Dafne Keen thread

Dafne Keen thread

Fuck the mods edition

My favorite edition

*steals sunglasses from your gas station while grrring like a wolf in your direction*

Wat do?

Do they feel threatened by her?

I stopped finding her pretty when I saw she looks just like her father. I look at her and I see that balding man and it creeps me out.

just why did the last thread get deleted?

In for keeno
She looks nothing like her father you kek.

>got banned for a post and not making the thread

Lol you can't stop me mods!


are little girl robots for practical purposes the future of humanity?

I choose outfit #3.

>screams all movie
Sup Forums: she deserves oscar

cant expect much else from a kid actors
see: leonardo dicaprio

Good Dafnes. What will she be wearing when she accepts the academy award for best supporting actress? Will her newfound friendship with MBB encourage her to break the jacket/dress mould?

>implying facial expressions are easy to pull off

Post feet

Only time will tell. I'll be waiting anxiously.

I cant get over how cute she looks, I just want to pinch her cheeks until they're red.

Patrick's hitting that later and he knows it.

You literal child fucker makes me sick
Kill yourself

I got those vibes from this picture too.