Japanese are real Kanji country

Japanese are real Kanji country.

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Fuck kanji, real men use chinese hanzi (汉子)

Both shit

actually Kanji is most beautiful character, not hanzi.


what is this?

Jealous that you don't use Hanja anymore?

Fuck calligraphy. That shit's illegible.

Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau are real Kanji country. They all use traditional.
China uses simplified and Japan uses a mix of some simplified and traditional characters.

simplified characters are for simple people.

You must be grateful to the Chinese for giving you such a nice looking script

Speakers of a nigger dialect of Spanish don't get to make claims about the 'simplicity' of other languages

I also speak English just like you, or else I wouldn't be here lol

Learn traditional characters or go home.

Just saying, Hangul is way more logical and easier to learn than Japanese, even though it takes more time to read it fast, it's more practical than Japanese AS A WRITTEN LANGUAGE.

But I think it could be better somehow.

Simplified characters are for smart people who want to write faster.
Traditional is babby mode.

I can't argue with Poland because I like Poland.


>Simplified characters are for smart people who want to write faster.
they need to use Hiragana Katakana.

Love comes from conflict.

Katakana is the most nazi thing I've ever seen in a language. This is the reason many Japanese sucks at english, they translate every foreign word into it.

Te quiero tambien, Dominicana.

>Just saying, Hangul is way more logical and easier to learn than Japanese, even though it takes more time to read it fast,

>they translate every foreign word into it.
I thought all languages did this.

Pretty much any modern language does that, Japanese just uses a different script for it (and other things.)

Mexicans just steal foreign words, it makes their language look less shit

As I said, blocks start with a consonant and just check if your vowels are vertical or horizontal. And if the following character is a consonant, add it to the block.

40 characters in Korean compared to 96 kana characters plus 100 entry level kanji in Japanese. Korean seems a lot more practical.

looks very ugly.

Kanji ! beautiful thing

Im thankful to China

If there were no old Chinese characters, there would not have been Kanji now

>배, 배, 배
>전시, 전시
>의사, 의사
>자원, 자원,
>전기, 전기
>전문, 전문, 전문

Distinguish these without that unpractical Chinese character.

Sorry, exclude 배(ship), 배(stomach), 배(fruit)

It's really practical
Am I right? ;P

Yes. If with Chinese character.

>hes too autistic to know context

You and that Mexican have something in common. Both is too autistic to distinguish language and character.

>when you got nothing to say

Korean and Japanese basically have same structure. Indegenous characters(hangul, kana)+Chinese character words. But only difference is that Korean convert Chinese character words into their own character, and Japanese doesn't. So Korean cannot but have problem of phonogram in the process to convert Chinese character. But since Japanese is complementing problem of both ideogram and phonogram by mixing both writing system, I don't agree with you and that Mexican's. The Mexican doesn't seem to know how to distinguish character and language, I don't consider his ignorance.

>he hasn't read my post

It was a waste of time

If there is anyone to thank for Kanji it's Taiwan.

Why the fuck would you credit that commie shithole that destroyed Kanji

Japan also destroyed the Chinese characters. They made them all unbalanced.

>he has time

Plus, if he simply compared hangul only with kana, I would have nothing to say. But he dragged even Chinese character into his argument and made this a problem of which language is practical as well. That's why I pointed out homonym problem as a Korean language's defect and said he doesn't distinguish language and character. What do you think his point is other than this?

Why do japs keep making this retarded thread over and over again?

I have If it's useless time

Hong Kong and Taiwan both have better hanzi sets than Japan’s retarded kanji.

Yeah pretty much. I always thought kanji had a very unbalanced system. The traditional characters will always be the best.

의견있음? 동음이의어로는 뭘해도 일본에 비빌수가 없는데.
저 많은 단어가 똑같이 こうしょう 즉 코우쇼우 로 읽힘.


한자 없으면 이런 무시무시한 사태가 벌어짐

그래서 한자 써야한다고 생각하는 사람임. 한글로는 써도 구분 못함


Are you Chinese or something? Calling kanji unbalanced doesn't make any sense unless you are Chinese and trying to compare the languages, which doesn't work.

>Simplification was not done uniformly. Firstly, only a select group of characters (the jōyō kanji) was simplified, with many characters outside this group (the hyōgaiji) retaining their earlier form. Secondly, even when a simplification was done in some characters within this group, the analogous simplification was not applied to all characters.

>For example, the character 龍, meaning "dragon," was simplified in isolation and in some compound characters, but not others. The character itself was simplified to 竜, as was the compound character 瀧 ("waterfall") → 滝, it was not simplified in the characters 襲 ("attack") and 籠 ("basket"), although a variant character, 篭, exists for the latter.

>Conversely, the character 貫 was not simplified, nor was the compound character 慣, but in the other compound character 實 it was simplified, resulting in 実.

>Similarly, 卒 is used in isolation, but in compounds has been simplified to 卆, such as 醉 to 酔; 專 has been simplified to 云 in some characters, such as 傳 to 伝, and 轉 to 転, but only to 専 in isolation or some other characters (there are also similar characters such as 薄).

Shit’s a mess.

내말은 한글로도 충분히 표현이 가능하다는거임 원시인도 아니고 누가

"배 자원 무 전기 필요" 이런식으로 대화를하냐
위에 올린자료 보다시피 동음이의어 말로만 뭐라해도 일본에 비하면 쨉도 아니고 실생활에서 불편함 겪은적있어? 連霸,連霸(연패) 이런것같이 특출난 몇개 빼면 난 느껴본적이 없음. 생각이 다르면 지금 내가 쓴글에 얼마나 많은 한자어가 들어갔나 생각해보고 정말 읽을수 없는 수준인지 다시한번 생각해봐.

It is unbalanced if you actually look at radicals you dumb fuck. I’m Scottish with a kraut grandma.

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language. Those are words used frequently. And young Korean generation which didn't get Chinese character education can hardly distinguish both words.
童貞(Virgin) 同情(Sympathy) 동정
有機(Organic matter) 遺棄(Abandonment) 유기
史記(Shiji ancient Chinese history ) 詐欺(Swindle) 사기
顧問(Adviser) 拷問(Torture) 고문
郵政(Postal administration) 友情(Friendship) 우정
火傷(Burn) 画像(Image) 화상
風速(Velocity of the wind) 風俗(Customs) 풍속
戦死(Killed) 戦士(Soldier) 전사
数値(Numerical value) 羞恥(Shame) 수치
新車(New car) 新茶(new tea) 신차
犬食(dog eating) 見識(Discernment) 견식
烈火(Intense fire) 劣化(Deterioration) 열화
読者(Reader) 独自(Originality) 독자
停電(Power failure) 停戦(Cease-fire) 정전
救助(rescue) 構造(structure) 구조
諸国(Nations) 帝国(Empire) 제국
意識(Consciousness) 儀式(ritual) 의식
声明(Statement) 姓名(Full name) 성명
全員(All members) 田園(The country) 전원
全力(One's best) 電力(Electric power) 전력
捕鯨(Whale fishing) 包茎(Penis phimosis of foreskin) 포경
課長(Section chief) 誇張(Exaggeration) 과장
地図(Map) 指導(Guidance) 지도
初代(Founder) 招待(Invitation) 초대
駅舎(Station) 歴史(History) 역사
反戦(Anti-war) 反転(Reversing) 반전
武士(Samurai) 無事(Safely) 무사
連覇(Successive victories) 連敗(Series of defeats) 연패

祈願(Prayer) 起源(Origin) 기원
同志(Fellow) 冬至(Winter solstice) 동지
紳士(Gentleman) 神社(Shinto shrine) 신사
首相(Prime Minister) 受賞(Winning) 수상
市長(Mayor) 市場(Market) 시장
映画(Movie) 栄華(Prosperity) 영화
歩道(Pavement) 報道(Report) 보도
お腹(Stomach) 船 (Ship) 배
日傘(Parasol) 量産(Mass production) 양산
主義(Principle) 注意(Attention) 주의
団扇(Fan) 負債(Debt) 부채
大使(Ambassador) 台詞(Dialog) 대사
諸島(Islands) 制度(System) 제도
定額(Fixed amount) 精液(Semen) 정액
インド(India) 引導(Requiem) 인도
対局(Play) 大国(Large country) 대국
無力(Powerlessness) 武力(Military power) 무력
電車(Train) 戦車(Tank) 전차
発光(Luminescence) 発狂(Going mad) 발광
充電(Charge) 充填(Filling) 충전
代弁(Representation) 大便(Feces) 대변
朝鮮(Korea) 造船(Shipbuilding) 조선
反日(Anti-Japan) 半日(Half a day) 반일
柱石(Pillars) 主席(The president) 주석
防火(Fire prevention) 放火(Arson) 방화
防水(Waterproof) 放水(Draining water off) 방수
地方(The provinces) 脂肪(Fat) 지방
駅舎(Station building) 歴史(History) 역사
検査(inspection) 検事(prosecutor) 검사

Even words about math
素数(Prime number) 小数(Decimal) 少数(Small number) all of the are one word 소수

異常(Abnormality) 理想(Ideal) 以上(More than) all of the are one word 이상
And more complicated,
首相 prime minister
水上 aquaticwater‐surface
受賞 get a prise, winning
授賞 give a prise, award
手相 palmistry
随想 random thoughts
All of them are one homonym「수상」

異常(Abnormality) 理想(Ideal) 以上(More than) all of the are one word 이상
And more complicated,
首相 prime minister
水上 aquaticwater‐surface
受賞 get a prise, winning
授賞 give a prise, award
手相 palmistry
随想 random thoughts
All of them are one homonym「수상」

事情 Situation
私情 Personal feelings
査定 assessment
射程 shooting range
射精 ejaculation
All of them are one homonym「사정」

Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.

電気 electricity
電機 Electrical machinery
伝記 biography
前期 the early part
全期 Full term
戦旗 battle flag
戦記 a record of a war
転記 transfer posting
All of them are on 「전기」

Wow.... I can't believe....
え・・・ コレマジなのか・・・

Most biggest problem of Korean alphabet is when it come to terminology. Like special advanced academic study at graduate school.
Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja.So it's difficult to read advanced academic essay only Hangul.

If you learn, medical study, law, biology, and so on by Korean language, Hangul has too many homonym
As like here.

Those are words used frequently even in daily life, And young Korean generation which didn't get Chinese character education can hardly distinguish both words.
How much more for academic terminology?
Even those easy words about math is like this so many homonyms
素数(Prime number) 小数(Decimal) 少数(Small number) all of the are one word 소수

so they can't learn advanced study without back up of Chinese character especially young generation of Korean who didn't learn Chinese character.
If you are at west, you would learn Latin or ancient greace for terminology.
They Have to use it when they learn the advanced academic terminology.
So it is lie that Korean could perfectly get rid of Chinese characters Without problem.

Since majority of the Korean vocabulary is based on Chinese characters, each of which has its own meaning, so many Korean words are coined that way. For example, ankle is "foot+neck". In English, ankle itself has an independent meaning but in Korean, ankle is comprised of two different Chinese characters: foot and neck. This is why so many Korean words sound very strange or nonsense when they are literally translated into English word for word

Korean alphabet needs back up of kanji at advanced essay.
So it is lie that Korean could perfectly get rid of Chinese characters or at least need the help of alphabet.
They Have to use it when they learn the advanced academic terminology.

Korean name is basically based on Chinese character, but can't even write their own name in Chinese character through Hangul only education.

It's Korean gov's 愚民化 policy to have abolished Chinese character education. They are trying to make stupid Korean public more stupid simpler. We need to throw away the useless ethnic pride and restart Chinese character education.

Hangul is a good system. You might complain about homonyms but that’s hardly an issue when they have context. Spoken Japanese is heavy on the homophones but context makes all the difference. When the hell will someone mistake “fellow” with “Winter solstice”?

실용성 측면이라면 일본어 동의어도 음의 높낮이나 문맥 등으로 구별 가능하고 일상생활에 문제 없음. 짤에 나온 단어도 대부분 자주 쓰는 것도 아니고. 단지 저 멕시코 아논이 한국어가 일본어보다 실용적nida 드립 치길래 한자로 보완해야 하는 한국어 동의어의 결함을 지적한 것 뿐임. 이런 건 가로 치고 옆에 한자 적어 놓을 수밖에 없잖아? 한자 없어도 일상생활에는 문제 없지만 논문이나 학술지는 한자 없이는 곤란할 때가 많음. 개인적으로 한국어와 일본어가 문장 구조는 같아도 시스템은 다른데 단순비교하는 것도 무리라고 본다. 한국이 한자를 혼용하면 모를까. 그리고 난 언어에 우열이 있다고는 생각 안 함.

No. Those are words used very frequently. And young Korean generation which didn't get Chinese character education can hardly distinguish both words.

Did you not understand what I just said? Context is key. If someone is writing “soon it will be the Winter solstice” in Korean they will not mistake “Winter solstice” for “fellow”.

생각해보니깐 니말이 맞음 그냥 일본인들이

말도안되는 동음이의어 들먹이면서
>위에도 보이다시피
우월감 느끼려는게 조금 아니꼬웠음. 저능아도 아니고 도대체 누가 저런걸 구별못할까.

일본인들은 못하나보지

防火(Fire prevention) 放火(Arson) 방화
防水(Waterproof) 放水(Draining water off) 방수
They are opposite meaning and still the same words.

検査(inspection) 検事(prosecutor) 검사
This is important words and it might use in the same sentence but the same words.

Why it have to do such time and effort to make sentence to avoid homonym??
Normal language does not need such consiern.
Hungle is not perfected by itself.
incomplete writing ststem. Like they get rid of hanja for stupid pride of nationalism

oh boy, here we go again..


seek mental help as soon as possible

Angry Zainichi Koran in Japan

Language is not logical and millions of Koreans can use Hangul without issue.
>Why it have to do such time and effort to make sentence to avoid homonym??
You say this and yet the Japanese language itself has three different writing systems and adopted pitch accent just to avoid homonyms in speech because it has less phonemes than Korean.

I wish Korea adopts use of Chinese character and collaborates with Japanese scholars to make more perfect Chinese character. It would have been possible enough if the relation between two countries were goot.

Without hanja, hungle became like that situation.

花瓶(Vase) and 火病(Korean anger syndrome) 화병

Both common words, I don't know how they distinguish them.


I don’t see any practical benefit to Koreans learning Chinese characters and most of them don’t want to. The best Chinese character sets are the traditional ones of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Kanji is mess if you actually study compound characters and radicals. It was not a uniform process by any means. Hanja is actually better than Kanji in the sense that it was more conservative and near-identical to traditional Hanzi.

At 19century. Knowledge about hanja in Korea was high becouse of Seonbi.
Korean lost its knowledge ,legacy ,real tradition and wisdom by stoping Kenji for stupid pride of nationalism.

나도 너처럼 쿨했으면 좋겠다~

True 2bh it’s like telling English speakers to learn Latin. It can make you smarter but there’s not much point to it. Also I am traditional Hanzi loyalist because I’m Taiwanese and love calligraphy. Every other character set is ugly to me.

t. brainlet who can't read context

No. modern Chinese and Korean copied a lot of kanji words. Which Japanese invented to learn western knowledge.
Without japanese kanji words china and Korea even can't to be modernized.
“Japanese during the Meiji Period (1868-1912) translated knowledge from the West into kanji, which helped China to understand the world,” Liu writes. “I wonder what China would be like today if Japanese hadn’t done so.”

The term wasei kango (和製漢語, Japan-made Chinese words) is used to describe such borrowings. The prefix wa in wasei is taken from the second character in 大和 (Yamato, alternatively read as Daiwa), an ancient name for Japan , which is commonly used to form such words as wafū (和風, Japanese style), wabun (和文, Japanese writing) and washoku (和食, Japanese cuisine).

Examples of Japanese words adopted into Chinese

直接 chokusetsu (direct)
注射 chūsha (injection)
出口 deguchi (exit)
伝染病 densenbyō (contagious disease)
電子 denshi (electron)
動脈 dōmyaku (artery)
原子 denshi (atom)
百貨店 yakkaten (department store)
入口 iriguchi (entrance)
時間 jikan (time)
決算 kessan (closing of accounts)
企業 kigyō (business)
小型 kogata (compact)
工業 kōgyō (industry)
広告 kōkoku (advertisement)
国際 kokusai (international)
空間 kǖkan (space)
民族 minzoku (people)
農民 nōmin (farmer)
大型 ōgata (large scale)
歴史 rekishi (history)
劣勢 ressei (inferiority)
政党 seitō (political party)
社会 shakai (society)
市場 shijō (market)
自然科学 shizen kagaku (natural science)
所得税 shotokuzei (income tax)
出版 shuppan (publishing)
主体 shutai (main subject)
相対 sōtai (relative)
体育 taiiku (physical education)
体操 taisō (calesthenics)
投資 tōshi (investment)
優勢 yǖsei (superiority)
絶対 zettai (absolute)

So Why it have to do such time and effort to make sentence to avoid homonym??
Normal language does not need such consiern.
Hungle is not perfected by itself.
incomplete writing ststem. Like they get rid of hanja for stupid pride of nationalism

You are retarded. I wasn’t talking about wasei kango at all. Read this

하여튼 저 캐나다새끼 괜히 문맥 어쩌구 지랄하다가 설명하라고 하니 잠수타네ㅋㅋㅋ 댓글마다 병신같은 짤 다는 거 보고 트롤인 건 알았다만

That’s a pretty good comparison. I have been learning Mandarin for a few years. My first teacher was from Beijing so she used simplified but my current one is from Taipei and teaches in traditional. It’s so much nicer and flows better. I can see all the semantic/phonetic compounds in the characters. The simplified characters really butchered that aspect.

Even name of Chinese nation itself is Japanese kanji words.
Without Japanese kanji they can't write and explain even own name of nation
To make his point, Oshida began the article with three common Chinese terms: 1) chūka jinmin kyōwakoku (中華人民共和国, People’s Republic of China), 2) ittō dokusai seiken (一党独裁政権, government by single-party dictatorship) and 3) kōkyū kanbu shidō shakaishugi shijō keizai (高級幹部指導社会主義市場経済, socialist market economy guided by high-ranked cadres).

Somewhat remarkably, with the exception of chūka (中華, central flower, i.e., China) all the compound words above are of Japanese origin.


Why do japanese posters have such a low standard of dialogue? What's the fuck is wrong with them?

Who cares? Without japanese there'd still be 中華料理

And your point is? In English we have plenty of words which have no exact “meaning” since they were borrowed from Latin/Greek constructions but it doesn’t make any difference. Many English names are derived from Hebrew and most people have no idea what the etymology is (like Aaron or Esther). Not a big problem.


Then try ged rid of all of Japanese kanji words from Korea and china.
All of them is very important words related modern life.
even cannot have human life anymore.

You’re not making any sense.

But there's nothing to lose even if you learn Chinese character. And it's clearly not a waste of time considering improvement of understanding obtained by learning Chinese character. Japan's illiteracy rate is not much different with Korea even though they have to learn kanji for a long time during childhood, implying acquiring Chinese character mainly depends on education. If it can improve student's ability even a little, why not Korea.

There’s nothing to lose but it’s no simple task learning Chinese characters. The reason why Hanja attainment is low in Korea is because of its impracticality. Japanese people are constantly exposed to Kanji. Hanja might only be popular if Korean adopted mixed script. As it stands right now there isn’t much need for it. Mongolians used to write in their own vertical script but gave it up in favour of Cyrillic.


You seem to have a misunderstanding about simplified characters. The Japanese uses a DIFFERENT set of simplified characters.

Not to say, 'Traditional Chinese' is merely a meme. Their words are also simplified to an extent, eg 辞职/辭職 should be originally written as 辤職, but trad characters merged it with 辭(which is used for words like 辭典), and simplified further simplified it to 辞 through conversion of cursive writing to regular script(草书楷化)。

Same goes to 简化字。Example 脑,恼,垴 simplified but 瑙 is not. 监 is simplified as such but 舰 uses another radical. 惯 is only simplified at 贝 but 实 uses 头 instead. 练 is simplified as such but 澜,柬 is not(this one however was addressed in the second set of simplification characters which was later scrapped).

Your point is completely relevant to simplified chinese as well.
Do you have the full list? I am interested to read more about that.

So Why it have to do such time and effort to read and make sentence to avoid homonym in Korean??
Normal language does not need such problem.
Hungle is not perfected by itself.
incomplete writing ststem.