
Edition: Another Saturday evening with the lads.



boku no pico


was gonna wait until 310 to post my thread but you mentally ill south african had to go post yours

zuppa di pesce


Father Son and Holy Ghost


On my way to Star Conflicts
Is it any good?

fck hate

ummm have i just walked into /nonce/?????

fuck this i'm never coming back to /brit/ after all i do for this general and you treat me like this

no that's /cum/

Britain cries out for Welsh Nationalism


cant stand him or his shit gimmicks "if i'm to be perfectly honest with you lads"

don't care mate

dont know

hello soyfriend

no stay come on

filtered him ages ago
would recommend it

should i go to A&E lads

see you tomorrow

Father Son and Holy Fuck

reckon virgins have too high standards



you're the man now dog

room stinks of bile


do wish jannyd return to sort out early news tbf

crikey lads you could use my farts as paint stripper

nah looks normal

are you fat shaming me?

being overweight does not mean you're unhealthy. be body positive

Not particularly a fan of it, what's wrong with going to the cinema you fart

>Muslim woman in the background

How did you arrive ITT? you still see threads started by people you have filtered?

look at me - i am the captain now

like if you remember this haha!

room stinks of shit and cum

I've got to do the petrol station every fucking night from now on
this wasn't part of the job when I signed up, if it was then I never would have taken the job

yeah I remember janny being a lot more dedicated in 2015, think all the abuse got to the jannies of today

are you bug shaming me?

having HIV does not mean you're unhealthy. be sex positive

imagine using filters ever lmao


that's a granny mate

going to the cinema? nowt
going to watch soy wars? everything

the more i look at time pics the more they provoke an emotional response in me

this one honestly gave me a bit of frission
its a powerful photo to be sure

To show them this poor photoshop, or for something else?

going to become a drag queen

someone quoted him

imagine seeing drivel from the likes of beto, the nonce or the saffer lmao

going to the fridge anyone want anything?

drinking onion juice lads

t. david

I just went to Taco Bell and there's already a new thread

just remembered that lad that imitated this

madmen the both of them

>getting so worked up over anonymous peoples posts on some random website on the internet that you resort to filtering them

good luck

Wew, I must be a soylad then
Any /soy/ man in?

hate life and myself

half fancy a wank

'ngbow 'rk 'uit

Is there a more cringe inducing poster than the South African? I guess the Mexican is up there.

david loses sleep over me

don't tell him but i've got a crush on david

>muh safe space

agreed utterly pathetic behaviour

had a friend in highschool whom'st was a total chad. he was shagging a new girl every week. it was just baffling to me how casual he was about it, like having sex was nothing more than a hobby for which he had practically zero emotional attachment to. baffling how normoids have sex with no strings attached. very degenerate behavior. sex should be something we cherish. no wonder normorons have so many STDs


saffer for sure is worse, at least beto makes me laugh occasionally with his inane copypasta

the 30 year old disabled kissless virgin yank who is studying maths at the level of a 10 year old

weed increases iq

It's not really like that mate they probably just thought you were cringe inducing (which you are) so they were like oh may as well just filter him so I don't have to see his shitty posts. It's not exactly rocket science is it.

filtering is literally reddlt

This post hatted itself.

neighbours are getting an ocado delivery
who the fuck do they think they are

last post

Not quite kino, but an interesting little film nonetheless
I'm looking forward to Clint Eastwood's Throw Mahmoud Off The Train, I expect that in some respects it will be similar

saffers not always that bad. beto doesnt even seem human to me, i have a hard time believing he's not some kind of chatbot, so i dont find him cringey at all
for cringe 190 and oxford are surely much higher

put their windows through

I guess but the South African is worse because he actually thinks he's funny

filtering is the downvoting of Sup Forums

I like beto.
South Africa has never made a good post.

>the 30 year old yank
rest of the post was redundant lmao

life isn't fair


no, the yank is even worse because he thinks it's just ''''''banter'''''' and we like him deep down

beto is jokes

190 is literally a budget alan

decided to distract myself from the oneitis not texting me for 2 days by doing my work

just finished the whole thing after 8 hours straight work

now what

on a similar vein
Where did that candles Mexican cunt go?
Did he top himself?

have a wank

kill yourself for having a oneitis you sad case

Nah I like the yank, he's kind of a pet for the thread.

sharting at this lone poster who has an irrational hatred for me

He's nocturnal

not quite the right timezone for the 'ANO

oxford bender is the only interesting poster

Never heard of this but looking at it now and it looks great. Plus 30% off your first shop and free delivery for a year. Might unironically book a shop now

female ejaculation refers to the expulsion of liquid from the woman's urethra during sex