Are any of the Squirrel Girl comics any good. I found a whole lot of them at my local slackers

Are any of the Squirrel Girl comics any good. I found a whole lot of them at my local slackers

Depends if you like quirky internet humor.
They're definitely an acquired taste.
ESPECIALLY the damn art.


kill me

I like the art, is it still being continued today?

Even ironically doing this isn't really funny.


Not even once.

The fuck is mansplaining?

If we aren't counting her Great Lake Avenger days, and just looking at her solo, then no, not really.
Even the crossover with Howard the Duck was just kind of meh.
Like said, there's always the chance that the humor actually is your thing, but your mileage may vary. It's still going, so I suppose it has some form of audience, but still, I've grown from absolutely hating it to just not even caring about its existence.

What the fuck.
What in the actual living fuck.
Someone please explain this to me, I think my brain melted.
Why is this allowed.

Is this from an actual published comic? Here's a handy protip for editors: If someone hands you a script that contains the word "mansplaining", fire him.

Because fan girls who gasp and have asthma attacks during MCU films love this humor.

When a man explains something to a woman.

Woah, you can't just explain what mansplaining is, you don't know if the user who asked is a girl or not, that's mansplaining!

How the fuck is that mansplanning? Why should Tony apologize for knowing how shit works?

Men should address women only in apology form, don't you know?

I concede, the last line, I laughed at.

>mansplaining mansplaining
Fucking sexist pig.

It was used as a joke.

I stand by statement.

There's nothing that says Squirrel Girl is in the right here.

When it comes to liberals, acknowledging them is the same as endorsing them.

Please tell me that's now how they drew poor Howard ;__;

Not the recent run even if it's just a meme to hate it

Close. When a man explains something to a woman that she already knows, but he assumes she doesn't.



This is why the MCU is the definitive Marvel Universe now. 616 is truly the darkest universe.

So this panel is actually accurate Tony did mansplain people just aren't catching her sarcasm. Although I always thought it was when a man tries to explain why something isn't really sexists. That's why I was confused.