ITT post pics that show the absolute state of Canada


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So Canadians are your next escapegoat you mutt piece of shit.






T mezo spaniard rape baby




This one is justified

Me in the back

$10.5 million is too much money for an animal control officer

The absolute personification of US and Canada: Trudeau is a self hating effeminate cuck, and Trump is a Chad billionaire everybody hates but secretly wishes they were


I don't think you know what cuck means

Uh really? You're not going to win this one, syrup nigger


What about the state of the USA?

Don't forget this gem

Trudeau has a loving nuclear family and is adored by women around the globe. Trump is an old spray tanning fart in a loveless marriage, and is adored by yokels and neckbeards around the globe.

Take your black, hairy fingers off the keyboard you swarthy jungle monkey and never speak of the human race again; you mockery of our supposed shared niggers

How can the orange oompa loompa even compete?

I want this to be real.

t. butthurt mutt

Go back to Tumblr


>Be Canadian
>Vote for weedman
>No weed, just muslims, a wrecked economy, and dog blowjobs
Kek, enjoy your growing list of language laws Cucknistan

Stop LARPing as white Jose Tyrone McBrurguers and go back to reddẗ

For a PM he seems comfy and based as fuck. to this day I still dont understand how trudeau causes so much asshurt.


Exhibit A:

LARPing? No entiendo

No, Mexicans and Third World Latinos will always be the main reason the U.S. is going to shit. All you have to do is look at their shitholes to know what kind of countries they produce, and the future of the United States.


Exhibit B: How can you ever recover?!?

at least I can drink my tap water

Kinda ruins it, soccer spook

I look forward to the day not one single Canadian foreign aid dollar goes to white males.

yeah sure, we're polluting the souls of these >innocent
how awful of us.


I never take anything that a brazilian says seriously

No one on this site take anything that an amcericlap says seriously


We get weed though, it goes legal on 01 Jul 2018, also unemployment is at it's lowest in a decade and the economy grew 4.5%, the largest increase in 15 years and much higher than anticipated. The Muslims were relegated to mostly women and families, the vast majority of our immigrants are still on the points system that Trump wants to copy. Also, white terrorists have killed 3 times as many Muslims in Canada than vice versa.

you cannot comprehend how white i am

Hey Taco canuck, if the US is so horrible how come literally 80% of your women are raped crossing the border, yet STILL roll the dice just to get away from your socialist shithole?

>assblasted thirdie

>another furious thirdie

>impotent screeching

Why is it always the third worlders who are so mad at America?

>he thinks he's making a point

It's funny because the white Southern rednecks' offspring would probably score better in school than your typical California 'spic.

why is it always americans who are unable to take banter without crying?
canadians are strong males, they took leaf banter for years and never cared. one month of muttposting and americans are on suicide watch.

>he's a non-white subhuman living in a third world shithole

>the only outlet he has for his impotent rage is posting pictures on Sup Forums

idk but people say I look Italian for an Afghan

i'm just laughing at your costs desu
Like the rest of the world

Because no one's crying, Polack. We're firing back, it's how it's done.


Laughing at our strong currency? Hahahaha!

>Thinks the fact Americans have such a higher standard of living that our poor people are literally fat is an insult

t Germanic looking rape baby

amerigoblins utterly destroyed by the truth

Man thirdies get so assblasted by our Superiority

the butthurt is real


>fast food
>high living standard
No wonder the USA is a thirld world SHITHOLE

you look like an afghan, that typical mongol face

Honestly trudeau would be a harmless dope if it wasn't for the fact that canadians and their government are 100% pro censorship and thought crime




are americans simply not intelligent enough to comprehend the concept of jokes and banter?


>thirdies furious and jealous of AmeriGods

>spam images constantly due to obsession
>i-i-it's just b-b-b-banter


Sup Forumsmutts go back to Sup Forums



amerimutt is a jewish psyop!!!!

>The absolute state of foreigners and their third world ""humor""
if only they put this much effort into improving their economies and living standards

Is this guy fucking retarded?

This is the secret how to become Canadian PM (skip at 1:30)



>all of this jealousy and asshurt

Millions of canadians with aids? Theres only like 35 million canadians. Explain yourselves canadians

Holy fuck

Your currency went down 25% in value in the last 5 years



Imagine living in a country where its possible to sue for saying mean things. The uk is such a shithole

Meanwhile Trudeau wants to reintegrate isis fighters; you delusional maple cuck

>a wrecked economy

The economy right now is in a better state than it was in Harpers final year

>Went down

No, it "Returned to normal". CAD has always been stable around 25% under USD. CAD was over inflated due to Canada being hurt less than the US by the 2008 recession. The market is returning to what it used to be.

Canada is an export nation, having money equal to USD is fucking terrible for us.


>Poorfag hasn't purchased property in past 2-5 years
Are you retarded?

WTF I love Justin Castro now.