Best hulk prove me wrong
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ugh no.
he's the most reddit hulk, if anything.
Better than ang lee's but that's not saying much.
>Better than ang lee's
how dare you.
2003 hulk was the most anglee of them all, you could feel the fucking rage in that guy. Any Hulks after it are just lame-ass cgi shits
Loved it. Preferred it to the original Iron Man the summer the two came out if I'm honest.
I won't get in an argument with you. I like Norton's better than Ang Lee's. Ruffalo's is the one true Hulk tho.
how dare you not argue with me
it's okay, I have nothing.
>solo hulk movie
who cares tbqh
it's an extremely depressing setting
Ang Lee's was kino AF, an exploration of the origin of male anger in childhood trauma, too deep for the vast majority of the public, but still not afraid to go full comic book with the editing and action scenes.
Norton's Hulk is the most forgettable MCU movie out of all 14 or whatever the fuck of them since it doesn't explore the character at all and they just pretend like it doesn't exist from the recasting.
Abomination was badass though I wish they'd bring him back.
>Abomination was badass though I wish they'd bring him back.
We almost had it
>“They were going to do it. They did do that. They were thinking, in The Avengers 2 or something. There was a movie we could do that at one point, but way back when. It just kind of got swept under the carpet I guess. That would be hilarious.”
you can thank mark's pal cuck whedon
Current Hulk is so much better in every way. Better looking too.
Ang Lee did all the mocap for the hulk.
>an exploration of the origin of male anger in childhood trauma
>too deep for the vast majority of the public
That's a good aspiration, but the movie executes on the idea horribly. It was just a really weak movie.
I'll believe that.
please see
You literally don't know what you're talking about
believe it or not, I completely forgot about the existence of ruffalo's hulk
fuck marvel for toning the hulk down from this version and making him goofy comic relief
How? He's been pushed by Marvel more than Norton and has appeared in more of the movies.
the 2003 movie actually holds up pretty well as far as I remember, just suffers from the same problem as most comic books which is a lazily written antagonist