Colors in ur lang


Other urls found in this thread:ário-Português-Talian-Dissionàrio-Portoghese-ebook/dp/B016SGEG18

Black - črna
White - bela
Gray - siva
Dark blue - temno modra
Light blue - svetlo modra
Pink - roza
Green - zelena
Brown - rjava
Red - rdeča
Orange - oranžna
Yellow - rumena
Violet/purple - vijolična
Silver - srebrna
Golden - zlata

Black - Negro
White - Blanco
Gray - Gris
Dark blue - Azul fuerte
Light blue - Azul cielo
Pink - Rosa
Green - Verde
Brown - Café
Red - Rojo
Orange - Naranja
Yellow - Amarillo
Violet/purple - Violeta/Morado
Silver - Plateado
Golden - Dorado


VERY problematic

Чepный Chernii Black
Бeлый Belii White
Cиний Sinii Dark Blue
Гoлyбoй Goluboi Light Blue
Poзoвый Rozovi Pink
Зeлeный Zelenii Green
Кopичнeвый Korichnevii Brown
Кpacный Krasnii Red
Opaнжeвый Oranjevii Orange
Жeлтый Zheltii Yellow
Фиoлeтoвый Fioletovii Violet
Пypпypный Purpurnii Purple
Cepeбpяный Serebryanii Silver
Зoлoтoй Zolotoii Golden

Aren't purpura and morado different tones?

Black - negre
White - blanc
Gray - gris
Dark blue - blau fort/marí
Light blue - blau fluix/cel
Pink - rosa
Green - verd
Brown - marró
Red - vermell
Orange - taronja
Yellow - groc
Violet/purple - violeta/lila
Silver - platajat
Golden - daurat

combine pic related with this

if we gonna get picky yes


Black - Schwarz
White - Weiß
Gray - Grau
Dark blue - Dunkelblau
Light blue - Hellblau
Pink - Rosa
Green - Grün
Brown - Braun
Red - Rot
Orange - Orange
Yellow - Gelb
Violet/purple - Lila
Silver - Silber
Golden - Gold


Black - américain
White - blanc
Gray - gris
blue - bleu
Pink - rose
Green - vert
Brown - marron
Red - rouge
Orange - orange
Yellow - jaune
purple - violet
Silver - argent
Golden - or

Black - Noir
White - Blanc
Gray - Gris
Dark blue - Bleu foncé
Light blue - Bleu clair
Pink - Rose
Green - Vert
Brown - Marron
Red - Rouge
Orange - Orange
Yellow - Jaune
Violet/purple - Violet/pourpre
Silver - Argenté
Golden - Doré

Stop being wh*Te.

in order from the picture

>bleu marine
>bleu ciel
>purple ? that's pink to me mon gars
>argent (or you know just grey)

Black - Schwarz
White - Weiß
Gray - Grau
Dark blue - Dunkelblau
Light blue - Hellblau
Pink - Rosa, Pink
Green - Grün
Brown - Braun
Red - Rot
Orange - Orange
Yellow - Gelb
Violet/purple - Violett, Lila
Silver - Silber
Golden - Gold

dunno what's more hateful, an unitedstatian "MUH HERRITAGE" or a brazilian "MUH HERRITAGE"

Black: Kara/Siyah
Blue: Mavi
Green: Yeşil
Red: Kırmızı/Kızıl
Yellow: Sarı
Purple: Mor
Golden: Altın
White: Ak/Beyaz
light blue: açık mavi
brown: kahverengi
orange: turuncu
violet: menekşe moru
silver: gümüş
grey: gri or boz
pink: pembe

If you're that mad because I'd rather post something from a language I grew with, instead of posting a language that will inevitably pop up in this thread: stay mad and post Spanish for the 100th time.


i already posted in my second OFFICIAL language it's even sad because i learned those words at school just to pass grade then i had to google them to contrib to the thread

>i already posted in my second OFFICIAL language

dunno what's more hateful, an unitedstatian "MUH HERRITAGE" or a smuggler "MUH INJUNNESS"

Huh this is really latin, nice

Is this Catalan?

it's a living language with made up words that barely resemble the original dead native ones
but yeah i'm not even trying to brag here, unlike you venetofag

It is, but for the wallet-stealing injun he should be posting Spanish only.


azul claro

black - preto
white - branco
grey - cinza
dark blue - azul escuro
light blue - azul claro
pink - rosa
green - verde
brown - castanho
red - vermelho
orange - laranja
yellow - amarelo
violet - violeta/ rojo
purple - púrpura
silver - prata
golden - dourado

where does that come from?

from Africa

kek, good one

I knew injuns were dumber than humans, but not that much.


Black - zwart
White - wit
Gray - grijs
Dark blue - donkerblauw
Light blue - lichtblauw
Pink - roze
Green - groen
Brown - bruin
Red - rood
Orange - oranje
Yellow - geel
Violet/purple - violet/paars
Silver - zilver
Golden - gouden


>seriously comparing someone born and raised in Paraguay and Catalonia with someone born in Brazil trying to speak venetian because it's their great grandpa's language


>>seriously comparing someone born and raised in Paraguay and Catalonia with someone born in Brazil trying to speak venetian because it's their great grandpa's language
>because it's their great grandpa's language

>I don't speak Talian since I was a kid
>since I WAS A KID

>I'm a special snowflake
alright then, post it again with dictionary correction

ps: for anyone else that thinks "Talian" sounds bullshit i actually checked it

holy shit even for a taconigger you're dumb as fuck

Black- nigra
White- blanka
Red- ruĝa
Orange- oranĝkolora
Yellow- flava
Green- verda
Blue- blua
Violet- violkolora

sooooo what is this?ário-Português-Talian-Dissionàrio-Portoghese-ebook/dp/B016SGEG18
>Spoken by more than 500,000 descendants of Italian immigration to Brazil, Talian is a language of Neolatin origin, unique in the world, based on Venetian dialects and formed in Brazil from the immigrants who arrived here.


How commonly is guaraní spoken in Paraguay?

black: svart
white: hvit
grey: grå
dark blue: mörkeblå
light blue: lyseblå
rosa: rosa
green: grönn
brown: brun
red: röd
orange: oransje
yellow: gul
violet: violett
purple: lilla
silver: sölv
golden: gyllen
quite similar, not surprising

Generally the English names in the OP pic, but “grey” is “gray” in America, the dark blue would just be called blue, “violet” is usually called “purple” unless you’re some smug intellectual, and that “purple” would be called “pink”. Seriously though, why would anyone get purple and pink confused?

not very common compared with the jopará dialect, which is the sensible thing to use (spanish words covering the holes guarani has)

Why not just oranĝa?

this is so weird. it has some weird vaguely asian sound to it, like chinese.

Black: karjalankarhukoira
Blue: saksanpaimenkoira
Green: villakoira
Red: kultainennoutaja
Yellow: mäyräkoira
Purple: maltankoira
Golden: shetlanninlammaskoira
White: vinttikoira
light blue: saksanpystykorva
brown: kainkoira
orange: kiinanharjakoira
violet: lapinporokoira
silver: pohjanpystykorva
grey: puolanajokoira
pink: mopsi

most of these are just color-of-something aren't they?

I put it into Google Translate, and it’s just a bunch of dog breeds. I’m not sure if Finnish is weird, or if this guy’s just joking.

Black - Shahor
White - Lavan
Gray - Afor
Dark blue - Kahol
Light blue - Thelet
Pink - Varod
Green - Yarok
Brown - Hum
Red - Adom
Orange - Katom
Yellow - Tsahov
Violet/purple - Sagol
Silver - Kasuf
Golden - Zahov


>forgot to edit out the "in Albanian"

Black - μαύρο (mavro)
White - άσπρο (aspro) or λευkό (lefko)
Gray - γkρι (gree)
Dark blue - μπλε (bleh)
Light blue - γαλάζιο (galazio)
Pink - ροζ (roz)
Green - πράσινο (prasino)
Brown - kαφέ (kafeh)
Red - kόkkινο (kokkino) or ερυθρό (erithro)
Orange - πορτοkαλί (portokalee)
Yellow - kίτρινο (kitrino)
Violet/purple - μωβ (mov)
Silver - ασημί (asimee)
Golden - χρυσό (chreeso)

>Black - américain

what the fuck is this language, Turkish?

Before the spanish come there were others people here, you know?

the mapuches were TÜRK

black - du
white - gwyn
red - coch
blue - glas
green- gwyrdd
yellow - melyn
purple - porffor
orange - oren
grey - llwydd
sort of like red/brown/dried blood ish? - rhudd or rhuddgoch

Black - czarny
White - biały
Gray - siwy/szary
Dark blue - ciemnoniebieski / granatowy
Light blue - jasnoniebieski / błękitny
Pink - różowy
Green - zielony
Brown - brązowy
Red - czerwony
Orange - pomarańczowy
Yellow - żółty
Violet/purple - fioletowy
Silver - srebrny
Golden - złoty

>Black - Negro
>White - Blanco
>Gray - Gris
>Dark blue - Azul fuerte, Azul Marino
>Light blue - Celeste, Turquesa
>Pink - Rosa
>Green - Verde
>Brown - Marrón
>Red - Rojo
>Orange - Naranja
>Yellow - Amarillo
>Violet/purple - Violeta/Púrpura
>Silver - Plateado
>Golden - Dorado

azul oscuro azul claro

very interesting, lila and schwarz


Black - svart
White - vit
Gray - grå
Dark blue - mörkblå
Light blue - ljusblå
Pink - rosa
Green - grön
Brown - brun
Red - röd
Orange - orange
Yellow - gul
Violet/purple - violett/lila
Silver - silver
Golden - guld

Black - Jungleneger
White - Schneeneger
Gray - Betonneger
Dark blue - Franzose
Light blue - Komischer Franzose
Pink - Römische Larper
Green - Blätterneger
Brown - Grußneger
Red - Amerikaneger
Orange - Sumpfdeutsche
Yellow - Bienenmenschen
Violet/purple - Griechische Larper
Silver - Silber
Golden - (Deutsches) Gold in der Schweiz


I used to think it was a German word until saw my little sister watching this show.



Black - Svart
White - Vit
Grey - Grå
Dark blue - Mörkblå
Light blue - Ljusblå
Pink - Rosa
Green - Grön
Brown - Brun
Red - Röd
Orange - Orange
Yellow - Gul
Violet - Violett
Purple - Lila
Silver - Silverfärgad/Silver
Golden - Guldfärgad/Gyllene

Black - kara
White - ak
Gray - sur
Dark blue - kara kök
Light blue - akšïl kök
Pink - kïzgïlt
Green - jasïl, kök
Brown - koŋïr
Red - kïzïl
Orange - kïzgïlt-sarï
Yellow - sarï
Violet - külgin
Purple -kankïzïl
Silver - kümis
Golden - altïn

black - valkoinen
white - sininen
gray - keltainen
dark blue - vaaleanpunainen
light blue - harmaa
pink - ponk
green - punainen
brown - ruskea
red - vihreä
orange - oranki
yellow - keltanainen
violet - violeetti
silver - kulta
golden - hopea

For some reason we use same words for colors and dog breeds, I don't really know what's up with that and to be honest it creates quite a lot of confusion.

Black: karjalankarhukoira
Blue: saksanpaimenkoira
Green: villakoira
Red: kultainennoutaja
Yellow: mäyräkoira
Purple: maltankoira
Golden: shetlanninlammaskoira
White: vinttikoira
light blue: saksanpystykorva
brown: kainkoira
orange: kiinanharjakoira
violet: lapinporokoira
silver: pohjanpystykorva
grey: puolanajokoira
pink: mopsi

Oh yeah, it could also be rožnata. I guess that's a bit more "proper".

Lad, do you expect me to know shit about your turkish-like 'languages'?

Black - Kum-Jung(검정)
White - Ha-yan(하얀)
Gray - Hoei(회)
Dark blue - Jinhan-Parang(진한 파랑)
Light blue - Pargeun-Parang(밝은 파랑)
Pink - Pin-keu(핑크)
Green - Cho-rok(초록)
Brown - Gal(갈)
Red - BBal-gan(빨강)
Orange - O-ren-ji(오렌지)
Yellow - No-rang(노랑)
Violet/purple - Bora(보라)
Silver - Eun(은)
Golden - Hwang-Geum(황금)

>tfw colours are verbs
>the suffix ‘âw/an’ means “it is being”
These are the inanimate variants
>Black kaskitewâw-it’s like coal
>white wâpiskâw-it’s the colour of light
>grey pihkonâkwan-it’s like ash
>Blue sîpihkwâw-it is river coloured
>lightblue sîpihkonâkwan-it’s sky coloured
>Pink wâpikwanîwinâkwan-it’s lightly coloured
>green askihtakwâw-it’s the colour of the earth
>brown kaskitew-osâwâw -it’s gunpowder yellow
>red mihkwâw-it is blood coloured
>Orange osâwi-mihkwâw -it’s yellow+red
>yellow osâwâw-it’s phlegm/bile coloured
>purple/violet mihko-sîpihkwâw (guess that)
>silver sôniyâw-it is silver[metal] coloured. (Also the word for money. Go figure)
>gold osâwi-sôniyâw -it’s yellowish silver
eeehhhhhh howd i do?

Black - 黒色
White - 白色
Gray - 灰色
Dark blue - 群青色
Light blue - 水色
Pink - 桃色
Green - 緑色
Brown - 茶色
Red - 赤色
Orange - 橙色
Yellow - 黄色
Violet/purple - 紫色
Silver - 銀色
Golden - 金色