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A big piece of crap

How did they manage to make it feel like nothing was happening whilst simultaneously taking so long to end?

How come this is the 4th/5th time we got the "next time we'll for sure get the X-men team movie we've always failed to do!"?

Quicksilver was cool, though, maybe get Singer to direct the Flash. He can handle small casts a lot better, and his brand of 'leather-dark' is probably as light as Snyder would allow someone to work with in his own universe.

I liked it in spite of how hard it was trying to annoy me at points. I think there's a handful of great Singer moments and a great cast working with a turd of a script that makes almost no sense and basically has no forward motion or act structure.

I'd give it a 3/5. It was an ambitious and weird movie I still liked despite itself. And at least the comic fans can't scream that this film is embarrassed about being a comic movie considering how much weird sci-fi shit this film has.


It's still only promising shit it won't deliver, if past tries are anything to go by. Seems like such a safe committee-made movie.

It was meh.
And that is a shame because I really enjoyed both First Class and Future Past.

It was good.
>Jubilee was cute. CUTE!
>Teen cast was great.
>Bubs were snikt'd
>Pockylips was pretty okay
>Being Magneto is suffering
>Sweet dreams are made out of superspeed
>Munn's Psylocke was okay despite barely having any lines
>JLaw was less annoying than expected
>Good humor
>hype ending
>Very nice opening scene in ancient Egypt

I'd say it was the third best X-men related movie so far, just behind DoFP and X2.

>Jlaw gives the most half-added performance ever in a X-Men and spends 90% of the movie without make up (forcing you to stare at get fat face). Also he's wanked as the Mutant messiah.
>Jubilee is in the movie for 30 seconds.
>Magneto's dead wife gets more lines and development than Psylocke (who only has 2 lines)
>Magneto goes full Vader and gives a corny NNNOOOOOO, also kills billions of people and is forgiven
>most of the teen X-Men don't get as much screentime or development as JLaw, Magneto, and Xavier.
>Nightcrawler is boring
>Apocalypse is boring.
>shitty rehash of the QS scene from DoFP
>Wolverine cameo ignores DoFP ending
>Wolverine Weapon X doesn't have a visor because MUH HUGH'S FACE

It's not out in the US yet and I probably won't see it anyway, but I have a question:

Does Wolverine finally get a suit that's not black leather?

first 15 minutes are good then it turns to total shit

only good character was quicksilver

even wolverine cameo is ridiculous, he looks like a fucking joke running away into "the forest" that looks like it's a 10 foot long hallway with fake snow


RT didn't stop the Transformers movies from making some of the most money ever, they aren't going to stop another X-Men movie with Hugh Jackman.
Seriously, the only reason people cared about that site when it came to BvS was because the movie was already infamous and people were waiting for an "official" excuse to point at it with the finger and laugh.

I think Fox (and Singer) need to stop raping the X-Men franchise and give the rights back to Marvel Studios.

Kinda generic and not as good as dofp, but I still enjoyed it.

I am actually excited for more x men movies with the new cast.

Not to integrate with the larger MCU. The mutants as outcasts and their large fucking roster is enough to be self-sustained and even becomes better for it.

Now if they were just properly used.

>who cares if Fox made another movie literally raping the X-Men name
>at least it made money
>if it makes money than that means it's a good movie
Hey Foxshill, tell your bosses to stop ruining X-Men. Also the FF.

Not total shit, just an underwhelming movie that recycles various plots and character motivations that we’ve seen millions of times in X-men movies.

Mystique dick sucking is at an all time high and there’s at least 4 scenes where her ‘importance’ is shoved right in your face. The horsemen (minus Magneto) do literally nothing and Singers treatment of certain characters, whilst not terrible, is a little strange.

Charles, Magneto and Quicksilver steal the show again. Younger mutants are ok and their interactions in the school are pretty nice to watch. In fact everything up until the school blowing up is fine. Just afterwards it goes downhill fast.

I thought that user was implying the movie was going to flop.
Also I don't expect RT critics to know about X-Men beyond the other movies.

Boring, cliche, and generic and just plain ugly to look at.

Singer is stale. Bring in fresh blood.

Fox needs to fire Singer and have Deadpool lead the X-Men.

The Mystique shilling pissed me off more than I thought it would. Annoyed me even more when I found out that she isn't even in make-up for a lot of the movie and they tried to make it a point. It was tedious.

Apocalypse himself was shit. What the Hell did they think trying to make him like that? His powers may have been cool, but... he just had no presence. Magneto's turning felt forced, too.

But Mystique ruined the film for me. It's surprising because I really liked her in First Class and thought she did okay in DoFP. But... this one? She ruined it for me. The film could have done without her.

It has some good scenes, and the new young Jean was surprisingly decent... but no, as a whole, not worth the ticket price.



Marvel are doing more to kill Xmen then Fox desu, pushing this Inhuman shit and side lining Xmen. Create some gas that kills them.

he wears 90% accurate Weapon X outfit, with the batteries, wires and everything

I liked that we finally had a battle in the astral plane

or whatever the term is

Its not out yet in the only country that matters

Came out in the UK last week m8.

Gas the je ... i mean mutant. Yeah. Gas the mutant


I wish there was more of the young mutants hanging out.


>that X-Men EVO vibe

Which are you, one of the countries we created or one of the countries we saved?

The one that stole all your best land and beat your ass with just civilians

>twinkcrawler buying a michael jackson jacket
>off screen

It was okay but story was pretty vanilla especially compared to FC and DOFP. Still I had fun and I actually liked the trio in OP pic.

Apocalypse was entertaining though. Every time his eyes turned white he looked like he was seriously pissed while simultaneously having an orgasm. It was literally funny yet terrifying at the same time which is pretty rare these days.

His intro music was pretty GOAT though, and kinda reminded me of Prince of Egypt: youtube.com/watch?v=fXvuJUw1UrQ

Quicksilver rescue scene was the best.

Glad I wasn't the only one. Really enjoyed the film had an "X-Men: Evolution" vibe to it.

burgerfag here. im considering skipping this movie entirely which ive never done for x-men. bryan singer is like that football coach that was promising the first two years and then the team just starts sucking ass for the next 5 years and fans slowly turn on him but ownership still wont fire the asshole.

x-men and x2 had their flaws but were mostly decent. then last stand, both wolverines, first class and days of futre past all sucked for different reasons. this movie looks like it takes everything that sucked about every x-men movie and combines them together into one super abortion.

Sadly this is the closest we'll ever get of an X-Men: Evolution movie

You have awful taste man. First Class is easily the best Xmen movie.

>some of the most money ever

There's two things wrong with this aside from your appalling grasp of language:

firstly, the Transformers movies cost a lot less by comparison to this turkey. We already know that XMA cost over $230m to produce, and another $80m or so on top of that to market. This places it in the realm where it can make $700m and still be unprofitable. The first Transformers movie cost what would be $175m (a difference which would buy you a whole Deadpool) and made what would be $815m+. It became profitable at probably $501m; this won't become profitable until about $620m, because in both cases the distribution costs are around half the gross and never actually come back to the studio - turns out running a huge building that mostly stands empty and is relatively luxurious inside actually costs money. Who knew?

Secondly, they can only be said to be among the highest-grossing if you don't bother to account for inflation. There are several reasons people don't do this: because they don't understand that it exists (which is surprisingly common), because they assume the grosses are all updated accordingly in such lists, and because it's hard to do, since you can go by CPI inflation or ticket price inflation, which run at different rates, and also because you then have these same problems in every territory in which the movie played internationally.

It's not enough to say "but Transformers" just because a big-budget movie is bad; Transformers, like the Star Wars movies, is a brand that transcends cinema and has a huge following year in year out over the course of several decades. X-Men has... a tired-looking Star Trek-esque movie series which is probably on its last legs, a couple of cartoons a decade apart, and a comic book that used to be huge in the 90s, the decade many former readers would likely rather forget. It's not even like Batman or Superman; the X-Men comics just weren't popular for a very long time.

India? Yeah good luck getting Pakistan back, dummy.

This was the first x-men movie I've seen since X3 made me want to die, and honestly I was surprised at how a change of time period made it feel fresh, and how it did a way better job of taking the source material and staying close to that, while making it interesting for the big screen. It's good for a dumb blockbuster film, I don't understand the hate at all.

>, first class and days of futre past all sucked for different reasons
And you fucked up.

>first class is easily the best x-men movie
professor-x not even bald, beast has shitty costume/makeup, why is mystique even in the movie?, no cyclops in the first class, shit casting for mystique, beast, and emma frost, magneto is good and then bad arc already done in x2, most of the young x-men characters are worthless. nope its shit, and so is your taste.

You should watch FC and DOFP then (I thought Apocalypse was fun even if a bit generic in terms of story). FC was okay but had the strongest performances for Xavier and Magneto. DOFP was a tighter film with a better conclusion though.

>NOT MUH the post

I bet you are just a stupid movie fag

>magneto is good and then bad arc already done in x2
>implying that Fassbender's Magneto didn't capture the spirit of the character much better than any attempt that X2 made

Literal shit taste confirmed. Everyone move along, nothing to see here.

fassbenders performance was good. but story-wise, magneto is bad and then good and then bad was done in x2, why do we need to recycle that? sebastian shaw and the yellow x-men jump suits were cool i guess. thats it though. the entire first class kiddie team is shit and irrelevant to the plot.

your taste is diarhea w/ nuts

>why do we need to recycle that?

First Class was meant to be a reboot

The news footage of the 1973 attack on the White House is used in schools to inform people about the existence of mutants; both bad (Magneto who tries to kill Nixon) and good (Mystique who stopped Mags). Mystique is idolized by a lot mutant kids for that sacrifice of revealing her true self to the world.

Ironically, having her true form broadcast worldwide, eliminates Mystique's privacy and threatens her safety. So, she minimizes showing her true blue form even/especially around other mutants.

And yes! In the movie, Caliban asked her why she doesn't want to be identified as Mystique (in name and form).

Still stupid and lame.

Also that doesn't change the fact that JLaw gives the most half-assed performance in the franchise. She is just BORED.

Fuck JLaw and her butter face, Fuck Mystique, and fuck Fox.

>fassbenders performance was good
He was overly dramatic and chewed the scenery.

Zemo from Civil War was better than all the X-Men villians

>saw movie came in hating JLaw and didn't care
>didn't pay attention to story line

got it

>was better than all the X-Men villians

>Muh Sokovia, muh family, mus special forces training.
>Zemo in name only

uh-huh. thank you mr. mouse


>Triggered this easily

>Zemo from Civil War was better than all the X-Men villians
Zemo was okay what little he got but saying that he's better than Fassneto is bullshitting yourself.

>says the fassbender hater that replied to a post of good performance by fassbender
>fass doesn't trigger me, swear

I'm not the same poster who was talking about Fassbender.
Just noticing how practiced your defensive cringe is.

> and we just noticed that you don't know how to trace back a reply line.
>we also noticed that the mouse isn't alone here, there are mouseketeers as well
>posting meme images like they rehearsed/practiced
>posting without knowing the line of replies; whose cringy now

Quick, name 3 villains worth a damn from the X-Men franchise that are not Magneto!

A movie made by a man who is engaged in a pervasive pedophilia ring throughout Hollywood that forces children into sexual slavery and occasionally into snuff films.

Ian McKellen, Michael Fassbender and Bill Milner/Brett Morris.

Uh I don't know. Maybe X2 Stryker, the future Sentinels and Deadpool because he's his own worst enemy.

The one with nice teeth.

It was entertaining enough. Mystique's and Magneto's parts were dumb but the new kids were great, especially Kurt and Peter. Can't say I'm looking forward to more Phoenix or Wolverine bullshit though.

I seriously hope we don't get more Wolverine. He good in DOFP (literally his best portrayal by far) but I'd rather they focus on the new kids while keeping Logan in his own film.

Like every other X Men movie it focuses on 3 characters, Charles, Magneto, and in this case Mystique, and the rest are just there to draw in fanboys.

How often do you think all of the actors thought about how their director is an open and unrepentant pedophile who actively supports an organized pedophilia ring in Hollywood?

During lunch breaks probably, when there's time for crumpets and gossip

I liked it. I can understand why people would think it was a step backwards from DOFP but I can't understand why it's getting so much hate.

It was deliciously over the top.

Agreed, they've done pretty much everything interesting they can do with him at this point and there are so many other cool stories they could tell. But, cashcow is gonna cashcow...

I think Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Angel all experienced it first-hand.

Didn't Singer cut more of that sequence or was that rumor?

>Guys we need to kill someone off to show the stakes are high
>I know why don’t we kill off Mystique, after all this is JLaws last movie and it’ll leave a huge impact since everyone in the mutant community looks up to her.
>I’ve got a better idea, let’s make Havok die. It'll leave an emotional mark on Scott and eventually inspire him to lead the X-men.
>Genius! But let’s make him die like a chump and not have it affect Scott all that much.

>muh phoenix
I thought team work was gonna save the day, not Jean's LVL 3 Hyper.

>I know this shit because I actively participate in shitposting threads
>t.marvel drone

I like when autistic nobodies pretend they know how enterprises work.

He cut the whole mall sequence, the only bit they left is when they leave the cinema talking about Star Wars and that's only 30 seconds long.

It did require team work, Pheonix alone didn't do it.

I was actually really hoping Charles would be the one to beat him during that mind smack down. That "you're in my house now" moment was glorious. Too bad he immediately jobbed.

Fucking shit.

Why do they do this crap?

>The only part of that sequence they left in was the meta joke about Apocalypse being a bad movie.

I thought the joke was about X3 being shit

She literally incinerates Apocalypse alone. All it took was Charles telling her to activate her level 5 Hyper.

I hope the irony isn't lost on them.

What do you guys think the future movies will be about. I'm hoping with the phoenix appearing it will pave way for more cosmic stuff.

It was, that other user is a bitter retard

Did Brian Singer rape that blue twink?
Yes he did.

X-Force and Cable is surely next.

Bryan Singer says that he pitched an X-Force movie with X-23

Mr Sinister is next. Although for a good chunk I believed the weapon X sample along with the other samples had to do with Weapons XI through XII and I was hoping to see Fantomex and Za Warudo.

Wasn't she supposedly appearing in the third wolverine next year?

Maybe it would be a sequel to that, who knows?

Timing and to make the movie flow better I guess.

Though in this case it kind of backfired considering most critics were saying the interactions between the teen mutants were some of the better things in an otherwise mediocre movie.

>letting Brian Singer direct a cast of teenagers
The girls will be safe at least...

Is his wiener flopping?

So... Jubilee Cut next year then?

alas, pants doth block the visage of manhood of Jack

Why is Sophie manlier than either of them?