Saturday afternoon with the lads edition
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rorke leftypol poorthern london drumf yank politic politic lei feng
the gee eff
is giffgaff shit now?
lefies literally shut down free speech rallies because they can't handle dissenting opinions
You're a brainlet if you think trump being president doesn't affect every other country on earth. Look into some.history twat plonkerwipes
stop talking about yank poltics
in fact stop talking about politics at all because if you think the reality show that is currently US politics is real politics then you know nothing about politics
don't rate the beatles
Yanks are usually ahead of the curve when it comes to politics. whatever happens over there, we can expect to see our own version of it over here in a couple of years. Less, since the internet took off.
need to get a child pregnant
>is real politics
>israel politics
heh, sums up yank politics..
not in any meaningful way no
so stop fucking talking about him you yankaboo
the UK bans anti muslim facebook posts
>rorkes are now so butthurt they just want to stop talking about the Orange Man
trump hasnt banned anything
Is Ol' Rorkey still fuming?
youre twisting my melon man
It doesn't. Outside of Barely stable African shitholes there is not going to be a massive difference. After his term is over there will be some changes but nothing that's going to change things drastically.
mad how I just know her nationality
meant to say need to have a child/get a woman pregnant
>trying to censor people
hello drumpf supporter!
me and the lads
>Not so fast pal
when you kiss the base of my spine,
turn my body into your shrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeeeeee
Whatever Trump does can be laid squarely at the feet of Democrats. Hillary rigged both primaries and then made herself unelectable. Hillary's campaign put Trump in office. Republicans didn't want him, but he was forced on the country by a megalomaniacal psychopath who was willing to do anything for power.
haven't showered yet today
anybody who talks about yank politics below this line is a certified runt
is there any nonwhite majority country that treats minorities the same way white countries treat minorities?
comfy OC
I won't stop talking about it. I want to hear your admissions you were wrong all along. Trump is a loser.
yank politics
this but unironically
hes actually a winner loool
one of the most mind boggling posts i've ever read
>constantly assaulted with echo, echo Dot and echo show everyone I go on Amazon.
Good goy buy those Amazon spy hubs
No, I don't know of any other countries so cruel
actually looks quite nice
like a middle class grandmother
>Sup Forums is losing
Ok. I'll say it. I was a trump supporter and now I see my error. He is a lunatic.
why do so many women just not have chins
>the current president of the usa and multi-billionaire donald trump is a loser
He's a lot of things but he's certainly not a loser.
Did a snigger
leftist's eyes weren't closed though. they literally knew about it all and still let it happen. thats how low leftists are. true evil.
are we meant to romanticise the toothless inbred drunks on top?
both are awful, dont see the point in this
>Posts an image of someone who had 2 million more votes that that obese orange faggot
Oh, you retarded mick.......
what did the orange rorke do now
I guess I really was wrong all along. I'm now very unsure of all my other far right views. It's all coming crashing down on my head. He's a senile old man.
Wow...autistic much? How long did it take you to finish that?
yeah because of all the illegals in commiefornia voting
Do you not know how your own government works?
ok but seriously we can't let this racist idiot in charge of our nuclear codes
2 million illegal and dead votes
they rigged the election and couldn't even win it
the only thing that have gotten worse are precarious employment and obesity
anyone else getting boosted tonight lads?
>score the most goals in the tournament
>lose in the finals
>"b-but i scored the most goals"
Imagine believing literal fake news. Where did you find that, infowars? HAHAGGAHHAHHAHAHAHA
how come nobody called trump a racist before he became president?
Began spluttering so hard that with one violent cough tar came projectile flying out my gullet onto my computer screen
Need to stop smoking
Thai red or green curry?
what the fuck
how much do you smoke
hate commies
hate weebs
>there are actually mongs itt who read American propaganda like infowars, breitbart etc
Honestly it's just sad. Sort yourselves out.
thai green curry might be my favourite oriental dish
ummm lots of people did sweaty xxx
wonder how much worse Sup Forums will get before it either implodes or fizzles out
no I researched that the states with most illegals don't need ID to vote
would line every bradley poster up and put a bullet through their empty kulls
imagine sitting in your office knowing you're the centre of conversation all around the world
drumpf is as close to god as we have on earth
really need a bf lads
>only 56
But it's exquisite kino
ooh no wait red!
no green!
*flips a coin*
definitely green
what news outlet isn't propaganda?
wonder how long Sup Forums will go on before hiroshima runs out of money
it wasn't cool
wheres my money
*bass drops*
going to quit smoking
Had a word with the room mate. Told him if he wants to play these "nep" games he has to pack up and find his own place.
Will not house these cretins who play porn games under my roof.
pack a day and im only a young lad innit
the bbc
by law
dae hate disabled people
you boring cunts never discuss the bigger picture or the implications for britain
only "drumpf did this haha xD what a madman"
good choice and good luck
lets see your fanny
Going on a Christmas pub crawl later. Gonna be a mad one. One I fancy isn't going though