Global boger face

global boger face

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There is simply no way that's real.

How is america simultaneously a center of intellectualism and idiocy..

Is this from the onion or he actually said that

I'm sure his constituents think he's a brainlet for believing the Earth is moving closer to the sun rather than vice versa

Wow, I guessed it, can you believe it

It's real.

This is what happens when you put R*publicans in charge of anything other than sucking off corporations and taking away people's healthcare

>Ball earthers

>center of intellectualism
High wages attracting skilled immigrants.
>and idiocy..
Everyone else.

It is real.

There are zillions of references to his words.

Global boger face confirmed.

fucking hell
>In March 2017, Wagner suggested that perhaps climate change is the result of the Earth moving closer to the Sun and from greater body heat emanating from a greater number of humans: "The Earth moves closer to the Sun every year. We have more people. You know, humans have warm bodies so is heat coming off? We're just going through a lot of change, but I think we are, as a society, doing the best we can

>"You know, humans have warm bodies so is heat coming off?"

>You know, humans have warm bodies so is heat coming off?

it's impossible to have the sun above your head beyond a tropic line, so that image premises are bad

*directly above

>Scott Wagner (R)

They can just drop the (R) now. It's pretty much implied when they open their mouths.

>Earth is getting warmer because humans have warm bodies and warming up the earth
LOL Dummy!
>Earth is getting warmer because we are getting closer to the sun
Hahaha what a retard!!
>Earth is getting warmer because cow farts and CO2 from your car trap in the warming waves
Yes this is why

>You know, humans have warm bodies so is heat coming off?

Americans are magical.

Actually it's moving away from the sun.

>you didn't know that?

you know, I would have almost expected that kind of comment 10 or 15 years ago when the debate for global warming was almost non existent and so people weren't as informed
but not now that it's such a hot topic in modern times
half assed arguments like that make the entire party look retarded, probably even convincing people to support the other party just because they don't say half the retarded shit the republicans seem to spew

Thanks you too buddy

>its not a big truck, its a series of tubes

>half assed arguments like that make the entire party look retarded
>convincing people to support the other party

Do not tell me you're seriously implying what I think you're implying

>the absolute state of this post

holy shit dude



>Earth is getting warmer because humans have warm bodies and warming up the earth
LOL Dummy!
>Earth is getting warmer because we are getting closer to the sun
Hahaha what a retard!!
>Earth is getting warmer because cow farts and CO2 from your car trap in the warming waves
Yes this is why

Americans have zero limits for retardation holy shit

I've seen it before
"I don't really like this party, but I'm voting them just because the other candidate seems like too much of a retard"
there's a reason everyone talks about choosing the lesser of two evils when on electoral times

I was so caught off guard by the man on the right's ignorance that I almost missed the host saying "Jewish Bible"




Bringing the ">american education" meme to a whole new level

We're talking about American Republicans here. There is no such thing as "too much of a retard".

gonna miss when amerifats are kicked from the internet desu lads



Quality bait, muttman


I was being sarcastic pretty much I don't know what causes global warming but seems to be it all sounds kinda bs, yes its getting warmer do we need to make up a reason why? Does it even matter? Cow fart and CO2 from peoples cars was something I read in a article somewhere. Thats all



please stop talking





at least he's a state senator and not a real senator


>I don't know what causes global warming
>but seems to be it all sounds kinda bs
That's a gambling position considering you don't know anything about it.
>do we need to make up a reason why?
Not make up, find them empirically.
>Does it even matter?

High income inequality


Their research and innovation is done by shipped skilled immigrants, mostly european and asians.
Local anglo scum.

god bless america

wow ur very intelectual!!

If you find the reason it will still be warmer, its not going to make a difference. Suppose it is cow fart trapping in the warming waves. Going to stop cows from farting? (NOT saying that is true I don't know what is true and I was only kidding with original post). Open a hole to get the warming waves out?

We need to be concentrating on getting people off the islands so they dont sink and making sure people can grow the right kind of crops for the new weather (for example move the tropical crops more north). Meanwhile we are all talking about "oh no its the cars fault" "no its the suns fault". Survival first arguing second. This has happened before (Ice age) and will likely happen again. My 2c. Thats all.

Clapistan everyone.

what if the cause is human action (this is actually the leading hypothesis)?

>Open a hole to get the warming waves out?


i can only take so much


>Open a hole to get the warming waves out?

literally stop
this is enough
just fucking stop


I refuse to believe this is real

why is it that these kind of comments come from an American flag 80% of the time? what's the reason we don't see such consistency with other posters? there are occasional dumb comments here and there but this is practically a pattern at this point

>Viggo Mortensen is grey now
Where did the time go ;_;

You can't make people stop driving cars either. Yes they are making electrical cars but they are expensive and most people won't buy a new car until their old car breaks. Want to make a bunch of free electrical cars and hand those out everywhere? Have fun raising the money for that. .

Also I read no matter what the Earth is getting warmer, we would've needed to be driving the electro cars for decades. Islands are already sinking deeper and deeper. Its too little too late even from that hypothesis. Ultimately, the world is a scary place and you can only control so much.

Once again that is sarcasm....

I think it's the rate of intellectual decline. Americans don't have the dumbest people in the world, but the decline is happening so quickly that things can get very absurd.

god i need to work on my (You) farming



Mate.. if you want to do sarcasm you can't just say something retarded and then just.. wait.

There's no hope left for you

That's fucking nothing.

Check this one

>Americans don't have the dumbest people in the world

I can’t be only one who thinks this guy is right.

You other faggots are just hypnotized to shitpost your racists bullshit against american user.

Shame on you.


Could we attach some sort of flotation to the islands to prevent them from sinking?


this, so much this


The thing is, Mars and Venus are heating up in the same rate as Earth. So the cause must be related somehow to the sun.



>tfw it's always America and then always Finland

I feel like I'm in Groundhog Day.

>we don't anticipate that

>tip over

How is it even possible to be that stupid?

>8 planets in the solar system
>only 3 are heating up
>still 5 left

What are we waiting for lads?

haha, good job playing around with the stereotype
almost got me there buddy, good joke

No best you can hope for is to put a bunch of dirt on the top to make them higher (never heard of this being done but it makes sense I guess though you'd need a LOT of dirt probably many many boats all of which would contribute CO2) OR build a giant dam wall (what the Netherlands does but this can backfire if the wall ever breaks or theres a big wave).

More likely I think just have them move over. Pacific islanders can move to Australia and Caribbean Islanders can move to the Americas (USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil all have room). Right now we are rebuilding Puerto Rico and I have to bite my tongue because fact is that its going to sink anyway. They should just move here to Wyoming where there's a lot of room.

Not sure if sarcasm but thanks.

imagine being the science or military advisor to one of these guys
having to explain how magnets work and shiet

What is even this thread?