Fuck you athiests

You took God out of our culture and replaced it with Multiculturalism. Now we are drowning in shitskins. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you.

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Sorry i was too busy worshipping a jewish hippie and kissing refugee's feet, what were you saying fellow christ brother ?

Oh look Ven Fulton sheen was right again

we didn't invent Satan, shithead.

although, like, Praise him and stuff.




You're confused, atheists != liberal faggots



The old god was no god at all if we could cast him down.

Make way for our new lord and savior who will drown everything in chaos

>please don't separate church and state guys we like having the current ruling body in our pocket and I swear we won't abuse that power cause we're holy and wud never do that lol

>destroy beliefs
>all thats left is the state

Why do you blame multiculturalism on atheism? Immigration is spearheaded by capitalism and the neocon NWO.

Seriously, why would I want to replace white people who believe a crazy ass book written by goat fuckers with brown people who believe a crazy ass book written by homicidal goat fuckers?

I dunno mate, seems pretty close to me.

There is no separation of church and state anywhere.

Haven't you noticed that every country that restricts Christianity ends up de facto endorsing Islam?

The only POSSIBLE exception is China and they're barely atheists anyway because they wuz ghosts and sheeit

You christfags took Odin and Tor out of our culture and replaced it with a meek, turn the other cheek jewish slave religion.

Look to your own house first for when there's a fire.

>a-atheists aren't liberals!

This meme again?

> you took god out of our culture

> god in money
> pledge includes god
> every president has professed Christianity
> church every 11 miles in america
> Multiple Christian shows every sunday
> multiple Christian shows everyday at a set time
> muliple 24/7 Christian radio stations
> IRS lets you slide on taxes

You're right we do treat Christians awful

And that meek Abrahamic religion built western civilization over the mud shacks and rickety boats of you faggoty Wotan worshipers.

When did my boy Bruce play the devil?

>Hurrdurr mud shacks
Those rickety boats made it all the way to Newfoundland.

> there Will be one day where people start to realize we are bullshitting, Scare them at every corner, we need that money, I mean "donations! "

>atheists lean away from the party that panders to religious fundamentalists

what a fucking shocker, throw more meaningless statistics at me christfag

Not sure if you don't read good or don't count good.

It is undeniable that atheists lean far to the left of the hippy follower christfags. Athiests believe in nothing and so they have no interest in the preservation of western society.

Congratulations. From Iceland to Newfoundland is what? 1500 miles? What an unprecedented voyage length.

>atheists aren't liberals!
>>here's irrefutable Pew proof
>so atheists are liberals, that's just meaningless statistics

It is excruciating talking to you retards.

You pretty much already lost because of his digits dude

Don't blame atheists for fucking multiculturalism now, or have you forgotten what your own pope is like

I can tell you're having difficulty, Ahmed. What about the chart confuses you? That the only Christians that vote liberal are non-whites? Or that ALL atheists overwhelmingly vote liberal?

>What an unprecedented voyage length.
For it's time, pretty fucking unprecedented yes.

And do you seriously believe a culture capable of woodworking boats to a quality that can cross the atlantic to live in fucking mud huts?

The Pope walks with the devil. He is a corrupt globalist.

Daily reminder God does indeed hate multiculturalism

It has nothing to do with their political opinions.

If a party is full of people who have a strong disregard for your religious beliefs, it doesn't matter if you're both fans of low taxation or militarism.

Saying "Atheists vote Democrat" does not mean Atheists are liberals. You are deluded.

But I'm a fedora and I hate brown people.

Also check my digits faggots

The two go hand in hand. When atheism rears its ugly head, so too does multiculturalism and the fall of an empire.

Tbqh even the archbishops here question the actions of the current cuck pope

>Haven't you noticed that every country that restricts Christianity ends up de facto endorsing Islam?

Ah, nothing says "Fuck Sharia!" better than pedo priests controlling your government

Daily reminder that Christianity is the earliest form of globalism and is responsible for the illegal alien crisis we're facing in this country.

Friend, find me a single source anywhere online that claims... hell, not even that a majority of atheists are conservative, but let's say a significant minority. Maybe 30%+?

Never going to find it. Every study, every poll always has atheists at overwhelmingly liberal.

i dindu nuffing

no they took meaning out of your culture and infected everything with nihilism.

>a tiny fraction of a single percent of Christians offered religious sanctuary 30 years ago

>atheists believe a spec of dust exploded from nothing and created the universe

oy vey goy it says so right here in this book I wrote trust me I am a (((scientist)) the same kind of (((science))) that says trannys arent mentally ill

If user had just scrolled down a bit more instead of being a lazy, stupid fuck, he would've found this instead.

Atheists overrepresent in favor of transexual rights. It's those "bigoted" Christians opposing them.

It must be rough to be an atheist on Sup Forums. You're probably redpilled and extremely conservative on every other issue, but as an atheist, you're part of the extreme left LGBT nu-male blacklivesmatter multicultural cancer destroying western civilization.

Okay I spell it out because to clearly can't see it.
Probably that quality american education to blame.

> the only Christians that vote liberal are non-whites
Not what it shows.
Apart from white evangelicals and black protestants, people of faith are split pretty much 50/50.

26% just over 1/4 of all people of no faith vote/lean republican.

>One of the most vivid arithmetic failings displayed by Americans occurred in the early 1980s, when the A&W restaurant chain released a new hamburger to rival the McDonald's Quarter Pounder. With a third-pound of beef, the A&W burger had more meat than the Quarter Pounder; in taste tests, customers preferred A&W's burger. And it was less expensive. A lavish A&W television and radio marketing campaign cited these benefits. Yet instead of leaping at the great value, customers snubbed it.

>Only when the company held customer focus groups did it become clear why. The Third Pounder presented the American public with a test in fractions. And we failed. Misunderstanding the value of one-third, customers believed they were being overcharged. Why, they asked the researchers, should they pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as they did for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald's. The "4" in "¼," larger than the "3" in "⅓," led them astray.

>a group following a globalist ideology opened the floodgate and drowned my beautiful country in shit



Frederick Douglass told in his Narrative how his condition as a slave became worse when his master underwent a religious conversion that allowed him to justify slavery as the punishment of the children of Ham. Mark Twain described his mother as a genuinely good person, whose soft heart pitied even Satan, but who had no doubt about the legitimacy of slavery, because in years of living in antebellum Missouri she had never heard any sermon opposing slavery, but only countless sermons preaching that slavery was God's will. With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil--that takes religion.

If they are in Christ they are of one Nation. The only mistake is forgetting 2 Corinthians 6:14

Should have gone out into the world, rather than inviting the world in to shit on everything.

But don't kid yourself. Liberals had already been undermining Christianity in America since long before the 1980s.

>Apart from white evangelicals and black protestants, people of faith are split pretty much 50/50.

I can see numbers aren't your strong suit. Outside of reposting the same data, I don't know how to break it down easier for you. The right leaning white Christians numbers are bigger than the left leaning ones. The atheist and black Christians numbers are much bigger for Democrats.

I don't get what you don't get. Or what part of splits like 18-73, 22-71, 7-89 are "50-50" to you.

Yes, and that group is the atheist movement.

Sick burn. Any proofs?

>implying slavery of blacks is inherently evil
It only lends credence to the curse of Ham that everywhere that Africans congregate freely, disaster follows. For millennia, the greatest contribution to society made on a whole by their race was as glorified farming equipment.

The ships of Christ circumnavigated the world in His name.
How does Newfoundland compare to that?

More than has been posted? That historically, atheism has been part of every major empire's downfall? That the vast majority are the same liberals pushing for the end of cultural and racial hegemony? What more do you want? I could show you that the vast majority of atheist leaders all happen to be Jewish too, if you'd like.

300 odd years later, well done. Well done indeed.

> atheist believe in nothing

Thats not true, for instance, I believe you're a faggot.

Links to atheist organizations that speak for atheists while supporting immigration, quick

You can be atheist and against multiculturalism. There's actually a huge wave of Red pilled atheists now thanks to YouTube.

C'mon, the width of the Mediterranean is longer than that little hop the Vikings made, and those waters were sailed way earlier.

>Apart from
Don't read good either I see.

The affiliated total says 48/45.
That's pretty close to 50/50 in my book.

Are all American's this dumb or just the pig fuckers.


Bitch please, you're comparing long boats to fucking age of sail ships. You're being retarded.



The affiliated total included the blacks, retard. That's why they broke down the numbers underneath. Notice that it quit being even when you adjusted for race?

This is what happens when you have to have teachers teach in both English and Arabic.


>Darius I
>age of sail ships

Yes damn well, well done.
Notice how it was not Vikings that accomplished this act. Notice how you tacitly downplay the fact that in that exact same 300 year time frame your ancestors accomplished nothing. Were they too busy drinking themselves into a stupor? They had a head start what was their excuse for failure?
Unlike your laughable Viking expedition to Newfoundland the circumnavigation of the globe was not a once off affair but a sea change in the global status quo.
Your Vikings left no legacy in the New World.
Christians reshaped it and made it their own.

>Abrahamic religion built western civilization

I'm not sure what point that's supposed to be making.

>calls Islam for what it is
>remains a Muslim

At least she's honest. Can't say much for her efforts to try and "reform" Islam.

Coast huggers need not apply.

God wants you to live in peace, with a perfect life. God wants your neighbors to be nice to you and to never covet your possessions or to trespass against you.

God wants you to have a wife, and kids, and to raise them properly to love Him so He can bless them too.

It's all very silly, your idea of God being weak or soft or passive.

Unless you are living peacefully, according to God's will, you are part of the problem. You LARPing Catholics wanting to wage war are just going to give more ammunition to people who hate Christianity.

And to you rune niggers who think worshiping animals, idols and rolling around in shit while pretending that paganism has done anything worthwhile, you are delusional. You have no idea what your heritage is, and the more you reject God, the less chance you have of finding out.

You will all meet God anyway, and either be allowed in His kingdom, or get thrown in the very hot trash can of damnation for being an edgy atheist. He will rule you, and you will accept it or die.

Wow, you're going to feel very stupid when you find out that you're wrong.

Inb4 muh white culture & muh frog worship.

Yeah, nothing happened religiously significant between 500BC and now.

Thank you for saying this

Do you not know what 'apart from' means?
Have you been tested.


How do you think the Vikings got to Newfoundland? Pic related, I'd guess?

you're welcome, have fun watching your (future?) daughter become a loose coalburner with a refugee bull haha x

that's like saying society is wrong for interfering with the goings on of rapists, pedophiles, and hatemongers. christians are ridiculed not because they are religious, but because their presumptive culture is itself ridiculous. no rational person actually believes hobby lobby was the victim of religious persecution because women wanted healthcare to cover birth control for widely accepted reasons, or that a wedding bakery was under atheist assault after themselves doscriminating against people because of who they have sex with, or that christian values are eroding because society is realizing how stupid the american bathroom paradigm truly is.

christians do stupid shit as often as muslims and aren't even aware of it and THAT is why we make fun of you.

haha dumb ateists tink they know thing but they dont really know like i now thing haha

Jesus was not a hippie. That's what people who were never brought up in the church mistakenly believe because they never read the Bible.

Yes, you made the qualification... then still insisted it was a near 50-50 split when it clearly wasn't. Why are you still arguing this? The data isn't going to change to make you correct. You misread it early and keep throwing out memes and ad homs like I'll just forget that white Christians are hugely conservative and black Christians and atheists are largely liberals.

Peace and love = yes
Fornication, and unclean things = no

Hippies need God too.

Yes, shocking revelation; you don't know the truth, and I do. He is Lord Jesus.

I am Jesus Christ and I'm fucking disappointed in you you absolute fucking retard. You're doing your damndest to disrupt everything because you didn't listen like I told you to.

>kissing refugee's feet
God never did that. He WASHED His disciples' feet. They were being sent to unclean places to spread the peace of God's Word.

Just because some man in a silly hat can humiliate Christians and make up non-biblical rules, doesn't change the truth of God's Word.

>You took God out of our culture

> Canada
> culture

stopped reading there

Nothing but the dark ages, faggot.

She isn't a Muslim and hasn't been for like 15 years.

I really hate it when the most retarded poster in the thread has an American flag. Do you have to make us look so bad?


this desu. hateful christians aren't christians, by definition. the whole purpose of jesus even teaching people things was to say "hey you know how our people have mindlessly committed mass genocide against non-aggressors based on the word of one member of a divine pantheon? how about we DON'T do that, and see how it works out?

Armchair historians please get the fuck out

Sir I don't want to bake you a cake.
What is facism?

Yes Burger, you win this time.
All those other totals in the 40s and 50s are nowhere close to 50/50.

thank you christ cucks

in your never ending effort to prove how poius you faggots are, you sponsored all this immigration from the very beginning and now we are drowning in shitskins, from the korean and vietnamese war refugees to modern day somalia and syrian shitskins, all refugee programs are pushed by church groups, the most cucked of all people are those that worship the religion of cuckoldry, Christendom