you will see my head floating in water...
Guess how many times
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It at least three times
David, the capt, and the marine guy see it at moments.
It doesn't show David looking at it. It's only shown twice.
Might have to watch it again, I seriously think it was shown 3-4 times.
it was at least 3 times. it's pretty strange
Yep, it was at least 3-4 times.
who was her husband? like i dont remember her crying over anyone dying
From the bios
>Rosenthal’s partner is one of the passengers being kept in hypersleep, effectively forcing a years-long break in their relationship, so Rosenthal is having “a little fling” with one of her fellow soldiers to help pass the time.
oh, so shes another that had it comming
I enjoyed the movie a lot, but most of the cast was there to die and didn't have any emotion since they where random people you didn't care about.
Odd fact - the actress was the same one in the Wolverine
That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
Welcome to women.
not to go all Sup Forums, but afaik all the people that got ayy lamo'd were race mixers or queers and her (cheater or whatever)
i think Ridley Scott might be Sam Raimi
Tennessee Wife was a non-cheater, non-racemixer.
But you are right, a widow and Widower who are white and hetrosexual where the only survivors, hell one was from the south.
she didn't know her place, i.e. by her man's side (or the kitchen)
thats why, at the first sign of trouble, she panics and ends up killing herself
Scott is /ourguy/
It was like some weird callback to Ash in the deleted egg-morphing scene.