ITT post one image in which Sup Forums is BTFO

ITT post one image in which Sup Forums is BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

Except in this picture the black guy would also have a gun and the mask. Most of the dindus were criminals who got shot for doing crime. Michael Brown is the funniest, his own mother had a restraining order against him for his domestic violence. Plus Alton Sterling knocked up a 14 year old when he was 20, which is rape since it's below the age of consent like a college sophomore knocking up an 8th grader. Literally a child rapist.

Why are you obsessed with ironic shitposting?

>due process is wrong

that image really fired my neurons


>women and niggers get involved in politics for barely a century
>both already want to topple the central pillar of a philosophy of justice over three thousand years in the making so they can convict their personal enemies easier
>people actually convince themselves this is adult behavior somehow
I guess this is the world now

where in the world does this image ring true?

ive never seen neo nazis attack blacks, but I have seen statist antifa attacking peaceful nationalists





This is my first time, thank you friend. I'd also like to thank the Academy.

i like how that pic depicts the kind of fantasy scenario that liberals dream of all the time but we never see in reality

Really makes your cerebrum twitch



Also it's the antifa who wear masks.



Oh man that's just so accurate!

>police officer shoots a suspect during an arrest
>nigger shoots a victim during a robbery
Not seeing that these are the same thing is the true racism

You know by fact:
1) If he was a real "racist" he would shot him on the head
2) why does he wear a trenchcoat in summer if whites can't resist the same ammount of heat that niggers do?
3) If he was a national socialist he whould be healing the bullethole instead of shooting him
4) Green cammo doesn't work in urban areas

That guy wasn't neither from /k/, nor Sup Forums. He's from Sup Forums




Silly OP, Sup Forums can never actually BTFO, the only ones who can are leftists, and you've shown your hand, faggot.

Is that really the standard issue police uniform? Really makes me ponder.



>1 post by this ID

reminds me of that office space dude.

post more froppy
kek wills it




white men have poor judgement, so they must be tested before they own a gun.

scalia went against his own textual interpretation of Amendment 2, in order to keep being invited to canned hunts hosted by safari club international

. .

Actually the picture just furthers the stereotype. The masked guy could have just been exercising his 1st amendment rights and the BLM could have attacked him first. But we're to believe just because he's wearing the swastika shirt, wearing a mask and carrying gun he's the bad guy and Mr. BLM is a dindu.

I can't find it, but there's a collage full of people proclaiming how Mitt Romney would win the 2012 election.

I will post a video instead.

Educate yoself whitey:

Not when this stud gets into office!

There's a lot of projecting in that image.


>Sup Forums hate black
>Sup Forums hate muh dick of niggers
>pic related is Sup Forums


You first.

Froppy is overrated.