What's this guy's name again, Sup Forums?
What's this guy's name again, Sup Forums?
Faggot Steve
He's bonafide
How long until we get a remake that fixes all the shit that dragged this movie down?
He's the god damn paterfamilias
fuck of pleb OBWAT is literally perfect
>Whoa whoa whoa you can't swear to my fee-anz-ay
Agreed, it's probably my favorite coen bros movie
We'll you can't MARRY my WIFE
watched this movie with my sisters when i was 8 till the dvd was scratched to hell
Vernon Waldrup.
*Vernon T Waldrup
he's a suitoooor
>tfw we'll never get a prequel detailing Ulysses' heroic deeds before he got sent off to prison
>mama said you was hit by a train
>nothin left
>just a grease spot on the L&N
He's a suitor!
He's bonafide!
Was he /ourguy/?
>not listening to pappy O'daniel's flower hour every week
I have it on good authority that Pappy "Flour Cuck" O'Daniel is a Fop man. Puts it in his hair every morning, yessir.
you watch your language this here is a public image board