) that shows the hypocrisy of all of the posters in this thread going WHOA TOO FAR PERSONAL ATTACKS OMG FAT JOKES CAN YOU BELIEVE IT

>it's okay that censor conservatives on campus
>it's also okay for us to shit on them constantly in open forums
What did the intellectually dishonest faggit liberal mean by this.

So don't watch it.

Also there's the Barry 'O Bama saga, plenty of shit to work with there. Have him walk around a pub with a ginger wig and big orange freckles. Plenty of cheap jokes to make.

He meant that you're being intellectually dishonest by picking and choosing which kind of censorship you're okay with, you thick fucking mong.

Wow, imagine how all the fat people around the world are feeling right now after seeing their unfortunate condition being used as an insult. Liberals are truly the worst hypocrites.

Absolutely not an argument, try again.

>executive orders usurp the consitution

[massive citation needed]

Obama fucking taught constitutional law. The EO you're referring to protects LGBT people from discrimination.

The Supreme Court didn't find it unconstitutional, in fact they found denying marriage to people on basis of sexuality WAS unconstitutional.

Meanwhile Trump is literally doing everything in his power to usurp the constitution with EOs that get stricken down within a week.

Those comedians have sunk to the same low level as Trump. Shame on you for defending them.

Why is this Sup Forums thread still here.

Mods do your fucking jobs

The court jester has sunken to the level of the king. How embarrassing.

>the POTUS should be held to the same standard as comedians

Your retardation would be laughable if it wasn't so goddamned pathetic.

Nah, you'd be right if this were the average garbage politics thread, but this one is television relevant, and surprisingly hasn't gone completely off the rails yet.

It's *barely* relevant, the thread isn't "discuss this show" it's "let's attack libruls cuz their comedy triggers me" under the guise of "discuss this show"

Not surprising he always did seem like a bigot to me. I mean it's on thing to be critical of his job performance but do we really need body shaming and bigotry too?? I thought we were better than this

you will just take any bait or respond to any shit post to condescend won't you

Let's see him make some fat or ugly jokes about some leftist or femnazi cunt.

damn dude, you got me, all this time you had me totally convinced you were a literal mouthbreathing retard

good job

From the UK looking to America, it looks like Trump objectively speaking isn't that bad of a president beyond his kinda thin skin when it comes to insults.

Yet your media, and some of ours, constantly attack him, sometimes for doing the exact same shit that Obama did, which is perplexing.

They don't like the guy, and as comedians I say go for it, some great comedy came from the Bush years, but they aren't making jokes, they're just attacking him because they don't like him. They never concede when he does something that's right or something they like, it's so very childish.

He made a a joke about a fag last episode.

Reminder that videos can be reported for hateful or abusive comments

I said a fat joke about a lefty or fem-nazi, not some fag-pass joke from Milo or some bullshit.

>kinda thin skin

The guy's whining on twitter every single fucking day, show me a single world leader that does this

there's no point with this dude, he doesn't watch the show, Sup Forums tells him what to believe and that's all he needs


>They never concede when he does something that's right or something they like,

Because he has yet to do anything like this. I'm as liberal as they come and I give Bush props for the work he did in Africa, as well as his eventual relaxation on his draconic stem-cell research laws.

Trump on the otherhand, when he's not running away to Florida to gold, is spending his time either raging on twitter or finding the best ways to fuck the poor.

You're not disproving my point. As a president beyond him on twitter, he's done nothing wrong, yet America is throwing a shit fit about this.

'He didn't win the popular vote' - and? He didn't have to, in America it isn't about that, it's about the college.

'Not my president' Except he fucking is. Like him or not, you need to stop being cunts and hope he does a great job. Challenge the shit that isn't right, not the shit you don't like, the shit that isn't right and let him do the fucking job.

Seriously, until this happened I had no idea America was a nation of cry-baby bitches.