Top Gun 2 confirmed this morning on Australian television by Tom Cruise

Top Gun 2 confirmed this morning on Australian television by Tom Cruise


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I wonder if they'll use the F-35 or the F/A-18.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

I hope he jumps mid air from one jet to another

No Tony Scott. Droppedddd


It will be live action Ace Combat, hope the director is Liman

>remix of the Faltermeyer Top Gun theme by Steve Aoki plays in the intro sequence

Is Maverick gonna be the new Viper or the new Stinger?

Why would Tom relegate himself to what is a glorified desk position when he could be in the sky schooling young turks?

You think Tom has a pilot's license for nothing?

Cruise is doing his own stunts again and crashes his jet and dies

calling it now

Didn't Cruise say he would only do a Top Gun sequel if the planes were still real?

Like this?

>Tom Cruise

Good joke

Fuck wrong one

Sounds like him yeah.

Honestly wish this was Yukikaze


I hope it's even gayer.

Yeah, what the fuck Tom, where's my Yukikaze.

here comes the shot!

>“The concept is, basically, are the pilots obsolete because of drones. Cruise is going to show them that they’re not obsolete. They’re here to stay,” Bruckheimer said.


It's a real shame the Iranians are the only ones still flying the F-14.

More like Macross Plus: The Movie.

So basically Paul Bunion with planes

Im pretty sure watching Top Gun as a kid is what made me gay.


>because of LA kikes we'll never get a triple A Macross adaptation

Not for long, they've ran out of usable replacement parts years ago, and their manufactured copies are all falling apart. There are only a handful of airworthy F-14s left

yeah like that but only he'll be on a kawasaki superbike while doing it

yeah, they've basically just resorted to cannibalizing most of the fleet to keep a handful running.

That's the pussy ass version, where' the one where he practically chases it into the space and his eyeballs explode from the G-force

I've never seen this before and I can't find this exact footage. Source?

I'm assuming its an F-14? As slow as that missile comes out, it almost looks like an AGM, which would be super impressive.

>Val Kilmer becomes a Marxist after witnessing the firebombing of Belgrade
>Serbia drops 7 nukes on it's own soil
>Kilmer steals pic related with other defectors
>Lasers Cruise's new wingman/apprentice in the cockpit

post jets


how is the most american movie ever made by a lad from middlesbrough

F-18 during Desert Storm.

>tfw hollywood hates jet fighter pilots now

Have some dump and burn.



I've never heard Top Gun referred to as "The most american movie ever made". Homoerotic is the word I hear describing it the most



Air to air nuclear missile.


>Its Tom Cruise teaching an all female class how to fly


movies were a mistake

Huh, i have never seen that one.
That seems extremely retarded.

It was for taking massed soviet bomber groups.

Missiles weren't the most accurate back in the early 50s. So they made something that works as long as you get close enough.

So the maneuver was just
>fire missile
>get the fuck out of there


What a cute, curious thing
I wonder what's going through that poor robot's mind when he realizes he's an indentured kamikaze

They also retrofitted a F-104 to fire the genie missile.

It is a mystery

I love it when movie studios flog old movie franchises to death

Absolutely love it

>flog old movie franchises to death
Its literally only the second movie in 30 years.

it's two hours of flying at 30,000 ft dropping jdams with no dogfights and more ptsd

>Iceman has become AIDSman

Is this really a good idea?

>yfw Val Kilmer has transformed into David Carradine

Can't unsee.

shoulder launched nuke was still dumber

The missile knows where it is because the missile is the eye of sauron

hes also a crazy religious nut

So it's Stealth?

I don't get it, why did it still hit if his aiming reticule was off? Why didn't he align it to the center?

They have television in Australia?