Joseon people are not related to Yamato race

Korean has so many vowels. Aliens.


8 fucking vowels!
10 if including ㅚ(œ)and ㅟ(wi)

Tungustic siberioid aliens

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who cares
take your medication or kill yourself

>Tungustic siberioid aliens
This makes Koreans better than J*panoids.

*yawns loudly*

so fucking interesting

Well, Koreans, explain yourself!

And I warm you right away, the explanation better be good.

ching chong bing bang hoho

Who know,unless someone invent some time machine

who cares
eat shit and die

Everyone is related, fuckwad.

And vowels evolve very often. Spanish and Portuguese are very closely related but have vastly different vowel repertoires.

Literally nobody cares even indo-american history is more interesting than this

Asians are all the same to me desu

seek mental help. Sup Forums people is really worrying you would kill people some day.

Yeah, Japanese are actually the descendants of native Americans came through BBC(Big Based Canoe).

We, Koreans, are so jealous of their Cherokee and Inca ancestors that make some blatant lie to fool ourselves

Imperial Japan invaded America not because US suspended oil trade, but because they had to liberate native American brothers from barbaric *hite hordes. Too bad that the *ews stopped them with 2 nukes.

One day Japan will rise again and build Greater Yamato-Indian Co-Prosperity Sphere.

>The Japanese race is a unique isolate, having no known affinities with any other race. In some extreme versions, the race is claimed to be directly descended from a distinct branch of primates.

I think Koreans are better than the Japanese, desu.

What do I care for your identity? You need to wise up, pal.

>from a distinct branch of primates.
That makes a lot of sense.

>>The Japanese race is a unique isolate, having no known affinities with any other race. In some extreme versions, the race is claimed to be directly descended from a distinct branch of primates.

Because *hites massively killed based native American race to hide true ancestors of Japanese. They were too scared that once Japanese know their ancestry they'll invade US to revenge.

German has like 18 vowels

English has 19 vowels mates

who cares motherfucker