Does God really exist

Is there anything in the universe that is leading into believing in a higher being?

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It doesn't seem like it, no.

I don't know. But I do know that all of mans religions are only to serve man. Not a god


Not as presented in the children's books that pass for bibles.

To help eforce social norms that keep groups larger than Dunbar's number able to cooperate

Allah is REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

would the world be better without religion or worse?

Worse. Religion is bringing us 1000000 years back.

What evidence do you have?

I am real

No. Objectively speaking there are no scientific proofs of a supreme being. No evidence at all.

It all lies in your faith.

Found the Dearbornistani!

how about the miracles that happen everyday?
Could they just be coincident

Yes, the universe, the earth and all natural things in it. If you think they 'just happened' then that's more crazier than saying a higher being created it. More crazier because it's not an answer, it's a admission that you don't really know and here's the best theory that is remotely plausible without naming a creator. By naming a creator those in power instantly shoot themselves in the foot because they would ultimately have to submit to him.
>I know, we'll just say there's no god and everything will be fine

Also you're asking the question from an atheist point of view.

If you were truly that interested in finding an answer you'd shake off any bias first, not ask "is there anything to lead into believing in a higher being?" You would ask "why do people believe in a higher being?" and investigate their beliefs, not leave yourself open to be shut down, which you allowed by not eliminating your own bias first.

is Real god?

Probably not, but if there is a supreme being, it is most likely nothing close to what mainstream religions portray it is. It most certainly does not have any interest in the actions of some shitty talking primates on some random planet in some random galaxy.

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his final messenger, sent as a mercy to all of mankind.

>how about the miracles that happen everyday?
They are simply not miracles. If God is all good why would he choose not to save someone's life? You may argue that he did save a lot of people who were in terminal conditions and these cases can only be classified as miracles, but what about all the people he didn't save? If he's all powerful, he can be anything, even bad, but if he's all good, then he can't be powerful, because he would have saved us all from this suffering a long time ago.

You observe the design of the universe and it implies a designer.

Also either

a) something has always existed and will always exist


b) nothing has ever existed or will ever exist.

We exist so the answer is A. The big bang shows a beginning to time and space.

all powerful*

But thats why he was merciful to his creations and sent Muhammad as a guide to all of mankind to save us from the wrong path.

What if people dying is a sign of sacrifice? If all the people on earth died how would the earth be able to fit everyone? We would need to go to outer planet or then realize that some people really need to die?



>What if people dying is a sign of sacrifice? If all the people on earth died how would the earth be able to fit everyone? We would need to go to outer planet or then realize that some people really need to die?

Don't get me wrong. I don't care if people die. It's unavoidable. I'm just saying that if the God people seem to worship is really everything they say, then why wouldn't he just save everyone? It's like we tend to "humanize" a supreme being.

the problem with higher beings existing is that they might be to much above us that we cannot perceive them

i know that sounds like BS but you cant actually prove it wrong

What if people dying is part of the world God has made for us. If god would just save everyone then there would be no point? So this leads to us thinking there is something behind it and so if God had kept everyone alive then the whole idea or plan would be ruined?

Good point

Im not really religious, and I don't feel like typing a lot, but I think the counter argument to what you are saying is something like this...

thats like saying the easter bunny is actually a chaos demon from another plane, and the easter eggs he gives to children are actually seeds of chaos that will control their minds at the will of the easter bunny

>i know that sounds like BS but you cant actually prove it wrong

Of course there is, whatever it is. Literally everything around you is the proof. Life after death is a different matter altogether.

Not for me, personally.

For others: yes; and that's fine.

Signed, an Atheist.

everything has a mythos behind it, where the bunny come from?

(For Athiests) Why would we go from something TO nothing, what would be the point in that? As for what we know We exist and so there must be something after death.

The Easter Bunny is the modern incarnation of a pagan god. This is more accurate than you realize.


One cannot prove the existence or absence of "God", but the design of the universe implies a designer.

Sodom and Gomorrah- proof of the supernatural

What would a universe without a designer look like?

I exist, yeah.

One in which you couldn't do science, for instance, because there was no regularity, just random chaos.

Nice read. Thanks.
One question though - wasn't Wigner the only one who proposed that the collapse of the wave function is due to the intrusion of a conscious observer? I thought that theory was tossed out in the early days of QM.

Good question.

Atheism is the belief of the absence of god, it's not the same as believing in the absence of an after-death, people tend to have them go hand by hand but it really shouldn't be like that, I tend to be a deist but I find absolutely no reason to believe in an after-life.

This wishful thinking comes from many strong factors like hoping to see again those lost ones or to receive a sense of justice that they were denied in life but the most important is probably the inability of man to understand or accept non-existence.

Good answer

It's irrelevant to ask. We can't even tell if this one was designed or not.

What makes you think there HAS to be a point to everything? We're born from cells combining, live and develop a brain which defines our conscious thought, we die, we cease to exist anymore. It's very simple and elegant.

Whjat's the point? There is no point, you make your own point, the meaning of life is whatever it means to you.
That's why I hate authority and government and religion, everyone trying to shove THEIR version of meaning down my throat and I just wanna live MY life.

Are you?

If there's something after we die, why was there nothing before we were born?

If no digits, no god.
If digits, Kek exists.

why would there be existence if you are going to non-exist after death?

>because there was no regularity

I would think THAT would imply some outer force influencing our universe, since mechanics would need to change in order to maintain the chaos

But established mechanics acting on matter will after some time form a pattern, which is exactly what we know have


Because if life CAN exist, it will. In some form or another. Why do you exist? You got lucky.

I heard the blind cave fish believe in KEK

Mechanics couldn't change, since there would be no laws of mechanics at all. "Mechanics" just describes what we observe about matter's activity. Without the repeatability and predictability of that activity, it couldn't be described lawfully as "mechanics." Let alone the fact that we couldn't exist under such conditions, anyway.

You sound like Captain Picard in your first sentence.

I never get digits. Welllll doggies!

Why should there by no existence if there is non-existence after-death? I don't see how they are mutually exclusive.

You were non-existent for nearly 14 billion years, and it'll be like that again in 80 years. I don't know why we were given this small window in time wish I knew the answer to that, but i'm sure it's not to have an eternal consciousness that will last until the death of the universe.

>God is an American.

I am so happy to know this is the case.

Yeah you autistic fedora. It's called THE BIBLE.

There's only one consciousness.

Worse. Religion is a byproduct of the tendencies for solipsism and delusion that come with being barely evolved enough for rational thought. It's ineradicable as long as we remain in our current, abject, condition.

Would the world be better if humans were not slaves to their reptilian brains? Sure. Is such a scenario possible? No.

'God did it' is just as bad an answer. In fact it's the same answer.

It's best not to leave unsolved physics problems to religion. Even the, remaining, intelligent religious disavow the 'god of the gaps' theory because it's laughable in the first case and leads to a gradually, inexorably, diminishing god.

Religion is only possible because of our evolved brains, genius. Do you see animals with religion?

YHWH is a modern incarnation of various pagan gods. Nothing is new in mythology.

That's exactly what I said.

You said it was because of our lizard brains. In fact, it's because we are capable of abstract thought, including the concept of the universal. You obviously have an unfounded bias against religious thought.

I believe in a creator but not in organized religion

>but if he's all good, then he can't be powerful, because he would have saved us all from this suffering a long time ago
God is all-powerful but he isn't all-controlling.

If we weren't afraid of the unknown, of death, of change, we would have never needed to develop myths and legends for comfort, security and later, societal stability. A more advanced race could develop collectivism without the necessity for stories accepted as true. We could not. We would be worse off without religion since the natal societies could not have developed without it.

Religion as I am speaking of - true religion, wherein myths and legends are accepted as true and as a substitute for philosophy and science - is no longer necessary for large societies since its necessary functions have been usurped by true science and philosophy. I hope you can see this is why your preferred religion has been diluted into pseudophilosophical babble about 'the infinite' and 'the universal'. I hope you can understand that this is no longer Christianity. Christianity is dragons and unicorns and vast armies and miracles with people being raised from, and sent to, the dead on a daily basis. Christianity may be a relative latecomer to the religious table but please have no delusions that it is original work; there is nothing new in mythology and it bears, like all of its ilk, the indelible stamp of its lowly origins.

Your refined thoughts of Aquinas, Lombard, Occham and co. are not your religion. They were killing your religion by diluting its hold on philosophy and aiding in the creation of a worthy substitute.

Good news! God does exist and Jesus is the savior of man. There is Historical, Philosophical, and scientific evidence for the existence of a intelligent creator. The only answers I'm seeing on this thread are on the scientific side of the argument, which are not in his favor. Clearly I had to step in and reply. I would suggest studying the Big Bang theory (KALAM), then the expansion of the Universe, as well as the fine tuning of it. Then move on to the earth which has just the perfect balance for life to evolve, assuming cells came from no where, but positive evolutionary mutations are not enough to create such complex life. There are arguments for Jesus as well, unlike the false prophet Muhammad.

I should also state that I believe a more advanced race could not come about without having evolved from a lowly race such as ourselves and, had it found survival appealing, thus developed religion in a timely manner.

We will have to wait and see whether a more evolved species is capable of, and best served by, shrugging off organized religion. Whether we do it ourselves, and look back on us as we are now, babbling about the intersection of the infinite and finite through the humanity of Christ, as we look back on the ignorants who thought the world was supported by infinite turtles or merely a hollow within the true earth, or find out through contact with an alien species (which would, incidentally, blow any and all of the current theologies out of the proverbial water) is of little consequence.

Literally everything, but if you want a specific example think of it like this: The human body is so complex that science to this day is not able to understand the machinations of it at a chemical level in real time. As a surgeon put it ""virtually every aspect of human physiology has regulatory elements, feedback loops, and developmental components that require thousands of interacting genes leading to specified protein expression." Thus, "the human body represents an irreducibly complex system on a cellular and an organ/system basis."1"

Ok, keeping that in mind and also keeping in mind that an infinitely complex design needs an infinitely intelligent designer, it follows that humans must be designed. If you happen upon a computer in the forrest, you don't assume it evolved, yet the computer is less complex than a man's body, so why do you think it evolved?

There is no inherent meaning or point to the universe, it is up to the individual to decide what he wants to do with his or her life. That being said, I like religion as a tool of social cohesion to stop degeneracy and decay. I may be an atheist conservative but I know that the vast majority of people would use their atheism as as excuse to be a piece of decadent filth.

>intelligent design


It's wrong to use the word 'niggers'.

Yes sir


If he's real, he is a huge asshole.

> If you happen upon a computer in the forrest, you don't assume it evolved, yet the computer is less complex than a man's body, so why do you think it evolved?

There's a certain amount of hypocrisy in this argument in that you consider man made computers to be more complex than ORGANISMS like trees, a completely false and ignorant idea.

And in a sense yea it has evolved from a random assortment of minerals dispersed all throughout the earth combined by higher level mechanisms (human actions) to form a computer.

This anti-evolution christianity meme needs to stop, you just come off as uneducated fools. There's no reason for evolution to not be compatible with there being a creator.

The nature of nature itself. Nature itself is fractal. Systems are always made up of less complex systems. The same Works in reverse. Just like you were made up of millions of cells who are all individual and completely unaware of your being and what they make up. God Is Made Up of everything in the universe. You are a part of that system and you are proof that God exists. Being sentient You Are Made In His Image.

I haven't read this thread but consider researching the Fibonacci sequence it's basically a pattern found in the natural world that translates into mathematics

Yes, the Universe itself. If God did not exist, we wouldn't be able to ask the question of whether or not God exists.

Idk. I don't subscribe to any religion or necessarily believe in God, but it sure feels like there's something 'greater' than this world.

Chaos is not something that is maintained. Order on the other hand is.

>There's a certain amount of hypocrisy in this argument in that you consider man made computers to be more complex than ORGANISMS like trees
>yet the computer is less complex than a man's body

Your argument makes no sense

Thank you. God Bless you.



....That's fucking retarded. The existence of something does not at all imply a creator.

Of course god exists, or did exist, but I do highly doubt there were any so called prophets here on earth.