>Call themselves Homo Superior
>Wonder why the human population hates them
Are there any bigger assholes in the MU than Muties?
>Call themselves Homo Superior
>Wonder why the human population hates them
Are there any bigger assholes in the MU than Muties?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Are there any bigger assholes in the MU than Muties?
I really hate the X-men sometimes
>Pull shit like this
>Wonder why people get pant's shittingly terrified and build kill bots
Random Question: Why do they let Non-mutants in the X-men? Like Juggernaut, I know he's close with them or whatever but that still sorta ruins the purpose.
No homo could be more superior than you OP
>Humans call themselves wise apes.
Wow talk about arrogance.
>oh thise mutants think they're so superior
>better start killing defleness kids and building 50 ft Death bots
I can only think of a few.
Namor, Longshot, and Juggernaut.
Actually Magneto is the only mother fucker throwing that title around. And he's borderline a mutant Nazi or whatever.
>Why do they let Non-mutants in the X-men? Like Juggernaut,
Mostly nepotism, but some minority hire. Still pushing the "school" angle so they need a token number of regular people to get federal funds to operate and i'm just bullshitting and it's just the writer thinks it's cool and sometimes it is, usually it isn't.
But who X's the X-Men?
>"We are the homo superior, we are the next step in human evolution. Everything else is inferior to our being. However we still wanna be friends with humans. What's that, you think we're dicks? Time to militarize and kill you all."
oppressed groups always have those schmucks who get a persecution complex and start thinking they're the ubermensch instead of some guys who've been through some bad shit. you notice if you read the torah, the jews are never said to be super great or anything.. if anything it's like 'you guys suck and arent hot shit, but i love you anyway. that's WHY i chose you, so nobody would give YOU credit, instead they'd give it to me. because i'm god. this is god talking'
magneto is supposed to represent the malcolm Xs of the world instead of the MLKs.
unfortunately it's the 'oh we're so oppressed we hate everyone who isnt one of us' crowd who comics try to appeal to now. because they're easy to manipulate emotionally.
homo means man, as in 'homme' or 'hombre.
or else it derives from 'same'. as in 'the thing that's the same as we are'
That's pretty small compared to Iceman killing hundreds of people because he got depressed.
The Inhumans. Definitely those assholes
It's all Magneto claiming to be the superior race and such.
Other mutants want him to shut the hell up so they don't have to hide every time he's on TV talking about Mutie rights and how the homo sapiens are privileged and such.
To be fair, they can fly and shoot beams out of their eyes...
Namor's a mutant, isn't he? Look at his little winged ankles. Those aren't atlantean biology.
Danger, Warlock and Carol Danvers
Well Xavier's dream was always coexistence so having non mutant team members makes sense.
I really liked the Secret War tie in for E is for Extinction where the Xavier school is now truly for gifted youngsters, not just mutants. Like you could have no superpowers, but if you're a child prodigy at say music then you're in
Namor is a Mutant.
Omega Sentinel
All are not mutants, but have varying backgrounds of how they got their abilities.
The thing about "mutants are okay"is that it falls apart because no, there are some mutants that are absolutely not okay.
Remember the story about the boy who finds out that his mutant power is passively vaporizing organic matter within a large radius of himself? He basically wasted his entire town, and Wolverine had to come and mercy kill him before word got out a mutant was responsible.
Some people get wings or intangibility. Others get uncontrollable eye beams, grotesque transformations, and yeah, killing everyone.
"No more mutants" sounds like a good thing, with those odds.
>"No more mutants" sounds like a good thing, with those odds.
I don't think "no more mutants" is the appropriate response, but I do think mutants should be heavily monitored and there should be an alternative birthing procedure that ensures doctors can figure out if the kid had the X-gene or not. If he does, then he should go to counseling and should be placed in Xavier's care. The problem is without being able to monitor mutants, the human population can't keep up with the shit they pull and get the bad end of the fuck stick.
Also you can't monitor super powered being without Captain "MUH RIGHTS" America getting in arms about it.
Motherfucking die fucking sapiens scum
is mystique a mutant? we know nightcrawler's father is azazel...
What I want to know is this
Did the X-men CONSULT any of the rest of the mutant population before deciding they where a race? I mean they make up what can't even be 1% of the total population yet they're the ones acting like mutation is this huge gift.
I would have loved to see the rest of the mutants in the entire world to call them out on being the cunts they are because they don't want to be different. They just want to be left the fuck alone and not accidently murder people
someone post that time Red Skull destroyed Magneto with just words about how mags, a jew, was fucking Hitler but with super powers
>before deciding they where a race
It was one of the retarded things that started after House of M. The X-Men were always talking about how mutants were just humans born with superowers not an entirely different species like the Inhumans or Atlanteans
I don't know who started it. Brubaker, Fraction, Gillen, or one of the others
Mystique is definitely a mutant.
As is Azazel.
>I would have loved to see the rest of the mutants in the entire world
House of M. Pretty much every mutant that still existed was living on their grounds or a super villain. Civilian mutants were pretty much done away with unless a writer introduced one just so they could be murdered by some villains or angry mob
>Did X-men consult the rest of the mutant population before deciding they were a race?
I doubt the X-men decided shit, Mutants being their own species seems pretty widely accepted in Marvel SCIENCE, though it doesn't really make any sense since I'm pretty sure they lack the ability to be considered their own species completely but whatever.
Humans and mutants can procretae and have fertile offspring, so muties being a new species is dubious at best.
even that aside the vast differences in powers is huge. You'd have more to go on if you called everyone with blue eyes a species
Their Queen was saving the day with the Fantastic Four and their princess was saving the day in the avengers when being on the team meant something.
And they had the decency to fuck off to the Moon.
Yes, namely Captain America and Avengers
It doesn't even make sense anymore. Some mutants are clearly worse off than humans.
Too bad that they didn't stay there
Get back in your box Cyclops
Also don't have someone like Mags joining their team on and off every couple years.
I'd be pissed if I was human and heard the X-men who want acceptance let a terrorist join their team for the millionth time.
The X-men never act elitist and say they are superior than mankind, at least Professor Xavier doesn't. It's Bolivar Trask that spreads the message that mutants are superior and hates them.
>literally 1 (ONE) Mutation away from being perfectly normal humans
>it gives them super powers and they act all uppity
People don't hate the xmen because they are mutants
They hate mutants because of the xmen
>they're gonna take our jobs!
Fucking propaganda by Trask. It's a business for them, with the Sentinels and whatsnot
Magneto is basically the Malcolm X of muties
Like almost all complaints and problems with the X-Men, that particular title and problem originates mostly after Claremont left the comic.
It's amazing how when a single person leaves a title literally everything about it can change and leaves an entire generation thinking overwrought shit is how it's always been, but there you go I guess.
The jews are literally the chosen tribe of god out of an environment where they were shepards in a fucking desert while Egypt, Sumer, Ur, Akkad, Babylon, Phoenicia, and the Hitties were all running around with kings and trade. Their shift from saying 'we just worship this god than the other guys' to 'this god is above all other gods' to 'there is only one god, the others are demons' also left a bad taste. They absolutely went down that road and laid the bricks themselves.
Jesus literally calls them out for not being the "chosen ones". He calls them the synagogue of Satan.
>People (sic!) like pic related walking around
>still call themselves superior
they're just dumb
>Claremont-era and Prior Conflicts: Aliens, Space Travel, Supervillains (Mutant and Otherwise), Demons, Magical Threats, Time Travel Threats, the occasional Mutate Hate plot like the Sentinels.
Mutant Villains, Mutant Hate Groups, Own Self-Inflicted Bullshit
I know people complain about the shadow Claremont left on the franchise but it's only a shadow when everything after it is objectively so much fucking worse because you're determined to solidify the "brand" of X-Men being about mutants and mutants only because that's good for marketing.
Even back then Patrick Stewart was Prof. X. Wow.
It was a happy coincidence that Kirby drew him that way, yes.
It's almost sad when informed opinion finally shows up on one of these troll threads.
But the irony in regards to the subject matter was just too good to resist posting this.
>Like you could have no superpowers, but if you're a child prodigy at say music then you're in
That sounds pretty cool I might check that out
>Also you can't monitor super powered being without Captain "MUH RIGHTS" America getting in arms about it
They really should have made x men it's own universe
Can you imagine if he was played by Ben Kingsley or Christoper Plummer?
Marvels is a ridiculously underrated comic book.
See and .
You're basically a child growing up bathing in human waste and assuming that that's what all children everywhere must have bathed in for all history.
Like that child, your opinion is misinformed; you just unlucky enough to grow up in a time surrounded by shit.
That is blatantly idiotic because it would be totally pointless.
In what convoluted rationalization do you think that improves the X-Men concept?
I'm not even 30 yet.
I just grew up surrounded by classic comics in my house (I had an older stepbrother and a parent who loved them) and just kinda assumed that comics were always like that until I got older and discovered that stuff had actually gotten really shitty ever since the market collapsed.
Basically the problems with modern comics stem all from desperation to be relevant in an age where films have by far since eclipsed them as known representations of the characters and not be money-sink subsidiaries owned by their parent companies that only inject money into them to get at their IP rights.
Not ALL old things are superior to new things, but there's a good goddamn reason why you never see an "homage" to a classic comics cover that's any older then 1989 at the very latest; because comics companies are kind of fully aware at this point that they're desperately trying to grasp at the days when their product sold well enough to be considered relevant or even monetarily self-sufficient.
Please tell me this is real
So you don't have any argument to back up your positions? All you can do is pretend you have made some valid point yet?
Does that pic represent yourself?
My problem with comics stems from the fact that they all have agendas. There's always some message behind it. I miss when it was just a bunch of adventures. Even x-men wasn't fucking all downers even when shit was awful in post house of m.
Though I do miss comic books that are just comic books. Just adventure after adventure without a fucking crossover. Which is why for the most part ms. Marvel is fine. It has issues but it's the closest to being simple as we've had it in a while. I just miss when X-men comics were more than just the oppression of the fucking week.
>but there's a good goddamn reason why you never see an "homage" to a classic comics cover that's any older then 1989 at the very latest
Comics were booming in the 90's before the crash user. And the crash was primarily to do with distro and boomers thinking that collecting 10 variant covers of a no1 X-Men from 1992 was going to pay for their kids college, not necessarily the content of the comics themselves.
People shit on Rob Liefeld, and the Image generation in general, but they were moving millions of books a month.
>debate has nothing to do with politics
>righty calls the guy he doesn't like a communist
>lefty thinks he's a right-winger
And they say comics aren't realistic
Oh it is, though it's from Ultimate Spider-Man. Jean got pissy at Wolverine and decided to send his mind for a day in "the place he would want less to be" and that caused him to Freaky Friday it up with Pete for some reason. And he didn't enjoy it much.
Because like mutants, or even more so, aside from Xavier telepaths are giant asses.
You don't miss an age when comics didn't have messages, you miss an age when you didn't understand that there even were messages in your comics.
You don't understand that ignorance was your bliss but insist that ignorance should be the ideal.
Superman helps people, then he says it's the right thing to do. That's a message. He was created by two first generation Americans who were depicting a positive immigrant narrative. That's a message.
Batman stories explore psychology, Spiderman is famous for a defining moral quotation, Hulk is about anger management, and The X-Men have always been about acceptance of the different. Period.
Go read porn if you hate actual expressions of concepts.
Based Jesus
Because then you won't have people flipping off Iceman while asking for the Human Torch's autograph.
And then Magneto crushed his head with a bunch of bricks? Is that the one you're referring too?
Yeah, it's from Ultimate Spider-Man.
The last good thing Bendis ever wrote. Or will ever write, most probably.
Okay, I hate how obnoxious it is. It's become obtrusive annoying and abrasive. Yes everything has a message but there's a right way to do it and a wrong way and it hasn't been done well for the most part for a while.
They are some species who can mix with one another and have fertile offsprings. It's not really a perfect way to differentiate between two species.
The 90's (at first) was a lot about trying to "force" classic storylines and covers.
Superman dies, Extinction Agenda happens and Cable's origins are revealed, Knightfall, the HUGE multi-cover thing for the first issues of X-Men v2, etc.
They were trying deliberately to make lots of stuff "automatic classics" by pushing them and assuming the increased sales is what made them classic books, when in reality the fact that they were good enough to be classics is what gave them increased sales.
At least until the Crash of '94, then it was just them trying to make money back after loosing everything and the collector's market falling apart.
This at least is true.
Part of it is that they're trying to be "relevant" socially like a lot of Bronze Age comics were, but the guys writing comics today are NOT the multi-faceted people that wrote Bronze Age comics (some served in Vietnam, most had other hobbies and other interests before they became comics) and are the grown-up manchildren of the 90's who were products of the insular hobby created by the collector's market.
My dad and mom (both extremely average people, not at all the nerdy type) both used to read comics back in the 70's and 80's, but as time went on only people who were the kind of full-autism fan we associate with comics today were the folks into it because they were the kind most likely to buy multiple issues for collector's value and shit like that.
The more insular your hobby the less you usually know about other stuff because the more time and money is consumed by it.
Bronze Age writers were people who happened to be fans of comics, while modern writers are usually just fans of comics and not much else which sort of narrows their viewpoint on a lot of subjects.
>defending magneto
butthurt x-fag detected
Hypocrisy is a fundamental aspect of bigotry, irrational hatred is not based upon logic and manufacturing a specific situation that would allow a reasonable justification for such bigotry to be viewed as justifiable is simple contriving of a narrative of rationalizations in order to maintain the delusion that bigotry is righteous if someone only looks long enough and hard enough.
In short, it is manufacturing a story element in order to push a message: the message being that bigotry is sane and rational.
Wasn't that action what was being objected to so harshly?
>Even x-men wasn't fucking all downers even when shit was awful in post house of m.
You do realize X-men was a way to bring in racism into Marvel comics right? Although they weren't the first. Stan Lee even says that Xavier and Magneto were inspired by Martin Luther King and Malcom X.
Those kinds of occurences are rare to say the least.
>They are some species who can mix with one another and have fertile offsprings
Name one
>call themselves homo superior
hey look
its a mad homo
The Inhumans commit actual genocide
Back to Sup Forums with you.
Connections. Same shit as always
Nobody cares about mutants dying
I thought fantomx was totally a mutant. Was he the first successful modified human in that whole X project? Shit goes on forever and I remember his intro from the capsules but not alot of the details
But he's right though.Also ,whole neanderthal genocide thing.
You think that's bad?
Matt Fraction said that Inhumans were INHOMO SUPREMIS. Which makes no fucking sense.
It's since been retconned to being Homo Sapiens Inhumanus.
This was like mutants 10th genocide before Blackbolt dropped the terrigen bomb for a fight.
At this point in marvel you could make a new flavour go barbecue sauce and it'll genocide mutants.
And it doesn't even make any scientific sense.
Back to tumblr with you?
Humans are all the same species; but you knew that...
...? Isn't Azazel an actual demon?
1 - Good, they remembered he wears a mask
2 - And then RS was Onslaught.
...No there aren't.
>Matt Fraction said
If Matt said the sky is blue, I'd run outside to check.