Hollywood Insider Speaks Out, Claims a Global Pedophile Ring Controls Hollywood
Seems legit.
>didn't hear it on CNN so must be fake
id like a movie based on this premise.
where Kevin Hart is a cop but because he's so short he has to go undercover as a little kid in a hollywood sex party
He could buddy up with Rob Sneider
Is the constant reposting of this thread meant to make us more skeptical or dismissive of claims that such a ring exists?
back to Sup Forums to LARP as a detective. go make a breakthrough with seth rich.
It is what it is.
Eat shit and die shill.
I work in the industry and the fact that I haven't been treated to a year-end loli party bonus is telling me I haven't really made it ;_;
someone send this idea to Adam Sandler. He has 900 hours of Netflix time to fill every year
Did you take your Super Male Vitality today?
what am i looking at
So who is the "insider"?
There are definitely tons of pedos in film, sports, music, modeling etc. Basically, any environment where random adults are allowed to be alone with and in charge of attractive children under 16 for an extended period of time is going to be rife with abuse. That being said, I'm still waiting on the hard evidence of these organized "rings" of elite pedos in the United States. The closest thing I've seen thus far is is the whole Jeffery Epstein scandal, but seeing as both Clinton and Trump have well-verified ties to the guy nobody of note on either side of the political spectrum wants to bring it up.
You want to get really spooked look up why the pedo scandal in the UK has seemingly been stopped, ex PM Heath, and then wait for shit to hit the fan in the UK in June. We're talking legit formal charges of this shit on the highest ranking official in the country by actual police, not some neckbeards on the internet. Every string pulled will start to unravel these degenerate child molesters more and more until the world bares witness.
Nobody cares because the masses have a short memory. Most peoples' lives in the US are shitty or meaningless so they turn to TV and film to fill the void. Do you really think society is going to turn against the one thing that keeps them sane after the shit they put up in work, school, etc.?
Don't let these threads die, spread the truth, do not let children continue to be harmed, fight against the death of innocence. If you don't then who will?
>wakes up dead with two suicide gunshot wounds in the back of the head
No surprise really, Jews are all pedos and hollywood is full of them.
I can't think of any other explanation as to how Shia LeBeouf got starring roles in so many Spielberg-produced films.
I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine. ;_;
>and jews would have us believe that these people don't deserve to exist
>that webm
what the fuck is wrong with these war mongering kikes
Still haven't it heard it anywhere that anyone has ever heard of
jews think fucking kids is okay
This can't be real. Some one, anyone please, tell me that this isn't real. Tell me that this is some shit Sup Forums put together. This can't be real, this can't and won't be real. I refuse to believe this.
>Talmud was written thousands of years ago
>"Israel" was established in 1947
Something about this seems not quite right...
Doesn't this mean they're /our guys/?
Depends what's your job, ain't nobody gonna call some random extra to that, you have to get to director/producer level.
read the talmud and find out
>doesnt name names
are you retarded?
Actually this particular one is on the Saudis, Hadabah is Yemen
Technically? Yes. I am retarded.
Dude- you're a little too good at this....
I didn't know jews liked little boys too i was under the impression that was more of a muslim thing.
Saudis and Israelis are both worthless parasites.
Oh but pizzagate is a Sup Forums conspiracy, right?
supossed modern art
Same guy that is the White House leaker.
Poor kid man, the world is already gone into way too fucked up ways, we just need some asteroid to hit us and wipe us out man its just too much.
i cant wait till you get vaporized by a laser as your puny and pathetic planet disintegrates into uncountable numbers of particles
at the end this whole planet will be dust, why don't even have to wait that much, extiction events are a natural ocurrence.
think how every plan, every centenial project the maniacs have now will be irremediably meaningless
It is. The Talmud is skewed rather heavily against gentiles. A lot of it is rather odd, and you won't find many rabbis defending it with enthusiasm today.
>implying retards that follow Talmud word by word doesnt exist
Talmud. These are truly the people who murdered Jesus. What a bunch of degenerates they've become. The Lord only ever told them the truth and instead of submitting they murdered him.
god lord look at those noses
dont be pathetic, humanity is the only relevant thing in the known universe
the one in the middle looks like a fucking witch man, gives off creepy vibes
Back during the election when the emails leaked the alt right conspiracy retards thought they found proof of elites talking about sacrificing humans in a practice called "spirit cooking". Turned out that "spirit cooking" was the name of a stupid art exhibit where a woman "artist" laid down in fake blood nude to shock people. But the conspiracy retards kept believing it anyway.
desu that part "i will sacrifice a chicken to moloch" was funny
Ever watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine with the alien race known as the "Ferengi"? Their "Rules of Acquisition" is based on this shit,
Its Marina Abramovich
(non-practicing) Jew here, it's literal nonsense. It's about as real as the bible quote in Pulp Fiction.
Probably even less so, the third to last one at the bottom "Rosh Hashanah" is literally just New Years for Jews, not a chapter of the talmud. Which shows you how true the rest of it is
It is to Orthodox, Hasidic and Conservative Jews.
I really want this to be true and to be exposed.
Then we can dismantle the current system and start over and maybe quality content can start being produced again.
It's terrible for the children of course but if these degenerate scumbags are gonna fuck kids they could at least not make shit movies to compensate for their evil.
This is one of the most schizophrenic Sup Forums infographics I've ever seen
Hehe the stupid goys are easily tricked, brother.
Care for some goy blood matzah soup?
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer
>Thinking the jewposter is Sup Forums
Enjoying your first day outside of plebbit?
>didn't hear it on Breitbart so must be fake
Yeah. So much better real news there.
>online Talmud
Check for yourself. It is all in PDF format. The one about sex with children ages of 3, 9+ is real. Page 43, right side, new paragraph of,
and continued until Sanhedrin 55a.
>Detective, you need to get to the bottom of this
>many big Hollywood producers are Jewish
I knew it!
I bet those stars are molesting children in their hidden basements! Just like the hidden basement under the pizza place!
The Talmud and the Torah are two different things, right?
read the torah, it's not much better.
Funny you should mention the press...
Talmud is the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law and legend comprising the Mishnah and the Gemara. There are two versions of the Talmud: the Babylonian Talmud (which dates from the 5th century AD but includes earlier material) and the earlier Palestinian or Jerusalem Talmud.
The Torah is the central reference of Judaism. It has a range of meanings. It can most specifically mean the first five books of the twenty-four books of the Tanakh, and it usually includes the rabbinic commentaries.
Jesus christ way to rub salt on the fucking wound
>Just like the hidden basement under the pizza place!
That was a meme joke taken pretty far. Of course it wasn't real.
The purpose of the (((Communists in Hollywood))) is not the production of political movies openly advocating Communism. Their purpose is to corrupt our moral premises by corrupting non-political movies, by introducing small, casual bits of propaganda into innocent stories. The principle of free speech does not require that we furnish them with the means to preach their ideas, and does not imply that we owe them jobs and support to advocate our own destruction at our own expense.
Ayn Rand for the Motion Picture Alliance for Preservation of American Ideals
Jokes aside those pics are pretty creepy. At this point pretty sure even the ones who say they're Christian or Muslim are low key Jews.
>ITT:samefag goes rampant
None of this has anything to do with anything.
JIDF please go.
I'll never understand what happened in hollywood, does nordics can't operate a videocamera?
REALLY makes me think
Especially since you sand monkeys worship a literal pedo
>Dave Daubenmire, the host of the webcast Pass the Salt Live, interviewed Robberson this week. During the interview, the former insider spoke about an alleged global Satanic pedophile ring that controls Hollywood.
And into the trash it goes.
Shitskins being subhuman gutter trash doesn't mean the kikes are less of subhuman trash.
>jews in charge of everything
>the white man's his bitch
>"Jews are subhuman"
I never understood this.
holy fuck
I don't trust """"""""News Sources""""""""""" that don't have a Galactic Metaphysics subsection. Thanks OP.
>galactic metaphysics.
>not intergalactic metaphysics.
>didn't hear it on CNN so must be fake
And in other news...
They arrested like 400 people in a laptop sex trafficking ring recently.
So I take it that you don't watch any Hollywood movies or any media produced by any Jews. Does that apply to books, music, etc.?
Well that proves it. Pack it up boys, nothing to see here.
>a laptop sex trafficking ring