Second biggest party in Denmark proposes a complete stop of all muslim immigration for up to 6 years

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My sister does some research in Copenhagen. She says Danes are based as fuck and loathe the EU and mass immigration. If an anti-immigrant party could win anywhere it would probably there.

And some people on Sup Forums actually think that you guys are cucks.

They are located between Germany and Sweden so the confusion is understandable

If only danish women didn't look like trolls.

We are as red-pilled as UN (and EU?) laws and "human rights" permit us to be.

We need to do away with those laws and "human rights" if we want real change.

We literally have a Taylor Swift, Kate Upton or Charlotte McKinney in every high school class. It doesn't get better than that.

this will never pass lol

Either way I'm fine with new border regulations and vastly reduced benefits to immigrants.

DF is doing fine work.

That's why every "red-pilled" party wants to get out of EU.

Keep it up Danebros. Was in Kopenhagen last week, you're like what NL was before we got massively fucked.

Don't be mad as us famalam

Dated a Dane. She and all her friends hated muzzles. Thus was 1992 btw.

fuck my life

denmark can i move to you please

>them feels when people in power listen to the people and not the media
feels good

That depends. Do you look like Anna Nyström?

Godspeed, Greatest ally. Please do this! If you do will problably follow.

Natt lives there so its impossible for Denmark to be totally cucked.

dubs grant permission

also yeah sure you are in scandi so it's super easy for you.

Manlet spotted.

So what do the people want? In or out of the EU?

Every dane i've ever met was insanely attractive and based, goodluck based danebros

post danish qts pls

I want this to become a mainstream opinion. Whether it is actually implemented or not is irrelevant

Sweet. I'm moving to denmark.

Oh wait

depends. we are somewhat pragmatic so we'll w8 and see what the GB do. and if it works for them we'll prolly get an dexit

Denmark is the best germanic folk.

Why isn't Denmark cucked like Germany and Sweden? I mean you live right between them. How did you manage to save yourselves?

thanks bro

We have deep mistrust towards Sweden and Germany.

It's in our nature to oppose them. If they were redpilled we would have been cucks.

Mogens Glistrup was right. But Danes rejected him.

Unlike you :^)

Oh you ;^)

Keep up the good work. Also, may you become the -largest- party in Denmark.

c-could a skåning move to Denmark and be accepted?

Swedes have been calling me a fucking dane all my life

Don t be offended Kraut. At least you can be the best Turkish mongrel state.

>American insulting gullible Europeans to post a bunch of pictures of their native beuties


As long as you get a job, pay taxes, then complain about said taxes and otherwise shut the fuck up, sure.

I legitimately don't know how much wiggle room countries have to reject international refugee law.

Asylum laws need to be revised if not entirely revoked, they're too easily exploitable.

A useless nog or kebab has more chance to move to the US legally as a refugee than a qualified European migrant or a US citizen moving to Europe has, it's ridiculous.

wut, my english teacher was dane and she was hot as fuck :D

Too little too late:


> beuties

I am really sure that one of the biggest reason this generation of Swedish women are so insufferable is because they "inherited" the title of being gorgeous.

Same reason a lot of Swedes think they posses perfect English skills.


Denmark is semi-cucked, but they are at least trying to fend off as many refugees as they can.
Btw, Danish girls > German girls

Is there something wrong with your eyesight?

the title is wrong. they want hizb ut tahrir and sharia law. kinde funny clip tho. they use freedom of speech and wanna enforce the exact opposite. funny tho but tragic.

I fucking hope, I'm tired of seeing mudshit gangs roaming around my city at night.

Way to go, and way to go for having a skandi language that doesn't sound comical.

I hope Denmark will go full crusade on Sweden and make it its own. Down with IKEA niggers.

OP is born to Polish parents.

Pic related is what most Danish women look like. Her personality is even worse than her looks.

I'm happy for your country Natt.

...Missing you

Sensible policy to block on basis of country that is exporting Jihad. Problem is that countries like UK also export Jihad, so it would then need to become a block on muslims.


I have met quite a few Danes on my travels, but I've never seen one who looks like that.

The danish girls I've met were all more attractive on average than girls in Western Europe.

Idk man, maybe you've been lucky. There are some good looking chicks here, but most look like crap.


Danish lolis. :)

fun Fact: It took Hitler a whole 6 hours to take over Denmark

And they are mostly carbon copies of each other. The Danish society is conformist af. Not that it's completely bad but it still sucks. Lots of Danish guys are dating asian girls.

I love how Politiko then has a leftist as fuck writer and that they equal Soren Espersen to the Don.
Marcus Knuth from S, a leftist party, says "Remember, muslims are the biggest victims of terrorism!"
>Muh Muslims killin muslims is terrorism

Just don't bring your bulls

A smart decision by the danish government.

>Sensible policy

Why are you such homosexuals?
6 years is not enough.

A complete ban on all towelheads + shooting any of them who dare to cross the border is the way to go.

They don't give a fuck about your policies, they'll keep flooding Europe because you're too passive about it.

The women who were never popular in High School / Middle school, either because they're god ugly or chubby/fat usually end like that. 20-25 years old and "Living the single life", meaning they're drunk every weekend because that's the only time they get to hang out with normal girls.
That type of women usually suck ass at life.

I'm 19. All colleges have 60-70% 6+/10 girls. Which is also why almost everyone is in a relationship for most of their younger years. A lot of people actually have a kid and/or get married by the age of 22 in denmark.
Mainly because women often take a "bad" education while the man usually goes through a shit ton of studies to make big figures every yeah.
Pretty based country desu

noice glorious bastards!

Based Denmark, if only Norway was this based.
Looks like 1814 was a mistake

Norway: 2 months. Longest except for soviet union.

>"Remember, muslims are the biggest victims of terrorism!"

No shit. It's because they're surrounded by fucking Muslims.

Now get the rest of Scandinavia to follow their example.

>Taylor Swift
ugly and anorexic
>Kate Upton
vomit inducing
>Charlotte McKinney
had to look her up. ugly face, ugly tits, not my type at all but i can understand dumb men liking him according to the other two girls you listed.

if I was a world leader, I'd put them all into camps, just put a goat in the camp and they will kill each other for breeding rights. simple solutions

If you are anti-imigration, your party cant win. If your party accualty wints, the imigration wont stop and your party isnt accualy what it sais it is.


At least we're not fat

Skrid fra mit land din indavlede smånazist!

Krig mellem klasser – Fred mellem folkeslag!

1. Denmark
2. No

Noone acknowledged my trips

Checked. Nice digits

I don't understand the faggots that find those women attractive. They're 7.5's at BEST, and that's being generous.


This girl is Danish.


The lesbians in the front row are holding hands. What more diversity do you need?

Damn we wuz allies n shiet

Yeah but you're ugly, so it's not much better

Denmark, Poland, and Austria. The least cucked places in Europe and they all wave white and red flags.



Thanks Denmark for showing the way. The only way this can happen in Norway is if Denmark does it first...

If this habbens I will learn to count in 'Danish numbers'