/sug/ - Steven Universe General

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previous thread: >"""NEW""" EPISODE on 26 May:

>misseps leak thread

>International airing schedule and leaked synopses
>French episodes megas
S03E04 Barn Mates: mega.nz/#F!Fwx2yCyB!TcRL6TM9yyhCDpK0bvBIQA
S03E05 Hit the Diamond: mega.nz/#F!FgQDwbYI!2Pl0trcDopJvRUTdcRH2Rg
S03E06 Steven Floats: mega.nz/#F!ghAAhYLY!gD739WI7J7800se3GDz9IQ

>HQ DL Links for Season 1 and 2, plus comics and shorts:

>Soundtracks MEGA folder:


>Listen to Soundtrack Here:
>/sug/ writebin:
MEGA LINK for Same Old World: mega.nz/#!288jxRZb!2HwdCtrWNucBKDhbmB-S5ua2W6C9xWJkfVHhsaaZVsE

Other urls found in this thread:


first for best ship

best gem

anyone have the Racist Peedee comics?

So this is how /sug/ dies, with a wimper and a self-imposed hiatus.

Are there any fusions you want to see again, /sug/?
I would love to see Sardonyx again.

All of them.


Amedot is best ship

did you know that peridot is a paedophile?

Lady of the sea, happy as can be

Can't help but wonder if she'd be happier with me

About damn time.
Finished up this delivery and wanted to post it and go to bed, but image limit and all that.

Will we get to see Pryanka again? Without Connie?

Why would you want to see the literal worst fusion?

>Rejected weapons for Peridot


Lapis is my wife.

I love Bob


There's no concept of pedophilia on Homeworld.


I love you, lady-of-the-sea user. Hope you love me as well.

Finding strength in The Lord

Wrong! right

she died during the earthquakes

there's going to be an episode about it

So, Rose had conscious control over her built-in Gem feature of adjusting to gravity fields? Neat.

Limb enhancers.

she hasn't been the same since steven sent her that dick pic

Sure we will, when Steven horribly maims himself and has to stay in the hospital for the first time in his life cause he can't figure out how to use his healing spit on himself.

I really wish we'd be able to see a non-schizo Malachite. Actually give her some personality.

Truly...he was...a Steven Universe...created by Rebecca Sugar...

user I will fight you.

/r/ing Pearl 'I'm not a whore' image

It's hot because it's not true

It's learning


just like in japan

Lapis and Pearl can be together

Maybe they can finally make each other happy

but Peridot belongs to Amethyst


Pearl only had eyes for Rose, how does that make her a whore?

of course I love you, how could I not

I'd give my life. Not for honor, but for you.

>My floaty powers are tied to my emotions!
>Just like all my stupid powers!

Even Steven is starting to get sick of the namby-pamby feelsy bullshit that permeates his very being.

when will someone do a gem edit of this ?

Reminder that Ronaldo still has at least one part of the Handship.


you took the place of "we are back baby" user. See you in the next /sug/ simulator

Don't tell me we have to wait 3 weeks to listen Steven Float ending song.
We finally left the barn, so the ending should have changed


In the /ss/ episode.


>fuses with every other gem in sight
>not a whore

Holy fuck this made me laugh more than it should've

He's going to almost kill someone, again.

Did ninja Ruby remind anyone else of Brock Samson? Also roll.

The boy just finally hit puberty.

I don't like any of the implications here.

It's either a skinsuit or transformation, and I do not approve.

I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater!

Love you too, user.

Holy fuck, those shoulder blades.

does that mean there is a nsfw?

Dont do that.
If you think this fanbase isnt big enough to have autistic people that would actually say stuff like that, youre wrong.

Dont even fuckin joke about it

So when are these French Episodes in English?

Jasper is Brock Samson, user.

>yfw steven is a real human being


I want ALL the Rubies to step on my face.

I'm getting tired of this bait.

A zwiehander

When will Woolie strike again?


>not wearing her slippers

I... want to kiss her back.

I should go to bed, right?

>Steven's feet

Good job, you got best Ruby!

yeah but she's just smoking a cigarette


When they least expect it.

I'm deadly serious. I try not to come into this thread because of all the waifuposting, and I just want to see when the episodes are out. Is the next one not out until May 26th?

Rolling while being happy that it's the proper Sneak now.
In my time, there'll be no one else.
You fucked up user.

When they pull him out of lions mane.

and a real HERO. When will we get a Steven meets his favorite superhero episode?

>Young Vidalia

Nah son, When she got old is when she got really freaky.

they are already out in english, they were always in english, the french broadcast in duel audio

all of them really, although I do agree with other anons that seeing a Malachite formed "properly" after Lapis and Jasper sort out their differences(assuming Jasper isn't dead, and that she'll eventually join the Crystal Gems) would be very interesting


I wonder what Lapis' character will develop into.

post ocs

>Yugioh turns into Gamagori

Guns are the way to go

Oh, fucking sweet! Gonna watch them after I finish watching WWE Extreme Rules


Why would you assume something that is wrong?

B-b-but... I want them all...

i like her just the way she is now

I've seen nothing on sadie in her jacket yet.

Why does Sadie look so cool with a jacket on?

You better give me the rest of that fucking image.

I think cheeseburger backpack is one of my favorite episodes

Fuck off para2

her precious grin

I wonder if Boybox is still around, would love to see him do some pics of Steven with a huge dick like he did with Dipper back when /gfg/ was still around

Name a better mom than Garnet, and give an actual reason why.

Couldn't be anymore wrong.

>duel audio