Smoking weed protects you from government mind control

>smoking weed protects you from government mind control
This movie is brilliant

People are still mad that this is a campy comedy with horror elements. For some reason they were expecting a straight horror

I'm pissed at it because I was expecting a good movie

Great film. Great story, hilarious meta-content, was like Scream with the notches turned all the way up, making me smile and giggle with glee. It was like watching a love letter to horror films of the last 20-30 years.

Beautiful intentional tonal shifts, great framing, effects shots, the acting was great, the writing was just tight and full of turns and subversion.

Wheedon fooled me once with Avengers

Fooled me twice with this one

Never again!

spotted the youngfag

Am I the only one who this didn't work for? I mean, I get the idea, and it was pretty well executed, but it just didn't warm on me

I liked it when Thor drove his motorbike into the invisible wall and died. I don't remember much else except Ripley was there at the end.

i thought the movie was fun

Pic related is superior in every way

You're not supposed to say why this is good! You're supposed to agree with OP that it's shit, fuck you and your logic!

What are you? Gay?

It's meta so it's okay I guess

good post

they used drugs to make them "change" to act their cliche roles.

the stoner guy already smoked weed and was a stoner stereotype to begin with so "changing" him into the "stoner" character didn't effect him like it did the others. he kept his wits about him because of this.

just because the control room people didn't understand why it wasn't working and CLAIMED it must be his pot that was keeping the drugs from effecting him... it was a half truth but don't take it literally, it's because he already fit his role not mysterious stereotyping chemicals vs weed chemicals keeping him sane.

>the stoner guy already smoked weed and was a stoner stereotype to begin with so "changing" him into the "stoner" character didn't effect him like it did the others. he kept his wits about him because of this.
The reason the stoner wasn't affected is because he had a stash that they missed during the background check. He was supposed to turn into a typical stoner retard but they missed one of his stashes so weren't able to manufacture their drugs to work around his.

Control swapped all his pot with special stuff to make him the typical stoner idiot, just like they said they messed with the blondes hair dye to make her the typical dumb blonde. However they then found out he was smoking some of his original pot which they'd missed.
It's not that the pot saved him from their control it's that he wasn't taking their controlling drugs and was just his normal self

Stoner guy is an objectivist / individualist hero for refusing to be a sacrificial token for the sake of others

I wonder if Whedon knows he made individualist kino

literally rèddit: the movie: the motion picture: the sequence of pictures and sounds. Might as well have asked the audience for their reddit accounts instead of tickets

I thought smoking weed just makes my family disappointed in me

>Character is the fool
>fool is horror movies is often a weed smoker
>horror movie characters in general do weed or drugs a lot
>"His weed makes him immune to our mind control."
How did the government miss that one?

Also, what kinds of rules do you think other nations had? Italy was probably like Cannibal Holocaust or Prisoner of the Cannibal God.

Forget the first part because of these.

bad film, bad story. dull meta-content, was like Scream without any of the charm, making me roll my eyes and shift in my seat with boredom. It was like watching a love letter to b-horror films of the last 20-30 years.

Jarring and irredemable tonal shifts, amatuerish framing and effects shots, hokey acting, the writing was abysmal and nonsensical and full of itself.

bad post
good post

No, I pretty much hated it from start to finish. One of the more overrated films of the past 15 or so years. Right up there with inception.

Beautiful troll post. Of course you're right, but contrarians will eat this shit up. Good thing we're better than them.

bad taste

>fails as a horror movie
>fails as a parody
>flaws brushed aside in the name of "meta" and "homage"
The whole "meta" obsession is cancer to every art and medium.

Original or remake?

was a better movie

enjoyable movie. people that don't like it usually saying something like "le scream" or "le weed"

Bravo Joss Weedon

>Might as well have asked the audience for their reddit accounts instead of tickets

jesus fucking christ, this is the most autistic shit i have ever seen on Sup Forums

Guess you haven't seen Detention then.
Another great movie

Reddit has good taste, I think we'd be friends.

I ultimately quite liked the movie, but I feel it would have been better without that whole wink-wink-nudge-nudge Whedon feel, if you know what I mean. Played it a bit more serious.


No fag, you are the reddit

You guys know Whedon didn't direct it right?

You know he wrote it, right?

Yes with the actual director, who seems to be getting no recognition