Best of Bendis

Only the best of one of Marvel's most talented and beloved writers.

Still better than Geoff Johns.




You wish.

Geoff Johns is far better then Bendis.
John gave us:
+ A good flash run
+ Expended the Green lantern Universe
+ Blackest Night
+ Decent Justice League Run
+ 52
+ No pandering expect maybe for Simon Bazz, but Bazz bring something new.

Bendis created:
- Shitty black spider-man
- Gay iceman
- An avengers run loaded by politic instead of adventure
- X-Men loaded with PC shit.

At least john don't do SJW.

Baz is more self-insert than pandering

Not really, Bendis has done more damage to the marvel universe than Geoff, but Marvel has that movie income and a lot of "comic book" websites that approve every single shitty decision he does.

>We have to keep listing the names of these characters, mostly because we know you don't give a fuck and will forget most of them any way.

If his X-Men run wasn't going to be remembered for its quality, it sure as shit was going to be remembered for SOMETHING.

Writers have realized that the easiest way to be remembered for and "leave your mark" on a series is to just keep doing fucktons of huge shocking twists and THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN developments.

Baz is the great lantern that bring a good in a fight.
Right don't work? Bullet to the head. The dude is fairly practical.

That has been comics since the 90s.

>+ Expended the Green lantern Universe
Ruined Green Lantern and changed it from cool Space Cops to boring Rainbow Jedis
>+ Blackest Night
Boring edgy event
>+ Decent Justice League Run
The most boring run of the team full of multiple unresolved and terrible plotlines

>- Shitty black spider-man
>- Gay iceman
>- An avengers run loaded by politic instead of adventure
>- X-Men loaded with PC shit.

Ohhhh, you're from Sup Forums. That makes sense.

I like his Luke and Jessica stuff.


Like, Bendis can make good things
He just hasn't in a while. At best he's been sort of mediocre with some really big BENDIS moments mixed into his writing.
Maybe Iron Man got better, I don't know

You know what, fuck it. I'm just going to post a few Luke and Jessica pages I like alot.



>callin x opinion a pol or sjw meme



And here's a few Ultimate Spiderman romance pages. I think I just like Bendis romance.


Ganke isn't supposed to be sympathetic, you realize?

This is what Miles' run needs
But not with Kamala

Most of his Ultimate Spiderman Peter Parker was good.
Then Miles showed up.

This Bendis was at his best with New Avengers


I actually didn't mind these scenes. Maybe it's just me but I didn't feel like Bendis was pushing an agenda here it just felt like two friends haveing a retarded conversation. Was that just me?

>Sansa wil never be as qt as that

im so ready for the powerman show

Sup Forums salute you. I think comics should be about adventure not pushing an agenda.

-Bendis push SJW so hard he rip the page. He no longer care about continuity.
+Johns do Adventure and continuity.
His Flash dealt with time travel and blackest night had build up.

+John bring back beloved characters into the book.
-Bendis brought people nobody wanted.

+John love Kryto the dog. He is a silver age master.
-Bendis don't like any silly stuff. At all. And he doesn't respect the past.


Who cares if he turned Iceman gay? It's not like he turned Wolverine gay or something.

oh my god he summoned an ice wall

just like he's putting up a wall... to his emotions!!!

You know this could be halfway compelling if Bendis realized these characters will never be blank slates no matter how much he insists on treating them like that.

Who dat?

Peter and Kitty Pryde

Ultimate Kitty

This shit right here is uncontestedly the worst thing Bendis has ever put out.
Gay Iceman has nothing on this

Has Jean actually been told off for doing that at all? Or has she faced any consequences or something? Doesn't feel right that a character is allowed to invade another's privacy and not be reprimanded for that.

Haven't read many comics at all, but I've seen these pages posted and talked about for so long, so I'm curious.

Okay, now that's one romance that I wish we had more of.



I knew four of them I did not recognize dazzler.

/r/ing story time of pain

Nope Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier is such a bigger dumpster fire.

And anybody else happy that Bendis attempt to make a NuKitty Pryde has failed.

She's still learning to use her powers so isn't necessary reading minds on purpose, she can't really help it. Everyone's constantly telling her how rude it is to read people's thoughts.

Also it's reallly odd the amount of effort Bendis put into turning Wonderman and Beast into villains.

Why is it that it takes a Sonic comic to do good female personalities?

>Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier
Story that never happened? Hell he had to screw over another writer just to make it contrived enough to write.

Marvel/DC are you even trying?

That's completely understandable, then.

>there are people dumb enough to believe this


I'm the guy who usually has the hate required to forcr himself through story timing that shit, but my computer is fucked right now so I can't

Nope, real conversations indeed feel hostile at times but in the end I think good friends can dismiss it as small talk, stand their ground or reach a middle ground without yelling fuck yous and shits.

>Grounder touch-typing
didn't think I could laugh non-derisively at a Sonic comic

I always preferred the harem arcs of Sonic.

There is nothing like a steel wall at the end of the tunnel to halt any progress.

Pre-Ian Flynn Sonic doesn't count.

They're the dark age for a reason.

Have a better girl-related arc

>Dat Blaze/Rouge bro-op
>Dat getting shit done
>Dat Smirk

I care. It was a big change to a character's already established story. It just felt like a push to make a change to create controversy..

Fucky you. Miles x kamala is end game. Proof

>Who cares if he turned Iceman gay?

From how they keep bringing it up: The Psychic girl may just actually 'be' making him gay simply because she thinks he's gay.

She's psychic after all.

Damn man he looks really niggerish.

bombshell is endgame

Well, what is he supposed to look crackerish?

That guy looks more jewsish then crackerish user.

Is this better?

He's supposed to be mixed isn't he?
No that's more Garagmel

What's bluejay from Snyder's batman run doing in the corner?

Spiderman is in the wrong senpai. Fatty is talking about physical limitations, and risks to his health because he's so fat and shitty. Spidercunt is just "No muh blackness fuck whitey."

The dialogue always seems so unnatural though. This isn't too bad, but I don't know what
>You-- you guys-- you guys have a great evening.
is supposed to sound like. Are they nervous? They don't look it.


Avengers has a history of politics and jumping on progressive fads has been a thing since at least the silver age.

Marvelfag here, can we trade Bendis for Johns?

THIS. G...god d*mn it bros... I cant even....

Why the F*CK is DC allowed?! Why are they allowed to exist!? They keep making s***ty comics and they just won't go away! Every time I want to talk about Gwenpool they just make fun of me! How?! How can we stop them, bros? They keep s**tting on based Marvel and they just won't stop, no matter how many Chris Evanses I post!!!

What can we do!? How can we kill them, bros? I just hate them so much....

Well you can stop being a little bitch.

Who's that lady saying she loves being married? Is she still married? Does she still love it?

>X-Men loaded with PC shit
it's almost as if that's what the X-men were created for
also why I don't give a fuck about them other than Wolvie

Peter was so loveablr in the original run, he turned him into such an asshat when he revived him, i will never not be mad at that

Bendis greatest hit here. I guess it's only fitting he was the one who ruined it.


Well he's dead forever now so I guess you aren't mad anymore ;)

This page convinced me we lost some great potential in the Ultimate Universe. At least KittyxParker works much much better than KittyxSlacklord

I've noticed that it's more bitter Marvel fans who look for anything to complain about to justify their bitterness who shit on Gwenpool.