ITT: underrated countries






Please stop bringing attention to my country. I've been posting tl;dr walls of text about my country's history, pretending I don't understand what banter means and being overall boring so you disregard us. We don't want terrorist attacks or more american washed-up celebrities. Thank you for the appreciation but please.


Will you take in Anglo refugees once we're forced from our own country?

Portugal is output only. Which is why it is the only grammatically male country in Europe.

We can help you guys not need to leave your own country, though.

Portugal is such a meaningless and worthless country

Could you guys Reconquista us pls?

Portugal is only underated to lesser beings, any men with half a brain can tell that no one besides us did sutch a empire withe less then a million sould and all first then anyone else.

Yes Tunisia you are more better then Portugal at what exactly?

>more better

>yes i suck at english, im not the kind of cuck that actualy makes a effort to learn a forgein language

nice meme arrows nerd

>he doesn't know

And also we don't want more non white immigrants.


Sounds retarded in Portuguese as well, moron.

I guess an european Reconquista is needed, and this time not only against muslims,but against all non euro invaders.