It's about time we reached the series this volume is named after!
It's about time we reached the series this volume is named after!
Best X-Men coming through
also best X-Team
Calm your waifuism, fampai.
Aw yeah, these kids are alright.
I really like the flat black on Sunspot, I got kind of disgusted when I saw them trying to shade it with gradients in recent comics.
Her old hair is weird.
They got that kind of racism in Brazil?
Racism's everywhere, man.
So is there any particular reason Dani can talk to animals besides lolindians?
why does he need to wear a blanket on his legs though
like, is he naked underneath? Is the blanket just covering the fact he didn't bother to put pants on and he uses "I'm crippled" as an excuse to go around half naked with only a blanket on top?
Claremont's American Indians sure hate the White Man.
This deserves a No-Prize.
Paraplegics often have problems with blood circulation, leaving their legs vulnerable to cold.
Brazil war pretty racist in the 80s, blacks were second class citizen and of course Roberto family were the exception.
Brazil didn't get rid of slavery until like 1888
Bob McLeod is soooooo underrated.
He's really good at drawing teenagers. They don't look like shorter adults, I mean Cannonball is one gangly motherfucker
I really like how awkward they look, you don't see that kind of stuff in Big Two comics anymore.
>I think you can safely assume you've heard the last of him.
Growing up in a house of little children has groomed Sam into the perfect candidate to deal with superheroes. He knows how to handle selfish behavior and wild emotional outbursts
>Keeping a photo of Angel's first costume
Charles just did that to embarrass him, right?
>Sam dressed like he's here for a job interview or to have dinner with his girlfriend's parents
Everyone loves to pick on that poor chump.
He's just a good ol' boy form Kentucky. He understands proper manners, a strong work ethic, family values, and science fiction/fantasy novels
Are you not going to post Karma's first appearance?
Turns out I don't have that issue, sorry.
Why do these Sentinels have nipples.