An honest question for Trump supporters on Sup Forums

An honest question for Trump supporters on Sup Forums.

Whether your fault or not, you have a reputation for being diehards and displaying an unwavering adulation for your God Emperor that can be described as cultish. You appear to be all in for the man, and oftentimes the silence when he misrepresents something, contradicts himself or acts a fool is loud.

So I just want to hear from some Trump fans, what about him if anything do you guys actually disagree or take issue with? It could be a particular plank in his platform, something he's said or done. Where do you draw a line and have your differences with the man?

I don't like that he was in Home Alone 2

I like almost everything he says except I wish he would have policies to keep police from doing stupid shit, like having harsher punishments for police who break the law.

yeah that movie sucked

the God Emperor will find Jesus's lost lord eggs and hatch an angel army. The angels will deliver water to the poor and rodents (mice,gerbals etc...) the lord eggs are probably in Utah

>tell me what to say to make you not like him

NSA and Snowden. It's his biggest weakness but unfortunately for the other side, Hillary is worse.

But that's just because I'm a national libertarian and not a national populist.

Jesus wept, you shills are lazy.
Gonna share any of your ctr cash with us for doing your job for you?

>Sup Forums please give us reasons why you think Trump should not be elected so we can shillpost using those reasonings until November

get the fuck out libshit

He acts on instinct a lot and I think he only half internalizes certain talking points. Despite all his bluster, when he sits down for an interview he treats the interviewee as an ally, rather than as a public interrogator. He is getting better though.

So, you're not setting anybody up for failure with the conditions of your question, are you?
Because I don't think you're really all that clever.
Entertaining, maybe.
Dance for me, little monkey.

He hired a former Goldman Sachs man to be his financial advisor.

I don't agree with everything he does, but Democrats are so disgustingly corrupt and anti-white it makes Trump look like a God Emperor to me.

Yeah, but. He said he would do that from the beginning.

None, I'm voting for him because you liberal cumshitters went too far. Donald Trump is your punishment.

t. Texan

So why did Marv turn into a skeleton?

Is this myr or cas?

he panders to the evangelicals. i feel like that is the only act he does. i like when he is outspoken and speaking from his heart instead

>oftentimes the silence when he misrepresents something, contradicts himself or acts a fool is loud.

trump isn't groomed through millions of dollars of market research and drama classes. He bring his passion to the job not a meticulously scripted rhetoric that's turning the population into sock puppets.

Trump is the first legit candidate from outside the establishment since Ross Perot. I'm willing to forgive him for gaffes or questionable statements because he's making the entire establishment squirm uncomfortably. People who want to pain him as just another Republican forget that "his" party spent an entire year and millions of dollars trying to tank him.

I'm not usually for the whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing, but I'm going to make an exception for Trump because he seems to be triggering all of my enemies.


I can imagine a group of pundits sitting at their roundtable.

"Nothing seems to be working, we've called them everything in the book from racists to uneducated morons."

"I've got it! Let's call them a cult."

How long is this one going to stick around for? I'm thinking about 2 weeks.

You don't seem to understand that this we have chosen a leader and we will stand with him as long as our leader stands with us.

This is unity. You're welcome to join or stand aside but your continued remarks aren't going to stop us.

We won't abandon our leader unless he proves to us he is completely unfit.

Americans used to be proud of their presidents, they would stand with them. These past decades+ we never stood with them and they never stood with us.

Now it's the people hand in hand with our president Making America Great Again.

1000th monkey effect. If we all think trump is going to win and we unify our thoughts enough, other humans will be inclined to vote Trump and not know why. It was why brexit succeeded even though a huge chunk of the yes votes had no idea why they voted yes the day after. We call it "meme magic."

I dont like that he picked mike pence. i don't like his blatant pandering to evangelicals when it's pretty clear he is not a very religious person. I don't really care about climate change but denying it just gives ammo to the libshits to use and call him stupid.

Not a trump supporter but i think trumps popularity is due to his appeal to a segment of society (a rather large segment that has not gone quietly into the night yet) who feel like they have found the general who will lead the counter attack in the culture war. Think about it the world as a whole has liberalized so much to the point that many completely average and normal people who happen to be conservative feel like they are the ones oppressed and on the fringes of societal norm. They naturally, want to reclaim their hold on society. I think the downside is that trump does not do well in details of policy both foreign and domestic and even when he tried to cover himself by saying he doesn't want to give away his plans I as a viewer still see him as a guy who is about to enter a job for which he does not have a firm grasp of the details. That is one of the reasons I can't bring myself to vote for him. I may sit this election year out :( or vote for Johnson.

Personally, I don't always agree with Trump's choice of neckties, but it's his choice, so I'm okay with that.

wew lad, takes very little to get you lot to bear your fangs around these parts don't it.

Snowden leaked shit that shouldn't have been leaked in addition to shit that should have been leaked. If the only things he had leaked were the things about the NSA spying on people, that would have been fine.

I disagree with most of what he says, but he is my vengeance on the neocons who uniformly hate him.

He's not socially conservative enough for me.

If pride for your own country seems cultish, you're the one with the issue cuck.

Ikr. Salmon? With his skin tone? Definitely not efay.

>can be described as cultish.

No, we are the cult of KEK.

>it's okay if i exploit leaks about my opponent but not myself

I do not agree with how soft he is on islam and immigration, but he is the least mewling pussilanimous churl on the auction block so I am putting my bid in.

Kek, Trump fights for us. When are you going to understand this?

>you have a reputation for being diehards and displaying an unwavering adulation for your God Emperor that can be described as cultish.

Your point?

Climate change is a distractor. By the end of his term we'll be firmly into the beginning of a cooling period. Then Joe can bitch about him not mentioning it.

He doesn't like abortion and hes saying global warming doesn't exist.

Other than that, he seems alright. The fact he is an outsider, seems to be the best chance this country has had to really change in a long time.
Even if he doesn't change anything, it was worth the shot. Hillary is 100% chance to keep shit the same, in a slow downwards slope.

Based Trump sees the Inheritance Tax from the perspective of the giver, while I see it from the perspective of the beneficiary. I would prefer it count as income to be taxed at his normal top rate of 25%.

I'm fucking furious on his stances for global warming.

Otherwise I love him.

His stance on global warming and climate change. Everything else i agree with.

I don't like that he thinks vaccines cause autism.

Hopefully he'll hire a secretary of Health that will explain why this is a dumb stance like Ben Carson did.

On that note, Ben Carson woul make the perfect Secretary of Health, just keep him away from education.

I don't like how he says he will kill the families of terrorists, how he wants to deport 15 million Americans for being undocumented Mexicans, how he wants to torture and also how he doesn't want to do free trade and use protectionism. Other than that he's pretty fucking great

I don't like that he likes his steak well done. Other than that, nothing.

Inheritance tax hurts farmers and ranchers. You think it's nailing trust fund chads, but it's destroying farms.

I also don't like that he's so brash and unhinged

>he likes his steaks well done

I'm #mentalyhill now

1. So throw me a bone and tell me how he represents you, I can't understand something that you don't tell me first.



Are you a grown-ass adult and still typing this way?

Where are these farms that are getting broken up by the estate tax? I never hear about them.

His support for Israel.

But to be fair, not supporting Israel would 100% guarantee a loss, and he doesn't play to lose.

Wew, those are a lot of digits in a short ammount of time.

I'm pretty pro-environment, and Donald's stance on environmental issues isn't fantastic.

I tend to disagree with him on healthcare & college, slightly.

Removing the left's monopoly on environmental issues isn't worth tossing away Western Civilization.

Here's what you don't understand, OP: Pretend we're all environmentalists. The environment is our biggest issue. Taxes and healthcare don't really matter if the earth is irreversibly damaged. We'd vote and shill the Green Party and Jill Stein regardless of disagreements.

It's the same thing with Trump. Immigration, Nationalism and saving Western Civilization are our biggest issues. The environment doesn't matter if the West wanes. Taxes are a non-issue. Healthcare doesn't matter. Saving Western civilization and protecting a white majority are of the utmost importance.

Family of a mexican illegal immigrant terrorist spotted.

Trump has potential.

He's very under-rated by the haters.

He is a shrewd businessman, NOT a politician.

Even Bernie was a politician for many years.

He's literally an outsider.

He's a top negotiator, that's his strength, his forte.

All that aside, his #1 problem is that he shills too hard for the JEWS.

Not because he actually believes it, I hope, but because he is smart enough to know that if you don't want to be killed off, don't criticize the Jews.

They own and run the show in the USA.

But soon the Jews will be removed from America.


fuck you CNN

I just believe in due process and no government intervention in the economy

I think his policy of new isolationism is going too far, but it's infinitely preferable to Obama's/Hillary's dressed up neoconservativism.

Did kek just bless this thread or something
>repeating digits
>blue ids
What the fuck does it mean?

I don't like his $10 minimum wage idea.
I don't like that he called Snowden a traitor. You happy now, faggot?

zionist conspiracy imo

And if muslims and illegal immigrants were people, it would be correct to assume that it is bad to remove their right to due process, but they are not, and you are lying to yourself.

Yeah, thanks!

Dude the last 15 or so posts have had so many dubs. This is 't normal.

Dance louder, then?

Interesting. It happened where I lived years ago. Looks like the data doesn't bear out my statement though and there's constant upgrades to the bills.



I think he's a little too humble

I don't agree with him continuing the usage of NSA spying but I guess if he's going to keep it going he might as well use it to stop Islamic terrorism like he promised. I also don't like how Mexico will build the wall since if I were Trump I would make a bunch of companies ranging from construction to security to tool making to construction vehicle creation and I would build the wall while creating tons of new American jobs. I don't think he's good at public speaking either but I think he's gotten better at it recently and you have to remember that while most politicians use prepared speeches Trump just speaks his mind for the most part.

His vaccine stuff was a little shaky, although understandable considering how unaccountable many medical professionals are. He is a little aggressive on war for my taste, but I don't think he is wrong since Islam and Saudi influence is cancer.

Yeah but no politician will ever say "ok you can kill terrorists family and deport people as long as they aren't from European heritage" so we need due process.

Wrong, what we need is a politician who will wait until he is elected then do that.

People here shill for Donald because it causes tremendous liberal butthurts

Basically this

I am pretty sure Mexico is paying for the wall, but America is going to build it.

I am pretty sure his usual line is "We're gonna build a wall and MEXICO is gonna pay for it"

His public speaking is excellent. Part of it is he knows how to speak to his audience. If you start speaking with too high or too low of a vocabulary you will alienate your audience. Part of public speaking is knowing how to do that. He also does a good job at capturing the vision of his audience.

NSA stuff is also something I'd like to add to.

I don't "shill" for him. Shilling means you are getting paid to support something. I do it for free because I think his proposals and vision are good for the country.

The liberal butthurt is just icing on the cake.

You don't think its a bad thing that he intentionally dumbs his vocabulary down when he speaks to large crowds?

I think that being friendly with Putin is a mistake. I hope that he is just using him for now in his usual game of 12D chess.

>Where do you draw a line and have your differences with the man?
He doesn't want to make Islam punishable by death.

So far, no talk of outright nuking ISIS territories.

I don't believe he has called BLM a terrorist organization yet. That would be harmful to his campaign so I assume he will go after them once elected.

The kike cock sucking is a bit much. I get that it's 100% required and yes the jews are more our allies than the mudslimes in the grand scheme, but ideally just let them wipe each other out.

That's about it.

Trump is what people in the 90s called a centrist democrat. Progressive in some ways, traditional in others. The thing is, "progressive" once went from "cares about social issues and their impacts" to full on blown communist authoritarianism sometime after 2008.

There is immense social pressure as multiple levels of society for people to be 'liberal' lest they be ostracized from the social group. The drive to be part of the tribe is a strong one, hence the strange behavior from a lot of modern liberal groups.

Cultural Marxism has evolved to such a point where being born white is now effectively considered an unforgivable "original sin", with no recompense. This is the very definition of racism, but whites as a whole are so afraid of being considered racist thanks to the 'progressive' social programming, hardly anyone speaks up.

The name floating around the net for these "rogue progressives" is called, very accurately, the regressive left- for them to continue their course of action is to destroy much of what has been fought for for decades, if not more. Race relations are effectively at 1960s levels, families are being destroyed, mental illness celebrated; the list goes on.

People who used to consider themselves liberal now fall solidly into republican territory. When you lost your job to outsourcing, and blue haired SJW's are yelling at you to check your privilege for perceived slights against a gender that until a few weeks ago didn't even exist, it's not hard to back the guy who is rich enough to say "fuck you" and not have it affect him in the slightest.

If Trump cared about legacy, he could pull an Andrew Carnegie, donate money to all the right places and get piles of libraries, schools, and park benches named after him.

tl;dr, he's not perfect but compared to Hillary, we stand a chance at reversing some of the cultural damage that has happened over the past 10 years.

I don't like that he's a protestant and is pro-Israel and pro-degeneracy. I don't like that he's been married 3 times.

Why do you think that?

I hate Trump

I firmly believe that this man loves America and will expend his presidential energy in making America as strong and as prosperous as possible. But I would like to see him acknowledge his many online advocates.

Between Sup Forums and r/The_Donald, the man has a VIGOROUS online army.
I know he did an AMA with reddit tonight, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Are you a bitter hag over 35? Just asking, bitter hags over 35 are always the first to call people out for not being "adults" whilst having the most indefensible, insane and destructive politics imaginable. I can't even emphasize how much I hate the old bitter hag voting bloc for being 75% solid Democrat on everything.

Which crowds? His rallies are a rock concert. His policy speeches are fine. Most speakers dumb down their speech's, at least I was taught to write reports at an 8th grade reading and speak at a 4th grade level. Not to insult the audience but so everyone can follow. Also, his base gets pissed at pretentious cunts who use $10 words for no reason.

I wish he was more supportive of NASA and national scientific initiatives, and his position on vaccines is a bit ludditical.

That being said, praise the God Emperor!
Or, in this case, the master of defense.

I really don't like him backing up the NSA's surveillance.

Also while his debate style is admittedly effective, I personally hate it and that was the biggest hurdle into supporting him.

lol holy shit.

> If you start speaking with too high or too low of a vocabulary you will alienate your audience.
He tends to the low end of language

>pls give me talking points against trump pls :^)
I think he needs to be harder on Muslims and Mexicans and the Chinese and probably Jews while we're at it
Also I want him to do a Stalin-style purge of the federal government when he takes power
That enough material CTR?

In the leddit AMA he said he supports more NASA development.

No. I don't "think" it is; I know it is. Speaking above your target audience is bad because alienating your audience makes them less likely to listen. Lawyers who try to throw in fancy words into every damn sentence and end up confusing the jury or witnesses are bad Lawyers because it makes you an unrelatable and pretentious. It is why Cruz is a bad public speaker despite sounding eloquent. He sounds like he is trying to make himself look smart rather than have a conversation with an audience.

Really? I was unfortunately preoccupied and couldn't catch it.
Mind tossing an user a link?

Yeah, was gonna say he did an AMA on reddit. On that tangent though, why do so many Trump supporters in cyberspace have like weeaboo 12 year old girl anime avatars and shit?

I know, I just asked that question on Sup Forums but what's the connection? Why is the thread so strong between him and that crowd?

Because that is what his audience relates to. There is nothing intelligent about causing your audience to be less likely to listen.

420 DUDE

Because I was born in Russia and I still care about it. Putin should be removed as soon as possible, and I want the next POTUS to arrange that.

Close! You were only off about eight years too high and one whole gender, but I'll be a 35 year old hag for the purposes of your point.

One or two episodes of the apprentice.

We've been fighting in here for years about politics. We've gone rounds with every ideology one could think viable in the modern age. Through all that, we are a Swahili digging stick reclamation board.