So... does Harley know there are three Jokers?

So... does Harley know there are three Jokers?


Probably fucked all of them and watched them al gangbang Batman

Which is which though? Something said that the three are 1) Classic Robinson Joker, 2) Alan Moore Killing Joke Joker, and 3) Snyder edgy facemask Joker. But which one did whcih? Did they take over for each other or work together?

And both Robinson Joker and Moore Joker have the same Red Hood backstory.

There should be 3 Jokers in the DCEU too.

Leto, Dafoe and... Hamill, right?


Sorry if it seem stupid, but under all that it doesn't look like Hamill

Fixed for you.

Um, did I miss something???

Yes, you did.

Do you know that pic is related?

No, I think not.
I think she only knew one of them, and that's why when the Joker came back and stapled his face to his head she didn't like him; "her" Joker was dead.

You mind filling me in then? Whats this 3 Jokers nonsense?

Maybe more, imagine

is this another autistic fan theory that other autistic's are taking way too serious? Because I notice this shit happens a lot around here

Ask Geoff Johns.

In Justice League, Batman asked Metron's chair that knows everything in the universe what Joker's real name is. We didn't see the answer, but we find out in DC Rebirth #1 that the answer is multiples. There have been 3 different men named Joker throughout DCU history - the goofy Silver Age one, the Killing Joke one, and the Nu52 one, probably dying and being replaced over time, explaining why each one acts so fucking different.

Plebbit infected this place a long time ago

She recently gang banged a room full during a con so I think she doesn't mind how she gets fucked silly.

fuck that's stupid

does batman have to rape all 3 or will commish be ok with the one still?

If they're all different why do they obsess over batman?

I get the feeling this is going to turn out like that episode of Dexter's Lab where getting infected by a joker turns you into one.

Not that it was a good idea to begin with, the whole identity thing, but thats really fucking stupid

His lust will never be satiated.

>We didn't see the answer, but we find out in DC Rebirth #1 that the answer is multiples
You should have stopped there. Anything after this is pure Sup Forums speculation.

No, review sites confirmed that there's exactly 3 and which eras they were.

I feel like there are more than three "classic" versions of the Joker. Rather than say "these versions of the Joker have now always been around and co-existed," I would want these to be new characters, with clear rules about the unique M.O. of each one, and an explanation how they ended up all taking the same villainous identity.

2 of the supposed Jokers share the red hood origin so thats already lel.

It strikes me as a sign of how intuitive this twist is: What must have been long before this idea was hatched, that the most recent retelling of the Joker's origin story began with him holding up three cards that were supposed to represent three different possible origin stories.

>hes holding three cards

ok did DC have this shit planned this whole time

anything written by one of the 52 guys after 52 is definitely intentional hypercrisis

did joker stuck it in her bussy

You know that saying about how if you look for patterns everywhere you'll eventually find them somewhere?

This applies to both you and DC. That origin image is just simplifying the fact Joker has had a myriad of origins but specifically 3 distinct ones people are most familiar with. Comedian, gangster, crook.

A bunch of people who shouldn't exist, existing at once in DC has no more profound implications than the whole Power Girl and Supergirl thing.

>not accepting the hypercrisis into your heart

Do you think this is really all coincidence?

I'm aware is likely a coincidence, but it's a fun coincidence.
And while this retcon isn't profound, it's pretty handy as far as retcons go. It goes some length to explain why the Joker is overpowered without making him magic. And this will be trickier, but it could help to explain why the Joker's behavior is so inconsistent.

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit taste

>three jokers
>greatest detective in the world can't tell the difference

bravo dc

I haven't read DC in a long time, but I had to check this out. Jesus Christ.

When memes become reality.

This already happened in Arkham Knight, didn't it?

So if the 3 jokers is true, wouldn't that mean that Batman met 2 identical Red Hoods and their gangs in 2 identical chemical labs.
The Silver Age and Killing Joke's origins don't really change much from Batman's POV.

W-well you see user, there's more than one Batman.

it's kinda been his endgame for a while

only two of them were

that's would going through all those crisis events will do to you. You don't question why you have eighty years of memories despite being only forty something, or why you remember some things one way one day and differently the next, or how you remember a time when you didn't care about your most sacred vow, because you hadn't made it yet, even though you made it before you became Batman.

Why, being aware of all the contradictions in your life could drive you insane.


One for each hole.

>You know that saying about how if you look for patterns everywhere you'll eventually find them somewhere?


If we go by what Grant Morrison wrote in RIP, if that is still canon, Batman was doing heavy drugs back then and his memories from that time are hazy.

Not to mention that in the Zero Year, the new retelling of Batman's origin, it was stated by Bruce that he used to do electro-shocks in order to cope with depression as a young man.

There could be two Batmen or more. That'd be nice.

Imagine Golden Age Batman who served with the Justice Society and like the rest of the time was erased from everybody's mind. He could be Thomas Wayne's father, making him Bruce's grandpa.

oh user

1. Dubs
2. Underrated post
3. u r all retard
4. Well done sir/madame

That's what they did with WW to keep a WW in JSA stories and it was fine. Could work but Brucefags would likely get mad.

You don't want to read this user.
Look away.
Okay you asked for it!

The new Suicide Squad 'Joker' is actually Robin from Batman Vs Superman infected with Joker juice
