"ISIS is not our enemy"

Who is this son of a bitch and why is he still alive?

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>Trump is literally worse than terrorists who slit 80 year old priests throats in their own churches.

And most democrats would agree.

That's a fascinating psychosis.

Hopefully a Muslim will behead him for undermining and not respecting their global Jihad.

CanĀ“t he be sued for something burgers? Everybody can be sued for something in your country-

Philly has a massive muslim pop, theyre the new london

I cannot fathom this mindset.

>Trump is the truck on our Promenade does Anglais of (((freedom))) and (((tolerance)))


well I suggest he goes to rakka in syria if IS is not his enemy.

why dont you post the link so we know its real?

We have freedom of speech here Hans
You guys should try it out

Leftist confirmed for supporting ISIS.

Hitler: 12 million
ISIS: 1 priest

Does this mean we can kill ISIS now?

They won't win if we do so, since they are not our enemy

ISLAM: 160 million

You can't be serious.

No one even mentioned Hitler here, unless you're talking about the (((Drumpf))) meme.

Can't blame him you guys can sue people that save you from burning cars

Here you go: twitter.com/TimMattox/status/757939704281038848

* plus the slavery of hundred thousands of people.

hitler is dead but islams kill count is still rising.

Slander is one of the harder things to successfully sue for here, to a fault


>12 million
Oy vey

12 million? I'm fed up with these lies, spread by the racist far right wing to promote anti-semitism. It's a well regarded fact that 39 million Jews were killed in the holocaust, and disputing this documented and irrefutable figure of 74 million, quite frankly makes you a racist.

what a fucking lunatic,
i hope so much that he is serious about it.

Someone who doesn't watch the news, and doesn't give a fuck outside of what is probably a very white, very safe neighborhood.

He wouldn't say this if it were September 12, 2001.

But, go ahead, spread the word. ISIS has already said we're next on the list so maybe this will hasten it.

He's just trolling you morons.

it were actually 90 Billion jews that died in ww2, they often forget the jews that were imported from other planets to count in.

they ruined kensington 25 years ago up there. water street used to be all micks, but then it turned into durka derka land.

The Massacre of the Intergalactic Jew was in my high school yearbook.

I know it's true because it was in a book.

closer to billions over the whole time its been around. they've committed genocide of entire races and cultures in the name of a schizophrenic pedophile

Freedom of speech is unconstituational, human dignity must be protected by shielding minorities from hurt feelings.

Are you sure about that? That sounds like a lie that the KKK were spreading. I learned the figure was somewhere around 60 trillion

makes sense. the Obama administration created ISIS to start the syrian civil war and continues to be their greatest supporter and supplier of training and weapons including anti tank and Anti aircraft weaponry. The Dems want to Balkanize syria, not save it from Assad.

>forgetting the 180 trillion Jews from other universes that were killed
Oy vey, it's like all 400 trillion died for nothing

he has a typical degenerate, sex/rape slave fantasy.

Where did you get your numbers from? seems a bit exaggerated


Here's the Yelp for his business.


That's literally impossible. There are more humans alive today than have ever lived.

You're basically saying that Islam has been responsible for anywhere from 1/6 to 1/2 of deaths throughout history. That's retarded.

And Hitler was a socialist

Not true

why do you guys think there are so many gas planets out there?

gas planet jewpiter...

They're not. They're our puppets.


they killed off most of africa and SEA during their expansion, then killed shitloads of people for the lulz every chance they could. along with the rape of india that is still dealing with the cultural shit today. islam is nothing more than fucking rabid dogs that need to be put down for the betterment of all mankind.

and that more people alive now shit is seventh day adventist tier drunk scientist coming up with something for a dumb kid at a party tier guessing.

OMG...he is butthurt, because he looks like Trumps bald son (maybe his forgotten son?)

>there are people who actually believe that a modern US president would go full lolocaust

wtf i hate the first amendment now

Don't be believe those racist lies, Goy. It was clearly 10 quadrillion. So, don't forget - 90 quadrillion Jews died in the Holocaust by the evil whites.

wtf i hate quadrillions now

Show me the amendment that provides you the right to SAVE someone's life.

>You can't