Has DC ever done anything similar to Civil War? If not, who would take what side?

Has DC ever done anything similar to Civil War? If not, who would take what side?

Identity Crisis maybe? And lo and behold it was just as bad if not worse than Civil War

It wasn't heroes vs. heroes, but the Cadmus Arc from JLU dealt with similar issues.

It was a JSA story


Kingdom Come.


But Kingdom Come is actually good.

Thus it isn't really anything like Civil War.

Remember when Civil War started over the death of 600 American civilians?

There was an issue of Suicide Squad in 2011 where 20,000 American civilians died, and the consequences were

>If not, who would take what side?
I don't think any of the usual JL members would be pro Registration except maybe MM

Civil War would work even less in DC than it did in Marvel

What were the consequences, user? Surely there must have been quite the response.

Kingdom Come
Both done better.

"Better than civil war" isn't a compliment

How about that time that the Justice League fought their own secret identities?

Still true, but they're good on their own merit.

Wonder Woman is secretly Aquaman?

The two of them "don't have secret identities" and kept out of it

Injustice is such a fun ride.


Why is Plastic Man's secret identity just him wearing glasses instead of goggles?

Patrick "Eel" O'Brian. They updated his old gangster look to a contemporary shady look I guess