/got/ general




You just know

Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?

sansa is queen in the north

jon is a deserter bastard and should be hanged

Trailer never. Season 7 never. TWOW never. Ending never.


Mmm daddy.

only good features are his hair and jawline

i'm cuter than this has-been

Yeah but the jealousy doesn't look good on you at all.


>last name is snow
>white dire wolf
>no white horse

I mean if he fucks that thing he calls a wife, that means I have a chance with him too right?

Muh white knight? Hahaha

Nigger please!


I'm not here to crush anyone's dreams. I know you can user. I believe in you.

He has no standards going by his wife. Anyone has a shot.

Ep 1. introduction to season
Ep 2-5. filler shit
Ep 6-8. some shit happening, preparing for a war
Ep 9. full war episode
Ep 10. preparation for the next season

It's been like this every single season...

Did this just turn into a mature gentleman husbandos thread?

Reminder no one here even likes this show anymore we are all her because of our love of ASOIAF and memes.

s6 was horrendeus with the filler. Almost the entire season was filler to get to episode 10.

Not to mention all the character teleportation they did

We always /maturemen/ here

dragon too big

the post cuts deep

this if you unironically like GoT you need to go b2r

This didn't happen in season 5, episode 8 had the battle. 9 had the kino Shireen sacrifice.

God bless Westeros

>kino Shireen sacrifice

Stannisfags are THIS retarded

Only women and queers ride white horses.

Who's more retarded, stannisfags for deluding themselves into thinking stannis still matters or jaimefags for deluding themselves into thinking jaime ever mattered in the first place?

>all the character teleportation they did

About to get way worse.

Jon teleports to Dragonstone, then to the Wall, then to King's Landing then back somewhere in the North, all in about 4 episodes

Spotted the show fag.

It's time to let that go. It's been time for a long time.

Spotted the triggered jaime/stannisfag

sansa should be hanged too, to improve westeros.

What is next for this sad soul
Will he ever be happy

I've long accepted the teleportation, just warning that user

>lady Bolton


I swear to god, it seems all sansafags forget that Sansa literally married Ramsay of her own free will and that literally one of the two options she'd have and was okay with was to either have Stannis win and kill Ramsay and the Boltons (lol I just realized that if Littlefinger didn't know about Ramsay then that means Sansa wished death on a guy who's guilty only because his father did terrible things for the family, what a bitch). OR make Ramsay fall in love with her and have his kids and control him.

Him and Sam will get together and crack the code. They'll immediately wake up in their incubation pods, and surprise this has all been a Matrix prequel. Azor Jorah is The One.

And sansa is a disinhereted usurper boltonnister

>she gets 100k dothrakis with no effort ( brazier bullshit in the show, most likely Drogon in the books)

anyone else see this as a giant elephant in the room? Unleashing dothraki hordes that only know how to rape on Westeros is not going to end well. Somehow this probably won't have an impact in the show due to laziness, but I wonder how Dany will deal with it in the books?

''AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, whose company is in the process of purchasing Time Warner, has suggested that it might make sense to cut down episodes of Game of Thrones to a shorter length to make them more palatable in a "mobile environment."
“I’ll cause [HBO CEO Richard] Plepler to panic,” Stephenson said at the J.P. Morgan’s Global Technology, Media and Telecom Conference according to Variety. "Think about things like Game of Thrones. In a mobile environment, a 60-minute episode might not be the best experience. Maybe you want a 20-minute episode.”

Fucking kill me

What's his endgame for the show?

gayest fucking forced meme ever.

I'm not sure what a mobile environment has to do with making shows shorter

The sacrifice of Shireen will be what tv buffs remember from GoT long after normies forgot the show ever existed.

>watching tv shows on your phone

A SMASH /got/



Reminder that Varys is a fat woman and the mother of Young Griff. The "I'm a eunuch" ploy is just so she doesn't have to hide her voice

why the king in the north still have his bastard name?

I thought they legitimized him and made him Jon Stark

Catelyn is rolling in her grave

Anyone who watches a fantasy/historical epic on a cellphone should be shot.

Because if he goes by his real name Aegon Targaryen they will boot him out for being a Targshit

It's show cannon though

Because him going from Jon Snow to Jon Stark to Aemon (fuck you D&D, his name is Aemon) Targaryen would be too confusing, so he'll only get one name change for simplicity's sake

>jaimefags for deluding themselves into thinking jaime ever mattered in the first place?
Jaime is still alive and kicking so he's bound to have a role to play. King Autist is thankfully dead and his fanboys are gone now.

Jaime is based as fuck

prove it you fucking dildo. every thread you try your shit and every thread your ignored if not insulted for being a faggot.

you make faggots look straight

who is the deep state of westeros?

Jon will never accept the name of Aegon or being Targaryen. He's always identified himself as a Northman first and foremost. And if he wanted to be have a House name, it'd be Stark because it's what he's always dreamed of.

Rhaegar might have been Jon's father, but he wasn't his daddy. That honor belongs to Ned; everything that Jon is, it's because of Ned with a dash of Jeor Mormont, Maester Aemon, and Qhorin Halfhand. Even Mance and Jon's time amongst the Wildlings helped shape him because in the end, he put crows over hoes.

Jon would be horrified and even embittered that he isn't Ned's son. He'd be disgusted that he's the grandson of the lunatic who brutally killed his maternal grandfather and uncle.

wishful thinking fag

You cannot know whether he will accept that he is a targ or not

apparently he does


Reminder that Magic is both an abomination AND a sin

I've given up on the TV series, but I truly hope in the books that Jon turns his back on his Targ heritage. It's an insult to everything the Starks gone through and he'd rather glorify the man who sullied his honor to raise him as his own than the harp-playing lunatic that believed in half-assed prophecies and a moronic teenage girl who spread her legs to dragoncock and helped ignite a war that almost wiped out her House.

Yeah yeah, I know. Kill the boy and be the man.

GRRM promised a bittersweet ending. I'm hoping that it's Jon renouncing the Iron Throne as well as Winterfell because he's too concerned with the Others rallying back and returning. All the corruption still permeates in the South and the status quo remains.

you sound like a classic faggot

Starks are the most retarded I don't see how arw they better

Most Starks in history were ruthless bastards. They live in a cold shithole that makes Siberia look like paradise. They only went full-retard thanks to Rickard Stark and his Southron Ambitions. If they hadn't been contaminated with Andal idiocy, the Starks wouldn't have suffered Robert's Rebellion and the War of the 5 Kings.

There was even a Stark lord who served as Hand of the King before Ned; Cregan and he only served for a day, but he brought justice to King Aegon II's murderers even though Cregan was a loyalist for Rhaenyra. He felt that it was craven and downright contemptuous for a king to be poisoned instead of being killed in combat or brought to trial and then executed.

So the real problem is Vale shits contaminating neddard?

That and Rickard Stark arranging that marriage between Brandon and Catelyn Tully as well as having Ned fostered in the Vale.

If anything, Robert and/or Stannis should've been fostered in the North alongside the Stark kids. Brandon and Robert would've gotten along great; fucking girls and doing all sorts of shenanigans together as bros. Stannis would be away from where he saw his parents die and might learn to lighten up a bit if he had foster siblings to counteract Robert.

But absolutely NO marriage between a Stark kid with anyone from the South. It contributes nothing and drags the North into Southron squabbles.

My depth perception is really bothering me on this picture, the dragon looks fucking retarded? pic related

>Jon will never accept the name of Aegon or being Targaryen

lol yes he will.

That name will be the only thing his mother gave him besides his life. She gave it out of love and gave him to Ned out of love, he'll want to honor her.

Who would /got/ cast to play Myranda Royce? I keep seeing people suggest chubby girls. Why is this? I choose this actress anyway.

Possibly, but even Jon in AGOT had dark thoughts about his supposed mother that Ned never mentioned.

>Even his own mother had not had a place for him. The thought of her made him sad. He wondered who she had been, what she had looked like, why his father had left her. Because she was a whore or an adulteress, fool. Something dark and dishonorable, or else why was Lord Eddard too ashamed to speak of her?
If anything, Jon would have even more respect for Ned for selflessly risking his neck and good name for the sake of Jon's survival and raising him. He might grudgingly acknowledge Lyanna as his biological mother, but be a bit disdainful at the least over the sort of single-minded idiocy she did.

Jon was the same age as Lyanna when she ran off with Rhaegar. He did indeed run away from his post at the Watch, but his brothers and later on, the Old Bear reminded me of his duty. That's something Lyanna never had; duty. Jon chose the path most difficult yet vital for the sake of the realm. He stayed with the Watch and played an invaluable role in gaining intel on the Wildlings as well as defending the Wall.

Rhaegar couldn't do a fraction of the stuff Jon did because that limp-wristed dragonshit was never tested. All he did was sing songs and believe that he was the legendary hero. Jon has the makings of the legendary hero because he had to earn it painstakingly every inch of the way. He even sacrificed love and happiness to his vows as a Watchmen.


>mfw I read ASOIAF back in 2004 when I started college
You see there's a reason WHY so many people think you're going to die before finishing the books. You're morbidly obese and you're in your late 60's. Unless you have god-tier genes, I doubt you'll live another 10 years.

If we're lucky, we MIGHT get The Winds of Winter and another Dunk & Egg story. But thanks to HBO creating 4 spinoff shows and consulting them, I doubt he'll have the time to finish ASOIAF as well as D&E.

>I keep seeing people suggest chubby girls. Why is this?
Because Myranda Royce is fat

Oh...I didn't catch up on that. I still cast her however.

>Jon in AGOT had dark thoughts about his supposed mother

Because he doesn't know anything about her or whether she gives a shit.

That's where the revelation that his mom did care, loved him, gave him a name, gave him to Ned to raise, protect and keep safe from Robert, and didn't hate him for being Rhaegar's kid or taking her life.

That'll be the push he needs

The old gods are waking up.

>ASOIAF will never be finished

Fuck I haven't fully accepted this yet but I know it's pretty damn likely. I just keep holding out hope that Winter will be released within a year or two and then he'll finish up the final book with the last decade or so he has left. Fuck, I just want to read more GRRM shit, why can't he be in better shape godammit

you are now aware that Dance was released 5 years ago.

when it took 5 years to get released we all convinced ourselves that it was because he had so much material the other books would quickly follow

this is the same lie we told ourselves when it took 5 years for Feast to be released.

the fact that we have no timeline for Winds is terrible.

the series will never be finished. enjoy the shows, its the only closure book fans will ever get.

Possibly, but this is ASOIAF not your typical fantasy story. Jon may or may not come to love Lyanna as his mother. In the end, it was Ned who chose to keep Jon around, bring him back to Winterfell, have everyone think he's his bastard son, and raised him.

At best, he might have a reluctant admittance to Lyanna making a mistake which ended up with his birth being the only good result after all the other clusterfuck i.e. Starks getting murdered by the Mad King and Robert's Rebellion.

It just boggles my mind that I finished college in 2008 and A Dance with Dragons was released 3 years later. Now it's 2017 and we STILL haven't had the 6th book.

He needs to give detailed notes around and have the best writers around that he can trust in fleshing out his final ideas. Someone who studied who GRRM wrote in the past, takes an intense study of what he did in past ASOIAF novels and the Dunk & Egg stories, and use it as a template to create the final installments.

>this is the same lie we told ourselves when it took 5 years for Feast to be released.
I was pretty thankful that I started the series a year before Feast. I can't even imagine readers since A Storm of Swords in 2000 having to wait 5 years for Feast and another 6 for Dance.

>the series will never be finished. enjoy the shows, its the only closure book fans will ever get.
Except the series has gone full-out fanfiction. They really nerfed a lot of the characterizations and plotlines from ASOS, AFFC, and ADWD. It's shit storytelling to make characters do moronic things for the sake of simplifying it for the audience or catering to SJW memes.

trailer pls

I had a friend introduce me to the series right after Storm of Swords was released. He lent me his copy of GOT, and I read it and then bought the follow up books. GRRM released the first three books rather quickly from what I understand. Since then, he has offered different excuses for what took so long. The five year gap, the meereneese knot. Now I just think they are milking all they can as far as royalties and book sales go. if he finishes the series, the gravy train eventually dries up.

I read some of GRRM's sci-fi in jr. high in the late 90's. Ever see the 1st episode of the 90's Outer Limits, the Sand Kings? It's based on a story written by GRRM.

I was never into fantasy because I hated how a lot of English-speaking writers emulate LOTR too much. A friend of mine told me about ASOIAF and I recognized GRRM's name so I decided to give it a try. I still have problems with it, but it's definitely the sort of fantasy I wish the genre would have. It actually feels like a civilization amidst a backdrop with dragons, magic, and other mystical crap. People bicker and backstab all the time like Rome, Byzantine, Merovingian France, or Anglo-Saxon England did. Men and women actually act like men and women with base desires and complexities.

>have the best writers around that he can trust in fleshing out his final ideas
I bet he lets Elio and Linda finish the books

>In the end, it was Ned who chose to keep Jon around, bring him back to Winterfell, have everyone think he's his bastard son, and raised him.

In the end it was Lyanna who made him promise to do any of those things out of her love for Jon.

Yes, but it all boiled down to Ned's choice. Ned could've sent Jon away to be raised by Howland Reed, smothered him to prevent another war, or any other possibility. Ned did indeed love Lyanna and wanted to honor her wishes, but in the end, it boils down to HIS decision. He chose to sully his reputation by having a bastard and unfortunately poison Catelyn's mind with thoughts of infidelity and viewing Jon as a rival to her children.

Lyanna had it easy by making her brother promise before dying. Ned had to face the ramifications of her and Rhaegar's actions every fucking minute from the Tower of Joy to getting beheaded by Illyn Payne. Neither Lyanna nor Rhaegar had to clean up the mess that they helped start. That was left to Ned, Robert, Hoster, and especially Jon Arryn.

He seems to have distanced himself from them a little bit since they spurged out publicly about the TV show.

Good. I can't believe he willingly associated himself with those 2 nutjobs. They really exemplify what's wrong with any type of fandom.

Can you blame them? Seeing something they are so passionate about being displayed like that I would be that pissed too.

>Yes, but it all boiled down to Ned's choice.

Which is why Lyanna pleads with him and makes him promise.

You can't diminish Lyanna's dying plea to Ned to protect her son.She could've chosen to be angry, focus on her own dying, hate the kid for killing her, hate the kid for being a rape baby, assume Ned would take care of Jon anyway, but she didn't and that's important to Ned and will be to Jon

>Lyanna had it easy by making her brother promise before dying.

I've heard of character wank but jesus fucking christ. pic related

There's also something called restraining yourself and not act like a sperglord. I would've diplomatically disagreed with the changes that the show did, but recognize that the TV series is merely an adaptation and things have to be modified for the constraints of cable. I'd also keep in mind that the show is the reason WHY ASOIAF got insanely popular and made GRRM rich. If I was a true fan and even associated collaborator of GRRM, I'd keep my mouth shut and act professionally.

I can blame them. Fuck them with there keeper of the kingdom bullshit. It's a better look to seem greatful for the success of a passion project an decline to comment if you have nothing nice to say. It's also a rude embarrassment for grrm. Have you read some of the shit Linda was going around spurging about? It was pathetic.

Do you realize the grave implications of Ned keeping Jon around? If Robert had found out, his rage would've gone into overdrive. Robert hates Rhaegar with a passion and would kill any child that Rhaegar had with Lyanna. And he'd lose any vestige of friendship and trust with Ned for doing something like that. The poisonous court in King's Landing could've even convinced Robert that what Ned did was treason and was seeking to undermine Robert's throne by eventually installing Jon as Rhaegar's son when the time was right.

Ned lived with that Sword of Damocles hanging over his head at the end of the Rebellion to the day Jon joined the Night's Watch. Not to mention putting his own wife and kids at risk for what he was doing?

This isn't character wank so much as realize how much Ned risked for his sister AND Jon. This is what makes Ned all the more noble yet flawed because he was jeopardizing the future of his House, his relations with his foster brother/King, and the safety of his fellow Northmen for harboring a half-Targ bastard.