OK Sup Forums, entertain me with your mental gymnastics

OK Sup Forums, entertain me with your mental gymnastics

*eats popcorn*

ISIS and Jihad is 100% justified by the Quran, the KKK isn't.

nice slide thread

how many fucking times do you need to post this tweet? you've already been btfo at least 20 times.

KKK hasn't been even remotely relevant since the late 60's and the WBC is like 15 people.

When Christians do shitty things they are not following their instruction manuals

When muslims do shitty things they are FOLLOWING their instruction manuals


>*eats popcorn*

*Unsheathes katana*
Back off, kid.

>separated from Christianity
literally when? I've never seen those douchebags ever NOT called Christians.
And I've never heard an argument on how the KKK's ideology is Christian. I mean, they burn crosses. When ISIS starts burning Qurans, it'll be easier to 'separate' them from Islam.

if u can separate my dick from ur wifes ass than u shud b able 2 eat my cum from ur wifes ass

Can't recall the last time the KKK or Westboro went full on jihad.