Isn't it funny how Sup Forums is ok with edgy jokes, but for some reason Zack Snyder's daughter is "15 year old edgelords"? How hypocritical can you be? Is it honestly because everyone here worship's this guy? I feel bad for him and his family but geez, you guys are pretty lame if you can't handle some lame suicide jokes without getting triggered.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's just because everyone jerks off his films I think. If it had be Whedon or someone hated on here people would be fucking joking and laughing like madmen and no one would care
A teen killed herself, it's bad taste, although I'll admit it's unusual for Sup Forums to be whiteknighting so hard
>a teen
She was 20
I just think the timing sucks. I'll laugh about Robin Williams' suicide now but back when it happened I felt touchy about it.
>Is it honestly because everyone here worship's this guy?
this event (which, again, occurred in March) has turned this place into Reddit more than any other
That's fair I guess. But it kind of annoys me when a board that calls any complaint about edginess "reddit" starts acting all sanctimonious to (admittedly poor tasted) jokesters
It's DCucks who are overly sensitive about Snyders shitty movies.
I don't get it. Didn't she kill herself months ago? Why is this big news now all of a sudden?
There is a very specific sub-population of Sup Forums that couldn't handle the fact that BvS was garbage, and had mental breakdowns. Now they hail Zack Snyder as the greatest director ever, and BvS as the purest and most sophisticated high art. This means that they have to shit on everything and anything else ever made in the history of cinema because that is the only mindset that allows them to place any value on BvS.
All of this shitpost, just to avoid admitting that you got hyped for a bad movie.
Most people aren't even laughing at the no name teen suicide, they are laughing at the fact that JOSS fucking WHEADON is the new current head daddy of DC.
Now that's absolutely hilarious.
Haven't seen a joke yet, just edgy comments from edgy teens
Autumn Snyder more like Autumn Die-der amirite guise?
She died harder than Batman V Supermans tomatometer score didn't she guise?!
I heard she killed herself after she saw a preview of Justice League, she couldn't cope with another awful capeshit film made by her hack father
It was announced only now that she had passed. Snyder announced it because he's handing off the rest of the film's development to Joss Whedon and he says people would have created "narratives" so he wanted to set the record straight on why he's leaving.
It's just that whenever the daughter is mentioned, triggered anons just attack them for no apparent reason other than genuine butthurt
>being this buttblasted because people made fun of you because you made fun of a girl who committed suicide
I honestly did not make one joke, I genuinely feel for Snyder even though I hate his movies. It just astounded me that people were getting buttblasted because of the jokes
Also nice meme from 2012 buddy
That's how fucking clueless you are. Marvelfags with their bullshit company war are just butthurt because people called them out for being heartless fucks.
It would be shat upon regardless of *who* it was who'd just suffered a loss like this. Don't believe me? Go take a look at the bombing thread. It'll be the same three or four heartless fucks jerking each other off about how cool they are.
It's not whiteknighting. It's called being a fucking human being.
that's actually the depressing part
that fucking hack is pretty much the antithesis of what zack stands for in nowadays commercial cinema
>although I'll admit it's unusual for Sup Forums to be whiteknighting so hard
Because it isn't Sup Forums posters
It's been well known since man of trash came out that the people who push this trash are either from Sup Forums, reddit or twitter users
Geoff Johns is head daddy. Joss Whedon is shooting some additional scenes him and Snyder worked out already, and he's finishing editing after seeing Snyder's rough cut
>that's actually the depressing part
Only if you're a DCuck, otherwise it's completely hilarious.
Exactly this.
Nice false narrative you swallowed there, dickhead.
Sup Forums isn't a big fan of Man of Steel desu
I was overjoyed when I heard that this charlatans child died, but I was also saddened by the fact that he hadn't suffered that much before deciding that he could insult film no longer. The pain and suffering that hes going through is only a fraction of the evil that he inflicted on the millions of cinematically illiterate teenagers. When I found out that the old fart had finally decided to not assault the public with his adolescent approach to art, I pulled off the framed picture of Michael Bay from my wall, kissed it reverently, and immediately embarked on a Korine marathon. Good riddance, you talentless hack.
Sup Forums isnt one person u gay cunt
You're proving OPs point by being triggered
Yeah, yeah it is. We are taking this place over
You're acting like shooting additional scenes and editing is nothing, but when Zack Snyder edits a film twice like BvS then it's a "completely different movie" ofcourse.
Yeah but it's a real hivemind sometimes
Zack Snyders next film is going to be a biographical adaptation of 13 reasons why
I don't know parenting in any way and forgive me if I'm overstepping my bounds, but I read that he had 8 children. Being a big-time director, I'm guessing he didn't spend a whole lot of time with all of his kids. I know Zack's a nice guy but I can help but wonder
And you're acting like a rough cut doesn't already exist and the past two months haven't been about clearly laying out how he'd like his project finished in is absence.
And you know all the Ultimate Cut of BvS did? It confirmed somewhere in the neighborhood of 95% of the things that the fans had been saying since day one.
>A hapa killed herself
It was to be expected
I genuinely hope this death finally resets Snyder so he stops making capeshit altogether and comes back in full kino mode with zero spandex wearing characters in his films.
Why don't you forward him your own an hero video as resource material?
>the past two months haven't been about clearly laying out how he'd like his project finished in is absence.
Nice headcanon right there, sure your daughter dies and you spend two months explaining to Joss Wheadon how you want your next superhero movie to be right
He's been making capeshit his whole career. It comprises most of his filmography
It's not nothing, but you people act like every DC movie is going to be different now. Whedon isn't rewriting the script and he's not going to take a shit on Zack by deviating from his vision after he spent 4 years on the DCEU and stopping because his daughter died
Yes, if you cut 30 minutes of key scenes out of a movie, it changes shit. But Whedon is a fairly competent film maker
>day of the dead remake with capeshit sensibilities
Nice head up your ass right there. You act like there's not an interview out there already telling us how he spent the last two months.
I'm not sending my suicide tape to fuck Hack Snyder, I'll send it to somebody who knows how to make a film.
Snyder makes films in the same way he looks after his family of 20 kids
Yeah, an examination of the dehumanization that celebrity culture has wrought upon society in the information age is capeshit all the way, right?
Go ahead. Ask me what I'm talking about and reveal to everyone reading what a fucking pleb you really are.
Most of the >le absolute kino Snyderman xD fuck marlel amirit guyz?
kids are a bunch of underage faggots that have never really dealt with a lost irl so this is as close at it gets for them.
Calm down, kid. No need to get upset. I was only joking!
You need a moment to cry it out?
Can't stand him, but I wouldn't wish losing a kid to suicide on my worst enemy, bro, let alone a guy who just makes shitty movies about characters I love.
Shit, you got me! Great mate, I can't compete with this superior level of wit. I sha'll relinquish from this battle of the words and tip my fedora to you. G'day Sir, and twas an honour to joust
>basic respect is a part of being human
I've met plenty of people in real life who are assholes just like that to people's faces, with not even the slightest prompt. Do you really expect anyone on this incognito Chinese cartoon snapshot allocation website to give a shit about that, let alone people on this incognito Chinese cartoon snapshot allocation website who eat up all Hollywood degeneracy?
Did you even read the ffucking post?
>Is it honestly because everyone here worship's this guy?
Given how shitty taste a lot of people have there must be some people who unironically consider him a good film maker. I personally consider him mediocre director that does shitty cape shit because it pays the bills.
>I feel bad for him and his family but geez, you guys are pretty lame if you can't handle some lame suicide jokes without getting triggered.
Suicide jokes belong to Sup Forums and /s4s/.
>I know Zack's a nice guy
You do not know shit user. Do you think that he's a nice father too? 8 kids, well technically now 7. Some adopted. Some not.
The mother happens to be his producer. Both parents incredibly busy for more than a decade.
Being rich and famous doesn't makes one a good dad or a good mom user. From what we can all see, this is a guy who seems more interested in fitness than family. Hell it took him almost 3 months after the suicide of his own daughter to step down from Justice League. Consider how emotionally out of touch Snyder is.
Sup Forums is full of a great many anons, it's impossible to tell how many are genuine intelligent contributors and how many are immigrants from Reddit who came over, saw our lacklustre ironic meme culture and took our salty sarcasm as reality. They're the thick as pig shit 14-18 year olds who don't actually understand comedy but instead just repeat the memes they've heard
Get off your phone.
You belong on Sup Forumseddit
>being on Reddit for so long I figured every single person on Sup Forums would be more edgy and soul less!
>who would have known that there's actually more than one person browsing this board!
>muh marvelfag boogeyman
>honestly believes half of these posters aren't DCfags/fencesitters just being normal cynical, mean-spirited Sup Forums posters
Fencesitter here, fuck both sides. But tell me, why would the marvelfags be butthurt over this?
>DCEU goldenboy leaves
>Marvelfag spin: he's abandoning a sinking ship before it takes his career down with it
>Fact: the film has already been shot
>WB brings in Whedon, a director who MOST marvelfags loathe
>Marvelfag spin: Whedon's influence will add "le quips, le sjw shit" i.e. ruin the movie
>Fact: he's being tasked to edit, reshoot(?), etc and although this COULD potentially tank the movie, this is all conjecture at the moment
>somehow this narrative = butthurt marvel fanboys
In applying these mental gymnastics you're being perceived as something you hate: a capewar fag
Hey user, your post is going to be ignored.
>waaahh i made a shitty edgy joke no one liked
go back to that jim carrey thread you autist
Fun fact, underage child from Reddit:
having a differing opinion/saying edgy things does NOT constitute a violation of the global rules outlined here Sup
What IS a violation, however, is announcing a report. Congratulations, new friend & enjoy your 3 days away from Sup Forums
So just because your jokes are "edgy", i'm supposed to tolerate them? All of those "jokes" have been unoriginal, unfunny, and a quick way to spot an underage. Kind of like the Colbert memers.
I doubt anybody's being hypocritical. The people making the suicide jokes are probably the ones who have always been edgy faggots and the people who feel bad for Zack and think the jokes are in bad taste are the people who are more interested in actually discussing television & film than in telling random strangers on the internet to kill themselves.
did you just announce yourself reporting someone for announcing they reported someone?
The amount of immaturity on this board is disgusting. Zack is currently grieving over the second worst thing that has ever happened to him, the first being the critical reception to his shit films, and all he gets is jokes made by autists on a Chinese image board he doesn't read... He gave you sucker punch and this is how you repay him?!? I am deeply offended on his behalf
>He gave you the best cape flick since Spider-man 2 and this is how you repay him?!? I am deeply offended on his behalf
Nah m8. But given how salty capeshitters get, I'm sure someone has
>reddit is more edgy than Sup Forums
You're seriously embarrassing yourself
Sup Forums is edgy
>People come to Sup Forums for actual discussion and not just shit posting
Enjoy your summer stay friend!
queue Inception BWONG!
if you weren't new you'd know that Sup Forums isn't always le internet hate machine, sometimes anons feel things too, actually there's moralfags in every thread
I saw you post this in a thread earlier. You didn't get the replies you wanted so you started a thread with the exact same text. I hope you're doing okay OP, because this is really sad and pathetic.
Its almost as if hundreds of unique individuals post here and not all of them share an opinion. Weird, right?
>hundreds of unique individuals
cmon m8 it's like 40/50 max
At least one person actually knows what's going on
People find this place through mention on Rebbit, ED or via The Fappening leaks & immediately think this is some after-school flamewar club where everything is srs business; going full-edge 24/7 in a feeble attempt to "fit in" here. They assume that "old/b/" represents Sup Forums as a whole & act accordingly
>It's not whiteknighting. It's called being a fucking human being.
Congratulations bro. You are the moral authority posting on a board which routinely posts racism, snuff vids & child pornography. Way to go, champ!
See this right here? This is what hypocrisy looks like. A dipshit makes a callous suicide joke and gets so buttflustered when someone tags him back he starts typing gibberish "I ain't even mad" shit in response.
>In applying these mental gymnastics you're being perceived as something you hate: a capewar fag
I guess you missed yesterday's "HAHHAHHAAHAAHAAA" thread.
>Congratulations bro. You are the moral authority posting on a board which routinely posts racism, snuff vids & child pornography. Way to go, champ!
Don't try so hard to fit in
Quality post.
Nice sidestep
>>I guess you missed yesterday's "HAHHAHHAAHAAHAAA" thread.
>every thread about topic X is made by 1 person
if zack was my dad id kill myself as well
Someday, you're going to lose someone you love. It's going to hurt like nothing you've ever experienced before. You'll remember every instance where you let them down, every time you hurt them, even the times when you weren't old enough to understand *how* you hurt them, and you will cry so hard that your eyes feel raw.
And you will think of the time you posted an image mocking someone else's loss. This is your future. You bought and paid for it tonight. Have a wonderful life.
What a moralfag.
sup zack
did your daughter kill herself because you raped her? its common thing jew dads do i hear.
This is the shit OP talks about
>*sheathes sword
>"Victory is mine!"
Morality hasn't got shit to do with it. It's prophecy. It's self-fulfilling even. Welcome to reality.
He's wondering why the overwhelming majority are doing it. Sup Forums is a hivemind, don't delude yourself
i already have enough regrets without my loved ones being dead, still i bet it sucks, at least i'll never know what it's like to lose a kid because i'll never have any
One of the most cringeworthy things I've seen all week. I physically reacted to this
>at least i'll never know what it's like to lose a kid because i'll never have any
just like zacks daughter
I won't even remember the shit I wrote today on Sup Forums tomorrow, let alone when my relatives start dying in X amounts of years
>Dipshit makes a callous joke about suicide
>Told to kill self
>Dipshit responds with a joke about Snyder being shit and another callous suicide joke
Seems to me you are the only one buttflustered here new friend
you fucker
If Zackfags really love him they should just ignore the dead daughter jokes. Otherwise the meme machine will really ramp up.